Do You Want To Be Immortal?

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Celine Halioua is the young founder of a company called Loyal. Her life’s mission is to help dogs live longer lives. If you’re a dog lover (as I am) you know your loyal loving dog’s life is likely far shorter than yours.

Today, there is evidence indicating it’s possible to slow down the aging process in animals, including humans.

You may have heard of Methusela, the legendary biblical figure who reportedly lived 969 years. His age cannot be proved, but his story is intriguing.Read more

Joy and Love

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 4

A couple weeks ago, Berna and I went to a concert by the legendary Dutch orchestra leader, Andre Rieu. Because it was in his hometown of Maastricht, Netherlands, it was pretty special and spectacular.

Andre has a gift for making his music a powerfully joyful and fun experience for everyone. And this old world of ours certainly needs more joy and fun! As he says, “My concerts are about joy and love.”


If we said you were all meant to experience lives of joy and love, would you believe us?Read more

The Power of Doing Nothing

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 4

Ancient Chinese philosopher and poet Lao-tzu, author of Tao Te Ching, once said, “When nothing is done, nothing is left undone.”


When you are at a place in your life where you do not know which way to turn, what is your usual response?

In our view, the best response is always to do nothing. We’re aware the usual response in Western society is to take action. It doesn’t matter what the action is. Just do something.

Your Western mentality dictates, when faced with challenges, you should do something, anything.Read more

Who Are God’s Children?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 2

My first job out of college was as a New York State probation officer in the United States.

Though I loved the work, I was young and had never seen much of life’s dark side. One of my first assignments was supervising a convicted murderer. It was not an assignment I would have willingly chosen.

Over the months, Bill (not his real name) and I got to know each other well. Despite his awful crime, he was a gentle caring man.Read more

Find Freedom Through Forgiveness

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 3

Over the years, Spirit has talked a lot about forgiveness. In today’s chaotic, often callous, world the subject of forgiveness has never been more timely. Here are a few of Spirit’s thoughts.


  • There is no dis-ease today that is not caused by you. Most times, the true cause is your unwillingness to forgive.
  • If you are suffering from any disease, discomfort, or dread in your lives, it is for one reason only: UNFORGIVENESS.
  • When you discover the hidden power of forgiveness, you will find the key to total healing—physical, emotional, spiritual.

Read more

The Hidden Power of Forgiveness

In today’s partisan, chaotic world, we rush to judgment and are slow to forgive.

In Tina Spalding’s book, Jesus: My Autobiography, Jesus says “Judgment is the biggest crime that can be committed against yourself and against others.”

How often do we even notice when we are judging? In our opinion, not often.


One of the human traits we in spirit find fascinating is your reluctance to forgive.

When you perceive, in your limited vision, another has harmed you, you often focus on the “harm” and not on your part in creating that harm.Read more

Hard Work

I recently read an interview with a millennial worker. (The millennial generation were born in the last two decades of the 20th century.)

The worker talked about how she put all she had, all she was, into her work. In her words, “I am so obsessed  with reaching…success…that I’ve forgotten how to actually enjoy life.” (Emphasis added)

Her work had become her God.


In your modern world, particularly in Western society, you have replaced the real God with a false god.Read more

The Power of Self-Love

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 2

I have no political convictions nor any interest in politics. However, one politician I’ve long admired is former US President Jimmy Carter.

President Carter once said, “…I’ve become convinced that the things that matter most are the things that you can’t see—the love you share with others, your inner purpose, your comfort with who you are. (emphasis added)


The main problem with your modern world is love—that is, the lack of it. Especially the lack of self-love.

We realize most, if not all, of you were never really taught the truth about love.Read more

The Web of Love

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 4

“The Web of Love is an energetic web which connects the sacred essence of all beings in our world.”  Source: The Web of Love


We often speak of love as the choice to see the divinity in all beings. Unfortunately, humans often define love narrowly, usually in a romantic sense. Of course, love is far more than romantic feelings.

As your Bible says, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.” Luke 6:27 How many humans, do you suppose, live—truly live—those words?Read more

What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

In my younger years, the adults around me often asked what I wanted to do with my life. Sound familiar? Most of our readers probably had similar experiences.

Of course, the adults expected you to have your sights set on something that was going to bring you money, fame, and good fortune.

Mostly money. Money was typically the main focus. It didn’t matter if you actually enjoyed the work you were doing, as long as it created money. Our Western society is obsessed with material things, especially money.Read more

You Did Not Come Here To Fail

Have you ever wondered what happens to a person who commits suicide?



Your society generally condemns suicide. It looks down on those who attempt it, especially if they succeed.

Is that condemnation justified? In our opinion, no!

Many of you reading this have been affected by the suicide, or attempted suicide, of someone close to you.

Why You Came to Earth

First of all, you must remember no one on your planet today came here without a good reason.Read more

What Is Love?

Love does not discriminate. Love does not separate. Love does not attack in any way. It is a peaceful extension of All That Is….Love is always there. That benevolent force is always there….”

Those words are excerpted from Tina Spalding’s book, Jesus: My Autobiography.


“Love” is perhaps the most abused and misused word in the English language.

When you use the word (perhaps more than you consciously realize), do you know what you’re saying?

When you tell someone “I love you,” are you fully aware of the word’s true meaning?Read more


A prominent stereotype today is homeless people.

In several recent conversations I’ve had with folks about homeless people, the common attitude was, “If they had any ambition, they wouldn’t be homeless. They’re simply irresponsible.”

In other words, it’s their own fault. But is it?

The Canadian organization, New Leaf Project, recently did a research project on homelessness. They gave 115 homeless people $7,500 each. One year later, most of the 115 people had $1,000 in savings, and were able to feed themselves and their families.Read more

Behind The Scenes

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 1

The other day, Berna and I were discussing several families we know with foster or adopted children.

The children, for reasons not always obvious, often face unusually daunting challenges. Sometimes as children, as adults, or both.



It is often tempting for humans to judge others. In fact, judgement is one of the greatest weaknesses most humans have.

You have a saying that goes something like this:
“You can never know another person’s path until you have walked a mile in their shoes.”Read more

Happiness: An Impossible Dream?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 4

We’ve talked about happiness many times over the years. Probably because it seems an impossible dream for many, especially in today’s crazy world.

The question we often hear is “How can I be happy when the world is going to hell?”

Good question.


We love talking about happiness. Why? Because it’s such an important part of your lives as humans. And yet happiness often eludes most humans.

You even have organizations who specialize in happiness research. While we applaud those dedicated folks who do that, the focus is sometimes too much on the material aspects of human happiness.Read more

Are You A Good Listener?

One of the major challenges of today’s world is listening. How good a listener are you?


If you are on a conscious path of spiritual growth, you know how important it is to ask God for help when you need it. This is desirable and good. For you all depend on God (or upon whatever you perceive God to be) for everything, including your physical survival and well-being. And God is always listening.

But it also works the other way around.Read more

The Great Realisation

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 6

For those of you thinking we misspelled our title above, bear with us. (Of course, if you’re British, there’s no misspelling.)


If you could see into your future, what would you see? For yourself? For your world?

Of course, the future does not exist. You create what you call “future” only in your present moments.

But let’s pretend you can see the future. How do you suppose, in 100 years, you would look back on this year you call 2020?Read more

Sex and Spirituality

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 2

A while ago, a reader asked us to talk about the spirituality of sex.

If you were raised as we were, in the Roman Catholic Church, you’ll undoubtedly remember sex was something you didn’t talk about. You got the idea it was evil. So how could it possibly be spiritual?

Among the Church’s rules was sex, and even thoughts about it, were evil. Except, of course, within the narrow and strictly controlled confines of marriage. Any violation was sure to send you to Hell for all eternity.Read more

Present Moment Awareness

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 2

the future is now

Presence is when you’re no longer waiting for the next moment, believing that the next moment will be more fulfilling than this one. ~ Eckhart Tolle

Recently, someone asked us:
“Is it always possible to be in the present moment?”

Our answer:
“You are always in the present moment. Even when you are thinking about the past or the future, you are doing it in the present moment. Now is all you have.”

But, unfortunately, with many of us, even when our bodies are in the present moment, our minds are everywhere else except in the present moment.Read more

Where Is God?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 10

god light nature

God is all that is. ~ Spirit

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by our modern world with all its problems and challenges. Many are despairing and giving up hope of things ever getting better.

In all the chaos and confusion, they wonder, “Where is God?” (If they even believe in God or some universal divine power.)

This is perhaps one of Spirit’s shortest answers to a deeply profound question.


We once defined God as all that is. Everything that exists is God.Read more

The Magic and Power of Self-Love

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 10

Self-love is not opposed to the love of other people. You cannot really love yourself and do yourself a favor without doing people a favor, and vice versa. ~ Karl Menninger, M.D.


As Dr. Menninger says above, when you give to yourself, you automatically give to others. That means when you show self-love, you are automatically loving others. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Yet it continually amazes me how few of us really believe and accept we should love ourselves.

A week or so ago, one of our readers wrote us a heart-wrenching letter.Read more

Is Service the Meaning of Life?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 10

The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity. ~ Leo Tolstoy

Recently, I read an amazing and heart-warming story of an Alaskan husky. You don’t have to be a dog-lover to appreciate this dog’s dedication to service.

Amelia Milling, a 21-year-old deaf student, was on a three-day solo trek in the Alaskan wilderness. She took a brutal 600-foot fall. When she finally came to a crashing halt, she was dazed and bleeding. At that moment, Nanook, an Alaskan husky appeared seemingly out of nowhere.Read more

What Planet Are You From?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 12

The only thing that scares me more than space aliens is the idea that there aren’t any space aliens. We can’t be the best that creation has to offer. I pray we’re not all that is. If so, we’re in big trouble. ~ Ellen DeGeneres

This week we’re featuring an article by my dear friend, Ted Murray. Ted’s an accomplished writer and spiritual teacher. He’s also a great tennis coach.

In Ted’s message today he raises a powerful and timely question, one that should concern every one of us.Read more

Are You Hiding Your Light?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 3

I am the light of the world ~ A Course in Miracles

Many of us grew up believing we did not have much to contribute to the world or our fellow humans. I certainly believed that. How about you?

If you grew up Catholic, as I did, your sense of self-worth was pretty miserable. The admission “I am not worthy” was enshrined as part of the ceremonial liturgy.

It took me many years to get beyond that nonsense. Some never get that far.Read more

Does Your Life Have Purpose?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 4

My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I’m happy. I can’t figure it out. What am I doing right? ~ Charles Schulz, “Peanuts” cartoonist


My spirit guides and I often get questions about life’s purpose. Many folks feel life, especially in our seemingly chaotic world, has no purpose. Worse, they feel totally useless, like a rudderless ship at sea. They’re drifting aimlessly and sadly from one day to the next, from one moment to the next.Read more