Do We Really Create Our Own Reality?

posted in: Blog, spiritual power | 4


Many people who are on the spiritual path for a long time, know and can see that we create our own reality…UNTIL…something negative happens to them. That can be in any aspect of life, like a job, money, relationship or health. “I did not create this accident,” one of my friends recently said to me. She was convinced that she was more a victim of something than the creator of her unfortunate situation.

Can we be honest with ourselves and recognize when we live from our ego mind or from the heart?… Read more

Communication with Spirit

Since more and more people are awakening, more people are consciously connecting with non-physical sources. Therefore, we thought we’d make a post about this.


It is critical, in these wild times on your planet to stay connected to Spirit. Of course, you are always connected. You cannot be disconnected, for you ARE Spirit.

We know it’s tempting at times to question or doubt the information you bring through when you are speaking with Spirit. It does not matter by which name you call Spirit.… Read more

It’s Not Your Fault

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 4

Alan Cohen tells an interesting story about the Burning Man festival. It seems an unidentified man went around to various people, all strangers to him, and said “It’s not your fault.” He said nothing else to them, just those 4 words.

The people’s reactions were amazing, ranging from joyful laughter to bursting into tears. So what happened?


What happened at the Burning Man festival was a perfect example of what we consider the major problem facing humanity today.

The problem is simply this: You have forgotten who you are.Read more

God Is All That Is

Depending on your spiritual/religious beliefs (or lack of them), our title today could have radically different meanings for different folks.

Below is a recent, slightly edited conversation between Spirit and Berna. She had asked Spirit for clarification of the terms “conscious being,” “sentient being,” and “souled being.” As Spirit says below, the terms you use don’t matter—it is all God.


You and Johnny believe—to put it simply—God is All That Is.

If that’s true, then God is in everything, in all that exists.Read more

Your Best Advisor

Back in the late 1800s in the American state of Vermont, a minor family squabble blew up into a major confrontation. One hot-headed family member called the police. The matter ended up in court.

The local neighbors thought that was a huge overreaction to a minor difference of opinion. The end result was the hot-headed one was driven out of his hometown, never able to return.

A bit before all that happened, the legendary writer Rudyard Kipling penned his famous poem, “If.”Read more

Hard Work

I recently read an interview with a millennial worker. (The millennial generation were born in the last two decades of the 20th century.)

The worker talked about how she put all she had, all she was, into her work. In her words, “I am so obsessed  with reaching…success…that I’ve forgotten how to actually enjoy life.” (Emphasis added)

Her work had become her God.


In your modern world, particularly in Western society, you have replaced the real God with a false god.Read more

Soul Contracts

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 2

If you’ve been on the spiritual path very long, you’ve probably heard of “soul contracts.” But what are they?


There is no being in your life by accident—whether it be a human, animal, plant, other sentient being. There are no accidents, only soul contracts.

We realize this may be, as you say, a “hard pill to swallow.” But literally every aspect of your lives, from the most minute to the most monumental, is there because you have put it there.Read more

Thoughts and Synchronicity

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 2

The Miriam Webster dictionary defines “synchronicity” as the coincidental occurrence of events and especially psychic events (such as similar thoughts in widely separated persons or a mental image of an unexpected event before it happens) that seem related but are not explained by conventional mechanisms of causality used especially in the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung

We generally associate synchronicity with happy events. But synchronicity also works in creating unhappy events.

Years ago, two members of my family lost their sons in untimely, tragic deaths.Read more

Religion: Curse Or Blessing?

The essential work of religion is to help us recognize and recover the divine image in ourselves and in everything. Whatever we call it, this “image of God” is absolute and unchanging. There is nothing we can do to increase it or decrease it. ~ Reverend Richard Rohr


We have often said religion is neither desirable nor undesirable. It depends entirely upon the humans who practice any particular religion or follow any particular religious practices.

Berna and Johnny grew up in the Roman Catholic tradition.Read more

Are You A Good Listener?

One of the major challenges of today’s world is listening. How good a listener are you?


If you are on a conscious path of spiritual growth, you know how important it is to ask God for help when you need it. This is desirable and good. For you all depend on God (or upon whatever you perceive God to be) for everything, including your physical survival and well-being. And God is always listening.

But it also works the other way around.Read more

The Dark Side of God

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 2

I’m sure our title caught your attention. Does God really have a dark side?

We’ve talked before about the legendary Brazilian spiritual healer, John of God. What you may not know is John is now serving a prison sentence of almost 20 years. At his age, that’s effectively a life sentence.

Although his healing work is being carried on now by others, John is no longer part of the work, for obvious reasons.

So how did such a talented, genuine healer come to such an end?Read more

The Perfect Person

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 2


You’ve probably heard it said, “There is nothing to seek and nothing to find.” (Attributed to Marty Rubin.)

Many humans spend entire lifetimes looking outside themselves for what they will never find “out there.”

Do you want to change the world? To eliminate all violence, war, and hatred? Do you want to live in a world filled with love, kindness, and compassion? Do you want to find the perfect person, perhaps your soulmate, to travel life’s road with?Read more

Legion of Light

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 4


This is a true story. You might call it a Christmas story. But we’ve changed the names, identities, and other details to protect the privacy of the people involved.

One winter morning long ago, Ann sent a strange email to her close friend Joan. Joan’s Uncle Joe, who’d passed over years earlier, had visited Ann the night before.

Joan’s brother Tony was on a work assignment in a war zone on the other side of the world. Recently, there had been a surge in the violence and bloodshed there.Read more

Playing Cat and Mouse

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 2



One of our readers asked us about this issue:
I understand that the rule in the animal world is: eat or be eaten. But I can’t understand why a cat “plays” for fun with a mouse before he kills the mouse. That seems so (unnecessarily) cruel.

We’ve written about animals a few times in the past. This post is a bit different from those earlier ones.


You’re imposing upon animals human characteristics. Animals, wild or domestic, never hold cruel intentions.Read more

The Master Within

posted in: Blog, spiritual power | 2

Many of us grew up being taught to always seek help and wisdom outside ourselves. Growing up in a Roman Catholic family, that was certainly my experience. And maybe yours too.


  • All of you are masters. The only differences that exist among you are the various levels of awareness of your mastershjp.
  • We know many of you have spent much time reading books, attending classes, consulting spiritual teachers, and so on. There’s nothing wrong with any of that.
  • But there must come a time when you let all that go, and consult the master within.

Read more

Mirror Mirror on the Wall: Is What Seems Real, Real At All?

posted in: Blog, spiritual power | 24

There are more things to heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. ~ William Shakespeare, Hamlet

A monkey asking mirror, mirror on the wall, what is real?

Photo by Andre Moulton on Unsplash

This week we’re featuring a post from our friend, Karen Gordon. It’s pretty thought-provoking. It’s longer than our usual posts, but I think you’ll enjoy it. Karen’s a terrific writer. Here she is:


It happened spontaneously the first time, and I kept it to myself. The second, third, fourth (and so on), it happened with intention and focus.Read more

Evil and Its Battle with Good

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 3

What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil. ~ Friedrich Nieitzche,
Beyond Good and Evil

Even if, like me, you pay little attention to the news media today, it seems obvious there’s an angry war going on between “good” and “evil.”

This week we’re featuring an article by my dear friend and brother, Ted Murray. Ted’s an accomplished writer and spiritual teacher. He’s also a great tennis coach.

In Ted’s message today he talks about the battle between the forces of good and evil, and what we can do about it.Read more

The Voice of an Angel

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 18

We shall find peace. We shall hear the angels. We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds. ~ Anton Chekov


Music is well said to be the speech of angels. ~ Thomas Carlyle

We’ve talked about angels a fair bit over the past few months. It’s one subject I never tire of. But I know some of you do. So this will be our last angel post for a while.


The reason most of you do not hear the angels, or experience them, is not because you don’t believe in them.Read more