It’s Time To Claim Your Authenticity

posted in: Blog, channeling, Global oneness | 3

What we’re all striving for is authenticity, a spirit-to-spirit connection. ~ Oprah Winfrey


This week we’re featuring an article by my good friend, Ted Murray. Ted’s a great writer and an amazing spiritual teacher. I think his message today will resonate with many of you. It certainly did with me. Here he is.

Ted Murray

Are you sometimes (or maybe often) hesitant or even ashamed to claim your ability to connect powerfully with the universe? Perhaps people will think you are weird or downright crazy if you start to talk about miraculous energy healing, the Akashic records, ETs, or any number of other things that seem natural for you but completely outside the experience of “normal” society. Does that mean that you are wrong or nuts, or simply that you are more aware of reality than the average human being?

For years, you along with many others have probably felt the need to hide your true beliefs and special gifts in an attempt to try to fit in at your job, family or town. Maybe you even felt like a fake, wearing a mask that hid your light so you didn’t stand out so much. Now is the time to give up the mask and let the light in your heart shine brightly. Those who think you are crazy don’t matter, and you can’t have an impact on them anyway.

However, there are millions of people who are just beginning to awaken to their spiritual possibilities. If you shine your light brightly and proclaim your gifts openly these people will be attracted. You can help inspire them to acknowledge and validate their own spiritual nature and gain confidence on their path.

You are an empowered spiritual being. It’s time to proclaim it!

Love & Light,

Copyright © 2018 by Ted Murray

Feel free to share this message with friends. If you would like to receive Ted’s free daily messages email him at


Here’s a cute, short video on authenticity, based on the work of Brené Brown.


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Note: We update this blog every Saturday morning at 4:00 a.m. New York (eastern) time.


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3 Responses

  1. Ron B.

    I believe that the trick to this ¨ claiming¨ or pro-claiming is to remember that the law of attraction is mostly in action. Given time it will show its effect very near the 100% mark. What I am getting at is that the best way to lead is by example.
    That by itself is plenty of fuel to bring into our experiences those who can benefit from our knowledge. Is that not exactly how we benefitted from our intents in the past?
    I focused on what I wanted and it popped up like magic. The same applies to everyone.

  2. George Ball

    Yes, I am a great person! You are so lucky to have me as a friend!!!

    (And…I am so lucky to have you as a friend!!!!)

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!! (Don’t get drunk!)

    Love, George

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, George. 🙂 Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you too! And on Monday, we Italians celebrate St Joseph’s Day. Vive San Giuseppe!

      Love, John

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