Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?

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Many people who are on the spiritual path for a long time, know and can see that we create our own reality…UNTIL…something negative happens to them. That can be in any aspect of life, like a job, money, relationship or health. “I did not create this accident,” one of my friends recently said to me. She was convinced that she was more a victim of something than the creator of her unfortunate situation.

Can we be honest with ourselves and recognize when we live from our ego mind or from the heart?… Read more

What Is the Purpose of Animal Suffering and Death? by John Cali


We received quite a few comments on two of our recent articles, The Power of Animals and The Power of Animals, Part 2.

Pat, one of our readers, left the following comments and questions. With her permission I’m including them here:

John – first of all I wanted to say I just watched and enjoyed your participation in the May 2012 YouTube version of the documentary Spirit Channelers in America. The information is truly enlightening and sychronistic with my personal growth right now.Read more