A good dog never dies, he always stays; he walks beside you on crisp autumn days when frost is on the fields and winter’s drawing near, his head is within our hand in his old way. ~ Mary Carolyn Davies, American Poet
Last night I had the strangest dream.
I was walking down a deserted, dimly-lit street at dusk. In the fading twilight I spotted a scared, skinny little dog with a bloody gaping wound on the left side of his head.
At first he appeared to be afraid of me as I approached him. But as I bent down and held my hand out to him, he crept cautiously toward me, crouching low to the ground. I reached out a little farther and touched him with my hand, telling him I loved him.
That was the end of the dream, and I woke up.
Then one of my spirit guides came to me, complimenting me for what I had done. I wasn’t sure why he was complimenting me. He said that dog in the “dream” was a real physical dog somewhere on the planet, and he had just died.
My guide, continued, saying, “The last thing that little creature remembered is the warmth of your voice and the kindness of your touch.”
Then I had a waking vision of the little dog being picked up by an angel and carried across the rainbow bridge. I was stunned.
We never know how our words, thoughts or deeds will touch the life of another being and help them heal. In this story, death was the healing.
P.S. If you love dogs as much as I do, check out our book, Dogs: Heart-Warming, Soul-Stirring Stories of Our Canine Companions.
Have you had any similar experiences? Please share your thoughts with us below.
Copyright © 2016 by John Cali
If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.
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I’ll See You at the Rainbow Bridge is a touching tribute to all our beloved animal angels, and our eternal bond with them.
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Thank you so very much for your kind affirmative words.Tried to answer here under the specific comments but some kind of cyber glitch won’t let me reply.
Dogs are angels among us who make life here more loving than it would otherwise be, (at least so far) and I bless and adore them all. Angels among us teaching us love. And YES! we will all be reunited with our beloved dear friends over that Rainbow Bridge. Looking forward to it! Love to all and now Thank You Goddess in advance for the wonderful doglovefriend on its way to me NOW! And so it IS AMEN.✨
John Cali
You’re welcome, Martha. I don’t know why you couldn’t reply. As far as I know, that’s never happened before. If you can email me privately with the details, I’ll be happy to look into it.
I agree 110% with you — dogs are angels among us, loving us when we are not loving ourselves.
There are more to dreams than we perceive physically. While in them we can change them, we can meet with others of like mind, we can communicate with loved ones who have passed. All these things are what we do mostly unconsciously, we forget as we wake up. We walk in other realities while we are tucked up in our warm beds and we meet other Entities and if we give respect and love to those we meet we can learn a great deal. Our waking self and dream self on the most part are separate but they don’t need to be. We can become conscious in our dreams though by doing so changes things both to the waking self and dream self. It’s a very interesting subject and we can learn so much of our own potentials when we delve more deeply into our dreams.
love and hugs and joy to all
It’s a beautiful fall day in the city!
John Cali
Thanks very much, Jeannie, for your thoughts and comments. Enjoy your beautiful fall day!
I have such great admiration for lucid dreamers. My father was one. This was totally surprising to me. Yes that shutdown, Republican conservative W.A.S.P. was a dreamer and a mystic. He had that Irish Celtic magic. Daddy could change a dream in the middle if he didn’t like it.,” I don’t like this dream…I want something else and just like that he’d change the channel so to speak. He was always telling me about his dreams. Because he had been a violent wife and child beater which wounded our family deeply, I could never open my heart to him fully. But wish I could learn to be more in charge of dreams and God knows my LIFE!!
And I do appreciate this quality he carried. Oddly enough and again out of synch with his preppy old school package, and personal darkness, my father could sit in lotus position! Although he didn’t do yoga. I suspect it must have been from another lifetime where he did. It was he who taught me how and I can still do it. “-) There is so much more to souls than meets the eye. I suspect his was,quite old and we signed on to do this so that I could fully learn to love and, forgive. Something as far as he’s concerned, I am still working on. Love to all, Martha xo
John Cali
Thanks very much, Martha, for sharing your story.
George Ball
Thanks for the dog stories, John. I’d like to spend a lot more time communicating with you. Perhaps unfortunately, too many other tasks and adventures in the DC area are drawing me to them. Also, my nature is to want to interact with people in person rather than otherwise. I am amazed when I see others staring into their I-phones while ignoring the people they are actually with. I do hope that the presidential election does not drive you to Canada. I would go there if it were where Mexico is so I could be warm. Love, George
John Cali
You’re most welcome, George.
I understand — as you know, I lived in the DC area many years. One of the great gifts of that time of my life is the friendship you and I created, and still maintain, albeit at a distance now.
I know what you mean about preferring to interact with people in person rather than through technology. I went back to New York State to visit my family a couple weeks ago. I hadn’t traveled in a while. I was amazed at how nearly everyone was glued to their to their smartphones or other devices and–as you point out–ignoring the people all around them. I was even at a family gathering where one person was staring at her smartphone the whole evening, pretty much ignoring the rest of us.
Obviously, I know what’s going on in the US presidential race. But I don’t pay much attention to politics, especially all the negativity. I believe we all create our own realities, regardless of what’s happening in the world around us. So I’ll just stay put here in Wyoming. 🙂
Love, John
Martha Magee
Hello George,
Saying ” Hello George!” makes me smile because years ago my friend Margaret had a parrot named George. I loved him. I spent every chance I could talking to him and of course I said ” HELLOOO GEORGE !!” Alot.
I love what you said about people spending so much time on their iphones instead of talking to or even noticing the people they’re with. As I move about the world, this leaves me feeling incredibly lonely. Since I was a small child I have enjoyed. engaging with people, friends, strangers and fellow travellers on the road of life. Seems like it’s all about Facebook. You’re lucky if people even write back on email! And forget about talking on the phone. Now I am a real black belt phone person. I love the sound of the human voice and I enjoy talking as you say, in person or on the phone. Along with the lost art of letter writing ( with paper and ink!) I have noticed something – a disturbing trend. People don’t answer the phone anymore! It used to be we all knew each other’s phone numbers by heart. Today nobody knows anything. Phone numbers have become ” data”. If you lose your phone ( device, really, these are not phones anymore) you’re up a creek without a paddle!
Also, people don’t return phonecalls! This is especially true of people 40 and under. You make the call, they don’t answer (even if it rings 5 times) and you get their voicemail. You leave a message with your number and ask them to call you whenever. Next thing you know you get a TEXT saying, ” Hi — I saw that you called me, what’s up?” Not only have they not listened to your message but they are now expecting you to text back and forth with them avoiding talking altogether! This drives me nuts.
As I said to the check out gal at the supermarket the other day who was trying to push me aling before I had finished writing down my debit card purchase in my checkbook ( yes — I actually do that!)
” The world is operating at Internet speed. I am not. ” I must seem like a dinosaur to these kids and I am learning to play the age card to my advantage in hopes that they take pity on me and SLOW DOWN! Hey, Desiderata had it right: ” I am a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars…” I am not in a hurry. I like slow. I like talking. I adore good conversation. The cyber generation today don’t seem to have much of an interest in talking. It’s all Tap, Tap Tap. And when you do get them on the phone, say at a place of business, they are rambling off words at such a slurry breakneck speed almost as if they don’t even have time to say the words, and I can’t understand them.
Oh, My. I fantasize about going offline altogether, and leaving an autoreply that says,
“My interest in cyber life is complete. Here’s my phone number. If you want to talk to me, give
me a call! Better yet, let’s meet for coffee, catch a movie, grab a bite, do something fun
together. And here’s my address. Wrote me a letter, send me a postcard, Old School!
Well, George, I hope you don’t mind my little rant that your comments to John inspired!
John Cali
Thanks very much, Martha. I love your “rant” — you said it all beautifully! 🙂 I’ll let George know.
Martha Magee
Sorry about typos! The thing fired off in the middle of my proofread 🙂
John Cali
That’s fine, Martha — we all make typos! 🙂
Well, I never said I was a typist!! But I do have alot to say.
Ha ha.
John Cali
We don’t need good typists, Martha — only caring people like you. 🙂
I just watched rhe video.
So beautiful..
Thank you from my heart as one devoted dog lover with some very special friends across that Rainbow Bridge..
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Martha. We going to have joyous reunion when we meet with our dear friends on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge!
Thank you, John. It’s comforting that love never dies and that our pets are still with us and waiting to reunite and once again be with us. I love the thought of that and the feeling of it. I shared on my Facebook.
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Pat. I agree — it is very comforting knowing our pets are always with us. Thanks so much for sharing on your Facebook page.
Margaret Unger
About 30 years back my dog Dykey had had all her breasts removed because of tumors. To our delight she was invigorated, running, walking everywhere. Several weeks later I returned home one May evening and Dykey was throwing up blood and bile. This happened every hour on the hour. Each time I cleaned her and the fluids up. Washed out her mouth to get rid of the taste. I placed her on the dog beds in the laundry room (tile floor by the water) and I slept on the floor next to her. My ex couldn’t be bothered and slept upstairs. Come morning we drove Dykey to the vet. I just lifted her up with all the dog beds (large pillows) under her, and held her that way in the back seat all the way to the vets. We arrived before they were open, however a nurse came early, took one look at our dog in the car and said come with me. Dykey knew we wanted to get her to the vets. As the nurse oped the door I placed Dykey, pillows under her, on the metal table. The second I did that she flew out of her body. White light whooshing out as fast as she could. I had never, ever seen anything like that before. She knew we wanted to get her to the vet, and she waited till we did. Then gone! I believe actually seeing her leave her body was gift to me from her.
John Cali
Thanks so much, Margaret, for sharing your beautifully touching story of Dykey. I had an experience almost identical to yours when one of our dogs passed over at his veterinarian’s office.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. . . . . .!! ✨✨✨✨
This touches me deeply.
Bless You, John.
John Cali
Thank you very much, Martha.
Bless you too, my dear.
Many years ago I had a recurring dream it had to do with my basement and something that was buried in the centre of it. In the dream as I walked down stairs to the basement I got terrified, so terrified I had to stop and go back upstairs. It occurred over and over again through the years. Finally I got fed up with being afraid in that dream and so in the dream I walked down stairs to the centre where all that dread and pain and anger was. I decided that the only thing I could do is to love it, to pour all my love into that spot of blackness. I felt whatever that was there struggle and felt hate and pain but still I held to love that is within all of us and as I did so, as my love and acceptance of whatever this was gained ground it got lighter then suddenly there was a pop and it was gone. I felt its’ energy change to a lighter more happier energy and felt a thank you. I then woke up feeling really good and I never had that dream again. Was it something in myself, was it something left over in the house before we moved here, I don’t know all I know is love vanguished the pain and hurt and filled both myself and whatever that was with love.
Love conquers all!
love and hugs
John Cali
Thanks very much, Jeannie, for sharing that dream. I think it’s fascinating — I used to have a similar dream (and some waking experiences too) in the house in New York State where we grew up. But you certainly handled your experience beautifully. As you said, “Love conquers all!”
Love and hugs,
Ron B.
Dreams are sometimes akin to tests. At the same time they can be a form of perception just like our physical life experiences. All perception is a learning experience. In this case it is a time saver. How many lives would have had to be lived for you to realize that there was only one way to conquer fears? The key here was that you were aware and were able to focus on those dreams before Nature swept them away into forgetfulness. Good lesson for all of us. Thank you for the reminder.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Ron.
Marlene Randall
I worked for a few months as a receptionist at a vet hospital. A dog came in during my time there that was very, very ill and it was obvious that even with the best of care he would not live much more than another few days. The family left the dog at the hospital for intensive testing and treatment. As I closed up the building that night I visited the dog and gave it an amateur Reiki healing for comfort. It tried to crawl out of it’s cage and into my arms. I couldn’t hold him because he was receiving intravenous medication. There was such a profound sadness in the dog.
That night I woke with an intense “knowing” of the dog’s communication with me, and I burst into tears. The dog knew he would be crossing over and he just wanted to spend his remaining days at home in the arms of his loving family.
The next day I told the vet of my very strong feeling that the dog was going to die and it just wanted to go home. I’m sure that his diagnosis must have confirmed the hopelessness of the case, but the vet phoned the family and they came and got their beloved pet and took him home. The dog died that evening in the circle of his family’s love rather than in a cold, impersonal cage in a lonely vet hospital.
John Cali
Thanks so much, Marlene — what a beautiful, touching story! You certainly were a guardian angel for that dying dog. I’m glad he died, as you put it so well, “in the circle of his family’s love…” That’s how all of my dogs have died over the years, and I know how much it means to the dogs (and to their human families).
This moves me to tears as I read it. I have had a similar dream once a out helping a person once or twice who was injured in the dream. Now I realize I may actually have helped this particular unknown person. It also helped me recall when my husband and I were the first ones on the scene of an accident. I held the elderly woman’s head in my hands and talked soothingly to her as she lay gravely injured upon the road after being ejected from the car she and her husband were in. We learned the next morning that she died from her injuries, so I may have been the last voice she heard. I was so sad as she and her husband were returning from her birthday party and presents and cards laid scattered all about on the darkened road that night…
John Cali
Thank you so much, Kathy, for sharing those beautiful stories. You certainly brought a lot of love, compassion, and comfort into the final moments of those people’s lives. You are truly an earth angel!