Is the Virus Vaccine Poisoning You?

One of our readers recently wrote us asking about the possible poisonous effects of the virus vaccine. Since many people have the same concerns, we’re including parts of his letter in today’s post, with his permission.

The following is a discussion between Berna and Spirit about the letter, slightly edited.

Johnny and I have been talking about this subject many times.

It started when I started to doubt whether to get the vaccination or not, for various reasons. In my case, I had contrasting thoughts.

I know only people can help people, and a doctor or medicines are also a resource given by God through people.

As the channeled information from Jesus through Tina Louise Spalding tells us, if  you have mastered your mind and hold your consciousness in the Light, you will not get ill. That includes not getting the virus.

With Joe (our reader, not his real name), his employer requires him to have the vaccine. Or lose his job. But he doesn’t want to have this stuff in his body. And there’s pressure from society.

But, as Johnny and I say, you have to listen to your inner guidance.


Absolutely! And that may be different for everybody.

We agree with you, Berna. The ultimate guide, no matter how you want to define it, is the God within each of you.

As A Course in Miracles says, your mind is the physician, the healer. What you determine is right for you IS right for you. It is not going to be the same for the guy next door, or for the woman down the street. But it is right for you.

We understand Joe’s concern about having some foreign substance inside his body. But think about this for a moment.

You put so-called foreign substances into your bodies almost daily. The food you eat, for example. Much of it is unhealthy. Some of it is healthy.

Those of  you on a higher spiritual path will generally choose the healthier substances, whether it is food, the vaccine, or anything else. Here the ultimate guide is your own inner guidance, the God/Goddess within.

If you believe a thing is bad for you, it is. There have been masters who could put a poison into their bodies, and not be harmed by it. Mind is the physician. Mind is the healer. Mind is the controller.

It doesn’t matter what you take from out there in the world and put into your body. What matters is the attitude with which you do it.

You are all God. You are Goddess. You are capable of increasing the vibration of your physical body.

As Edgar Cayce put it, he wouldn’t be much of a psychic if he could not raise his vibration above that of a pork chop. (He was referring to his advice to abstain from eating pork, although he enjoyed it occasionally.)

The same applies to the virus vaccine. If you believe it will harm you, you open yourself to harm. If you believe it cannot harm you, then it cannot. And it will likely benefit you.

Copyright © 2021 by John Cali and Berna Copray
Edited by Berna Copray


In this short video, Dr. Brett Greenky, discusses facts regarding the COVID-19 vaccines. This sounds like a common-sense approach to what is obviously a highly controversial subject.

Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


10 Responses

  1. Martha

    Hi John,
    I just left a message. It took a lot for me to write that message because I just got out of the hospital. When I went to click SEND, it told me my ” Your message is too long.. please try again” and it erased my entire message. That really sucks and I don’t think it should do that! I think it should return you to your message and allow you to edit and make it shorter.And if they’re so persnickity about length, they should tell you WHILE you’re writing, that you’ve reached the word limit so you can shorten it up before sending.
    It upset me because I put alot of care into what I wrote and they deleted it. Thank you. Martha

    • Martha

      Hi again, John,
      I realize you work within a system and it’s the system who deleted my comment and not you! But this is a design flaw on their part I feel it could be more user-friendly. Thanks, Martha

      • John Cali

        Hi Martha,

        Yes, and that system is WordPress. It’s the platform nearly half the world’s websites use.

        I don’t think they would describe this as a design flaw — but perhaps just a way to keep comments down to a reasonable level.

        In all the years I’ve been using WordPress, only you and a couple other of our readers have ever run up against this limit.

        • Martha

          Hi John,
          It is a design flaw because I’ve encountered other blog systems where people write responses and comments to an article etc. and it will tell you right there and then when you’re writing when you’re about to run out of words& it will tell you how many words you’re allowed and then you can easily fix it and adjust your comment to fit!
          But after you’ve taken care and effort to write a comment click to post it & have WordPress say your comment is too long & then delete your comment totally so you have to start all over, well I find that unkind. It doesn’t take into consideration the fact that the person might not realize they’ve gone over. They have no right erasing what you’ve already written. So sorry but I have to disagree with you here, John both on based on what I just experienced & what I have experienced on other blogs which are kind enough to let you know you’ve gone over so you have a chance to fix it before you click send.

          • John Cali

            Thank you, Martha.

            You are not disagreeing with me since I expressed no opinion on whether WordPress’s policy is “right” or “wrong.” It is what it is.

            Now that you know this, I would just avoid writing what they consider excessively long comments. That way, you’d avoid frustrating yourself and wasting your time.

  2. Jean Horn

    You and Spirit confirmed my thought process. I live in Toronto a city of around 2 million, give or take, more give. All around our small area are hot spots. I am on a waiting list but I have not decided what to do. The fact is, my attitude, my beliefs of good or bad is the question, not so much the vaccine. All is mind. My son and I have been in the middle of this for over a year and he is an essential worker, being a mechanic. So far all of us are doing great, no one is sick though it is allergy season. If I get the shot it will help not hurt and if I don’t I am still fine. When my time comes my instincts will guide me.

    Everything is mind, your thoughts, beliefs and expectations. “form always follows your expectation.” so very true.

    Thank you for helping me to clarify my thoughts on the subject 🙂

    lots of love and hugs

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, Jeannie. Glad it helped. It’s a confusing time for many.

      Love, John

  3. Chris

    Doctors who study and speak out against the vaccine -search on Rumble or Bitchute as they are censored on youtube. Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Sharry Tenpenny and Dr. Carrie Madej. If you think the government is going to heal you over God within you, you might want to rethink that.

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