The Spirit Cat Follow-up

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0

In our last post we talked about our encounter with a so-called “spirit cat.”

This week, we’re discussing another peculiar situation with this cat.

After we left the cat, we drove 5 kilometers north. There we came upon an attractive small, white 13th century church and, behind it, a graveyard. A beautiful white light was shining down from the sky on the back of the church.

While Berna walked to the graveyard, I walked around to the other side of the church.Read more

The Spirit Cat

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 10

Berna and I took a few days off this past weekend in the northeastern part of The Netherlands. It’s a beautiful rural area, known for its prehistoric tombs, called “hunebeds,” dating back to 4000-3000BC.

The hunebeds are the oldest monuments in the Netherlands. They are prehistoric tombstones built by the Funnelbeaker people using boulders Mother Nature transported to Drenthe during the Ice Age. Drenthe has no fewer than 52 hunebeds in a 30-kilometre radius.

We went to one of them last weekend.Read more

Amazing Animal Angels

Over the years, we’ve talked many times about animals. It’s a popular subject with you, our readers.

So in this time of worldwide stress and anguish, Spirit suggested we talk about animals’ roles in human lives. They certainly have played a large role in my own personal life over the years.

There’s even a relatively new term, “emotional support animals.” People often bring their emotional support animals with them in stressful situations. For example, we have several people among our family and friends fearful of flying.Read more

Playing Cat and Mouse

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 2



One of our readers asked us about this issue:
I understand that the rule in the animal world is: eat or be eaten. But I can’t understand why a cat “plays” for fun with a mouse before he kills the mouse. That seems so (unnecessarily) cruel.

We’ve written about animals a few times in the past. This post is a bit different from those earlier ones.


You’re imposing upon animals human characteristics. Animals, wild or domestic, never hold cruel intentions.Read more

7 Facts About Your Pets You Need To Know

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 7

Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet. ~ Colette, French novelist, 1873-1954




My spirit guides are particularly fond of dogs and cats, and of all animals, as I am. They say domestic pets, particularly dogs and cats, are often the best teachers and healers for humans.

All animals, except man, know that the principal business of life is to enjoy it. ~ Samuel Butler, English author, 1835-1902


We ask you to think about these qualities of your pets, and perhaps you will gain some insight into the many reasons humans and animals are so drawn to each other.Read more

Just A Dog

A good dog never dies, he always stays. He walks beside you on crisp autumn days when frost is on the fields and winter’s drawing near. His head is within our hand in his old way. ~ Mary Carolyn Davies, American writer



It was two days before Christmas many years ago, my senior year of college. In my parents’ home, I stood staring out the window at the gray winter landscape. The bleak scene mirrored my own inner bleakness. I felt none of the joy of the Christmas season.Read more

The Spiritual Power of Pets

posted in: Blog, channeling, relationships | 6

The more we learn of the true nature of non-human animals, especially those with complex brains and corresponding social behavior, the more ethical concerns are raised regarding their use in the service of man—whether this be in entertainment, as “pets,” for food, in research laboratories, or any of the other uses to which we subject them. ~ Jane Goodall



Sleeping Dog and Cat

Today we’re doing something a bit different. I hope you enjoy it.

The following is an excerpt from a book by the late Reverend Diane K.Read more

A Funny Ghost Story by John Cali and Spirit

The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Copyright  © 2013 by John Cali

I’m getting ready to return home from this past Thanksgiving week. So this is a short post, perhaps the shortest we’ve ever done.

You may remember a post we did last year, Farewell To Caesar, about the death of Caesar, a cat in my family.

Since he died Caesar has come to me quite a few times.… Read more

Messages From Life’s Other Side by John Cali and Spirit

Those on the other side want to talk to you as much as you want to talk to them. ~ John Holland, psychic medium

© 2014 by John Cali

I had an unusual experience a few days ago with Cassie, my brother’s and sister-in-law’s cat.

I was house-sitting for them while they were out of town. Cassie is quite a character, and amazingly intelligent. I often talk to her in ordinary English (and telepathically too). She always understands.Read more

Chasing Happiness by John Cali and Spirit

The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase; if you pursue happiness you’ll never find it. ~ C. P. Snow

Spielendes_KätzchenHappy Cat, by Loliloli

Happiness is an elusive pipe dream for so many. But that is completely the opposite of our natural state—which is happiness, peace, love, joy in every aspect of our earthly lives.

We were born happy. Did you ever see a depressed or unhappy baby or young child? These young ones still remember where they came from and who they are.Read more

13 Ways Your Cat Can Help You Create a Happier Life With Effortless Ease by John Cali and Spirit

CatImage copyright © 2006 by Genesis

I’ve always thought of cats as connoisseurs of comfort—great role models for us humans! They seem to do everything with effortless ease, especially sleeping. 🙂

Here are some of Spirit’s and my thoughts about the lessons cats can teach us:

  • Be your own person—learn not to care what others think of you.
  • Rise to your challenges. If you don’t catch that mouse or bird, know you will the next time.
  • Relax—treat yourself to comfort whenever you can.

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Crossing the Rainbow Bridge by John Cali

MegggieCopyright © 2013 by Barbara Clark

Yesterday morning another one of our furry family crossed over to the far side of the Rainbow Bridge—that place where we will all meet again some day.

Here are some of Spirit’s comforting words to soothe us in those times when our loved ones cross over:

  • Your “dead” animals often return to visit you. (As do your human loved ones.)
  • They often have a desire, from beyond the grave, to help you and to continue loving you.

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Farewell To Caesar by John Cali

Image Credits

In our last blog post, He Was Just a Dog, I talked about taking care of my brother’s and sister-in-law’s elderly cat Caesar while they were travelling last week. Caesar died two days ago.

He was not my cat, but we all considered him part of our family for nearly 20 years. That may sound strange to folks who do not resonate with pets. But those who do will understand.

Caesar’s death was not unexpected, as he’d lived so long and was ill the past few years.Read more

Where Do My Pets Go When They Die? by John Cali

One of our clients asked us that question a while back. It’s a great question.

While I realize many people do not believe animals have souls or spirits, I know they do. My spirit guides have convinced me of that, beyond any shadow of doubt.


Those who love you, whether they were human or animal in their physical form, never leave you. They often have a desire, beyond the grave, to help you and to continue loving you. That is often why you see, or feel, or hear what you might call “ghosts.”Read more

What Do My Pets Have to Teach Me? by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 12

My spirit guides have often said animals are our teachers and healers. Here are some of their thoughts:

Animals, especially dogs and cats, are often your teachers. And your healers too. They have little to learn from you. But you have much to learn from them. One difference between animals and humans is animals are uninhibited. They know who they are. All they want to do is simply be who they are. Nothing more, nothing less.

And so in their naturally uninhibited, unlimited being, they radiate an energy, love, and joy that can touch even the most hardened human hearts.Read more

The Power of Animals by John Cali

 Animals, especially dogs and cats, are often your teachers. They have little to learn from you. But you have much to learn from them. One difference between animals and humans is animals are uninhibited. They know who they are. All they want to do is simply be who they are. Nothing more, nothing less. And so in their naturally uninhibited, unlimited being, they radiate an energy, love, and joy that can touch even the most hardened human hearts.

If there is one major lesson animals have to teach you, it is this: Live in the moment.Read more

What Is Your Relationship with Animals? by John Cali


I’ve loved animals all my life. When I was growing up in a rural area of New York State we were surrounded by animals—wild creatures, farm animals, household pets. Although we loved our pets, we saw wild and farm animals differently, more as resources to serve us. They were not part of the family, as pets were.

A friend, Barbara Clark from Scotland, visited me in Wyoming this past summer. She’s also an animal lover and a talented animal communicator.Read more

Talking To Animals: Followup by John Cali

I thought we’d follow up our last blog post, Talking To Animals, with some of Spirit’s thoughts on animals, specifically domestic household pets.


Pets are not in your lives solely for your entertainment, though they certainly do entertain you. More importantly, pets are here as your teachers and, often, your healers.

You have a phrase bandied about much – “dumb” animals. By “dumb” you generally mean “stupid.” Or at least something less than human intelligence.

Nothing could be farther from the truth.… Read more

Talking To Animals by John Cali

One of our readers sent us this question (which I’ve edited slightly):

Hello John,

I have been reading your posts on animals that grieve. Our house is been very active with pets for many years. In January, my daughter passed away, leaving her 3 pets for us to love. Not knowing much about the details of each one, we all took on new roles as caregivers.

My youngest son, who has Asperger’s (syndrome), adopted her dog, Twix. Twix is about 13 years old.… Read more

Pets: Our Teachers and Healers by John Cali

I just came across an article we wrote years ago, but never published on our website. I thought it appropriate this week since we’ve been talking about animals lately.


Your domestic pets, especially dogs and cats, are one of the greatest gifts humanity has ever received. We realize you sometimes take these delightful creatures for granted — just as you sometimes do your fellow humans.

Pets are not in your lives solely for your entertainment, though they certainly do entertain you.… Read more