Many people who are on the spiritual path for a long time, know and can see that we create our own reality…UNTIL…something negative happens to them. That can be in any aspect of life, like a job, money, relationship or health. “I did not create this accident,” one of my friends recently said to me. She was convinced that she was more a victim of something than the creator of her unfortunate situation.
Can we be honest with ourselves and recognize when we live from our ego mind or from the heart? Can we see that all events are neutral? But that our perceptions, beliefs and experiences are filters through which we value the events?
Another situation that is difficult for people to see and accept is when a young child suffers. “How can this baby be so ill? He can’t have created this disease!”
Let’s see what Spirit has to say about this.
One of the hardest challenges humans have ever faced is in the idea they create their own realities. Seth and Jane Roberts said that many years ago.
Even today, many people on a spiritual path struggle with that idea.
Can you say a tiny baby is responsible for an illness s/he is facing? With all kindness and compassion, we would say “Yes!”
“But how can an innocent newborn be that responsible” you may ask. One of our readers recently asked Johnny and Berna that very question.
Our answer is simple.
First, you do not understand who you are. Second, you do not understand the immense power you carry within you. Even as a newborn baby.
You see, friends, each of you have the power within yourselves to create and destroy worlds and universes.
You rarely recognize this power. Perhaps even more rarely do you use this power.
This is the same power God/Goddess possesses. It’s the power to create, or to destroy. Even as tiny newborn babies you have this power.
Before that baby emerges from her/his mother’s womb, he/she knew exactly what lay before them upon physical birth. And the baby freely and consciously chose the details of his/her birth: the parents, the place, the circumstances, and so on.
This applies to all of you. For you are all Goddess/God.
Now, we realize our words here today will almost certainly raise as many questions as they may have answered.
We’ll continue this subject in one of our next posts.
Copyright © 2024 by John Cali and Berna Copray
Great topic! A favorite. I often think about the concept of how we create our own reality as it relates to time. If time does not exist, and everything is really happening in the now, then it is only the illusion of time which makes the process of creating our own realities seem to take a bit of time.
This helps give me the confidence in knowing that I can create whatever I want. It’s already done. It has been said that once you conceive of something, then it is real. Or it is on the way, surely, if the intention is true. Knowing this, we can release the details of how and when, and relax into it. And surely, it will be perfect.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Andy! Sorry for the delay in replying. I think we’re finally getting our technical issues resolved.
It was many years ago I first came across these ideas when I “accidentally” learned about Seth and all his wonderful spiritual teachings.
As you said, whatever we want to create is already done. I found great comfort in that idea. I used to struggle with this idea of creating our own reality. But it’s so simple—once we relax and let go, the outcome is perfect.
I can see in my life where i desired a specific event (on many occasions, but I will mention this one). Many years ago I was feeling trapped in my life. The only way out I saw was either to end my life or see my husband leave with a woman he loved. No one was there at the time but after a few years it happened, exactly as I imagined. I totally forgot that moment when I created it. I wanted him to be happy and on the most part he is. But that is his responsibility not mine. Although I was upset at the time I knew I created what happened. We are still friends and care about each other but the stress is gone.
Yes we do create our own reality but forget that we do so..
Great topic Berna, John and Spirit
love and hugs
Berna Copray
That is a good example, Jeannie. You really must have felt very bad. I am glad there is no stress anymore between the two of you. I think it is a great sign of love when you can let a loved one go with a peaceful mind and heart instead of being jealous or having other negative feelings. Other people are free spirits too, who want to follow their specific path. There is only one responsibility a person has and that is to follow the nudges and impulses given by spirit. Take care of your own path, not someone else’s. And this is not egoistic!
We are glad you liked the post!
love and hugs to you, Jeannie