Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet. ~ Colette, French novelist, 1873-1954
My spirit guides are particularly fond of dogs and cats, and of all animals, as I am. They say domestic pets, particularly dogs and cats, are often the best teachers and healers for humans.
All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it. ~ Samuel Butler, English author, 1835-1902
We ask you to think about these qualities of your pets, and perhaps you will gain some insight into the many reasons humans and animals are so drawn to each other.
- Animals have little to learn from humans, but humans have much to learn from animals.
- One main difference between humans and animals is animals are joyously uninhibited. They don’t care what anyone thinks about them.
- Animals radiate powerful energy that can touch the most hardened of human hearts.
- Animals live fully in the present moment. They never live in the human-created illusions of past or future.
- Animals have no fear of disease or death.
- Animals never doubt their worthiness, unlike so many humans.
- All animals want to do is simply be themselves. Nothing more, nothing less.
And so it is.
Adapted from Spirit Oracle Cards by John Cali and Spirit
In this short and beautifully-filmed video, Oneness: The Sound of the Cosmic Purr, cats are teaching humans some valuable lessons.
Copyright © 2017 by John Cali
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Karen Lee Samson
Hi John,
Lovely article on pets dogs,cats and animal pets: I am grateful to have 4 rescue animals, two older cats and two junior kittens that are brother and sister. Animals are unconditional love in action. My 17 year old male cat Red, 7year old Gus, and 1 year old siblings Jupiter and Mercury….are family. All were rescued at differing times as babies….my delightful fur babies. Lovely to have pets especially since my family has flown the coop. When my grandchildren visit they are delighted to see four beautiful different indoor cats to interact with and enjoy. When I turned on the cat purring meditation….all of my cats turned to look and listen. My cats see spirits as well as the worldly things that are present. Animals are tuned into many frequencies.
John Cali
Hi Karen,
Thanks very much. I agree — animals simply are unconditional love. As you say, they’re powerfully tuned in to Spirit. My last dog used to see spirits all the time. My brother’s and sister-in-law’s cat sees them too. And we call them “dumb” animals. In many ways, they’re far wiser than humans.
My Ruby is a rescue, she was two years old when I got her. My son’s girlfriend saw her first in a pet store and took my son there and said she will be perfect for your mom. I had just lost my Melony and was heartbroken. It took a few weeks because my son and I had to be checked out to make sure we were perfect for the adoption and we were. She had already had her first litter and was found under some one’s car and they took her to the rescue farm and I am thankful they did for Ruby has taught me how to love again and every once in awhile I believe her and Melony get together to chase each other through the house.
I have learned so much through the years and the one constant thing is my cats will always be with me even when they have passed.
love and hugs
John Cali
Thanks very much, Jeannie, for sharing your, Ruby’s and Melony’s stories. As Spirit often says, we never lose those we love.
Love & hugs,
Hi John,
Have you heard of the dog Arthur? Being a stray dog in Equador he found a new home in Sweden in the most heartwarming way. He certainly knew who his real family is.
John Cali
Hi Carin,
No, I have not heard of him. His story sounds fascinating. Thank you very much for the link.
Love, John
angela snow
Beautiful story!!! So emotional!!! Thank you for sharing!!!