Copyright © 2017 by Barbara Clark
It doesn’t matter how you celebrate this holiday season—with Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Winter Solstice, Chinese New Year, etc. etc. Or even if you don’t celebrate the season at all. But I think most of us would agree this is the season to celebrate the spirit of love.
Because animals are naturally uninhibited, they express themselves far more clearly than most humans. This is particularly true when they demonstrate love for the humans in their lives.
Animals are fully present in every moment. And they live only in the moment. That’s all any of you have anyway. What you call the past or the future are all wrapped up in the present moment.
The greatest gift you can give others (human or not) is to know you (and all beings) are God, to live fully in each moment as your divine essence. You can give no greater treasure than this.
Then you will be celebrating and allowing the miracle of love. You will be living the spirit of love. There is no better time of year to do that than during this holiday season—no matter how you celebrate, or even if you do not celebrate.
Then live that miracle and spirit of love all year round.
Copyright © 2017 by John Cali
You might not associate love with bomber pilots. But you’ll love this fascinating story. It clearly demonstrates the spirit and miracle of love.
The storyteller is the legendary newsman, Tom Brokaw. The bomber pilot in the story is also a legendary figure. This video is longer than we normally prefer. But I think you’ll find the surprise ending well worth the wait.
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Thank you, John. Your message is truly inspiring and so true in being in the present moment. I’m getting better with it every day and your message is encouraging along with the beautiful story told by Tom Brokaw. I had never heard of it before and it filled my heart with love and warmth.
I appreciate all you do in putting these messages out in the world of love and truth. May you have a blessed New Year, my friend. God bless
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Pat. I really appreciate your kind words.
I’d heard that candy bomber story narrated by Tom Brokaw before. But it’s one of those stories I can listen to again and again.
Thanks again, Pat. May you also have a blessed new year filled with God’s light and love!
Ron B.
We have experiences which lead us to make decisions.
Those decisions either belong to the love side or the fear side of the equation.
Both sides are necessary or there could not exist an equation.
Momentum is a huge factor which leads to birth and death.
Clearly we tend to be slightly skewed toward births and survival.
John Cali
Thank you, Ron. Happy New Year!
George Ball
This is a great story. I have a vivid recollection of the time of the Candy Bomber and glad to see it in a movie. Now I can have a merrier Christmas realizing that I had escaped the worst of those days. Love, George
John Cali
Thanks very much, George. That is a great story during a historically sad time.
Jan Craft
Wonderful! Peace to all beings!
John Cali
Thank you, Jan. Have a blessed holiday season.
I see more and more people leaning toward and serving the God in themselves.
It is Joy, the Joy of Creator Love.
May everyone feel that love this season and forever.
John Cali
Thank you, Mikala. I believe what you said is THE key to peace on earth — people seeing the God in themselves, and then in all others.
Jean Horn
This is a beautiful reminder. Each person and me is a god walking about. So filled with love, can there be any doubt.
lots of love and joy, always
John Cali
Thank you, Jeannie.
Love and peace to you, dear,