Communication with Spirit

Since more and more people are awakening, more people are consciously connecting with non-physical sources. Therefore, we thought we’d make a post about this.


It is critical, in these wild times on your planet to stay connected to Spirit. Of course, you are always connected. You cannot be disconnected, for you ARE Spirit.

We know it’s tempting at times to question or doubt the information you bring through when you are speaking with Spirit. It does not matter by which name you call Spirit.… Read more

Kindness and Caring

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In today’s world, it’s often tempting to believe humanity has gone to hell in a big way. But there is much kindness and caring out there that never makes it into the mainstream news media.


Your world is so obsessed with the illusion of separation. And it’s making you feel more separate than you could ever be.

In face, you’re not separate at all, except in your minds. And your minds have been brainwashed into seeing what is not there.Read more

What Happens After You Die?

On May 25, 1979, American Airlines Flight 191 took off from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. As the plane rolled down the runway, its left engine broke off.

The aircraft crashed less than a mile from the runway, killing all 258 passengers, 13 crew, and 2 people on the ground.

At the time I was a commercial pilot and, naturally, was riveted by this tragic event.

There was a trailer park near the crash site. Immediately after the crash, trailer park residents started reporting strange events.Read more

Teach Only Selfishness

Today we’re revisiting a post we wrote years ago.


How often have you heard it said “Think only of others.” – “Love others unconditionally.” – “Put others before yourself.” – “Be of service to others.” – etc. etc.?

Those are noble-sounding sentiments. But they will guarantee you a life of misery and joylessness.

Many times, you’ve heard us, and others, say you cannot serve another unless you first serve yourself, you cannot love another if you do not first love yourself.Read more

Compassion and Connection

Nothing you can ever do or say – or even think – can be done in a vacuum, if you will. Everything – and every thing – you do, say, or think affects the entire planet, quite literally – and even goes beyond the boundaries of your planet.

Each of you is connected to all that is. That is not simply a hypothetical concept or theory. It’s a fact – even when you are feeling lost, alone, isolated you are still intimately connected to all that is.Read more

What Do You Want To Do With Your Life?

In my younger years, the adults around me often asked what I wanted to do with my life. Sound familiar? Most of our readers probably had similar experiences.

Of course, the adults expected you to have your sights set on something that was going to bring you money, fame, and good fortune.

Mostly money. Money was typically the main focus. It didn’t matter if you actually enjoyed the work you were doing, as long as it created money. Our Western society is obsessed with material things, especially money.Read more

Is the Virus Vaccine Poisoning You?

One of our readers recently wrote us asking about the possible poisonous effects of the virus vaccine. Since many people have the same concerns, we’re including parts of his letter in today’s post, with his permission.

The following is a discussion between Berna and Spirit about the letter, slightly edited.

Johnny and I have been talking about this subject many times.

It started when I started to doubt whether to get the vaccination or not, for various reasons. In my case, I had contrasting thoughts.Read more

What Did You Give Up For Lent?

Berna and I grew up in religious traditions where “giving up” something for Lent was expected. Many of you probably did too. The idea of sacrifice was “built in” to religious practices.

According to Wikipedia,The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter through prayer, mortifying the flesh, repentance of sins, almsgiving, simple living and self-denial.”


One of Johnny’s and Berna’s favorite spiritual teachings is A Course in Miracles, as some of you know.Read more

Where Is God?

In troubled times, have you ever wondered where God is? Often, it seems, He/She is nowhere to be seen. We feel lost and lonely.

Sound familiar?

I love these words of Sir Anthony Hopkins:

“The only reason we don’t see God is because we’re always looking for him.” (Usually in the wrong places.)


In all our years of working with Johnny (and now Berna also), one of the saddest complaints we’ve heard is “How can there be a God who created this world of woe and pain?”Read more

Lessons I Learned From A Bar of Soap

Well, here we go again with another of our weird titles.

Many years ago, my fourth grade teacher had us do a brief experiment for her science class.

Two students stood facing each other. One closed her eyes. The other held a strong-smelling bar of soap under the nose of the student with the closed eyes.

The teacher instructed the student with the closed eyes to let the class know when the other student had removed the bar of soap.

After a minute or so, she said it had been removed.Read more

Respect For Others’ Opinions

We’re living in a contentious era of disrespect and disregard for others’ opinions, especially if they do not agree with ours. Do you have a hard time talking with someone who does not agree with you?


Although this is rapidly changing, many of you still struggle with speaking with those whose ideas, lifestyles, and opinions are different from yours.

Today we’re asking you to ask yourselves why this is. And what you can do about it. We’ll give you a few of our ideas here.Read more

The Loch Ness Monster

In one of Berna’s recent question-and-answer sessions with Spirit, she asked about the famous Loch Ness monster of Scotland. That probably doesn’t seem like a very “spiritual” subject. But let’s wait and see.


Johnny is fascinated by the stories of the monster of Loch Ness in Scotland. What’s going on there? Are these just stories?


No, they are not just stories. There is a lot going on there. The Scottish people have struggled with “Nessie” (their nickname for the creature) well over 100 years.Read more

You Did Not Come Here To Fail

Have you ever wondered what happens to a person who commits suicide?



Your society generally condemns suicide. It looks down on those who attempt it, especially if they succeed.

Is that condemnation justified? In our opinion, no!

Many of you reading this have been affected by the suicide, or attempted suicide, of someone close to you.

Why You Came to Earth

First of all, you must remember no one on your planet today came here without a good reason.Read more

What Is Love?

Love does not discriminate. Love does not separate. Love does not attack in any way. It is a peaceful extension of All That Is….Love is always there. That benevolent force is always there….”

Those words are excerpted from Tina Spalding’s book, Jesus: My Autobiography.


“Love” is perhaps the most abused and misused word in the English language.

When you use the word (perhaps more than you consciously realize), do you know what you’re saying?

When you tell someone “I love you,” are you fully aware of the word’s true meaning?Read more

Sickness and Healing: Follow-Up

Several people questioned our statement in the Sickness and Healing post a couple weeks ago. The statement:

“…as spirit embodied physically, you live in the illusion of linear time…. healing can appear to take time. But rest assured, the moment you ask, in that moment, you are permanently healed.

Those ideas did not originate with us. You will find them, and related ideas, at least several times in A Course In Miracles. Here are a few examples.Read more

Expectations Great and Small

We’ve talked before about how powerful our expectations are. To put it simply, we get what we expect.


Most humans vastly underestimate the power of their minds. Your lives could be so much more peaceful, joyful, and loving if you honored who you all truly are.

So just who are you?

Well, you’ve heard it said you were made in the image and likeness of God/Goddess. That is literally true. That, of course, means you have all the creative powers of divinity.Read more

I Do Not Know

Sometimes the wisest way you can answer a question is simply, “I do not know.”


We agree with Johnny. Admitting you do not have all the answers is wise. After all, what do you really know?

That is the greatest answer you can give to all the questions life throws at you every day. I do not know.

If you are on a conscious and deliberate spiritual path, you are daily confronted with opportunities to grow and expand your awareness.Read more


How often have you wished someone you helped had said “Thanks,” but they never did? Or how often have you neglected to thank someone who did you a huge favor — and you didn’t even know about the favor till years later?

Over the years, we’ve often talked about the power of gratitude. And also about how often we deeply touch the lives of people we’ve known only briefly, or not at all.

Today, with our world in its current state, many folks are wondering how they can be grateful when everything seems to be going to hell.Read more

The Real Christmas

Our title today is taken from a story my son John wrote many years ago, when he was only 8 years old.


Even though many of you are aware of the magic of Christmas, you’ve pretty much lost sight of the real Christmas. It’s become a commercialized farce, a parody of the real Christmas spirit.

Copyright © 2020 by John Cali and Berna Copray
Edited by Berna Copray


This 2-minute video features an old song, The Real Meaning of Christmas, by Ray Coniff.Read more

Ask and Receive

Many years ago when I was a young, inexperienced pilot I had a terrifying experience I’ll never forget.

It was a sunny Sunday morning in early spring. A friend of mine wanted to go for a plane ride. So we decided to fly from our home near Dunkirk, New York southwest to Youngstown, Ohio. He had family in Youngstown he wanted to visit.

On the return to Dunkirk late that afternoon, the weather turned foggy. I did not yet have an instrument rating.Read more

The Faces of Death

We realize some of you reading this will find the subject “distasteful”, in Spirit’s words. Or worse. So, without further ado, let’s proceed.


Today we’re talking about death, a subject many find distasteful at minimum. Specifically, abortion.

When you have an unborn fetus, a baby still in its mother’s womb, there is always a soul or spirit willing to occupy it. That spirit is fully aware of the what is going on with the potential mother, the woman who carries the fetus.Read more

Befriending Fear

There’s an old Sioux legend about a time of no rain for many months.

Fear grew among the people and spread across their vast prairie lands. It killed everything in its path—people, animals. trees, plants.

But there was a small part of the prairie where a few children and elders were playing, singing, and dancing. And they had invited Fear to join them. Soon, they were all crying.

The wind carried the singing, dancing, and crying out across the vast prairie.Read more

You Are Beautiful Just As You Are by John Cali and Spirit

God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them ~ Genesis 1:27

angel-645591_640Angel Light

In our last blog post, How Do You Express the Light of God?, we talked about an elderly lady who, despite her age and infirmity, nonetheless radiated a powerful, loving energy all about her.

This week we’re talking about another person who radiated that same loving energy all his life.


You all chose the details of this and your other lifetimes.Read more

How To Tell If You Are a Wise Old Soul–16 Ways by John Cali and Spirit

Wisdom doesn’t automatically come with old age. Nothing does–except wrinkles. It’s true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place. ~ Abigail Van Buren

Tissot_The_Wisdom_of_SolomonThe Wisdom of Solomon by James Tissot

Ever since I started on this spiritual path, many years ago, I’ve heard terms like “enlightenment,” “ascension,” “wise old soul,” and other similar ones. I’m sure you have too.

I cannot honestly say I ever fully understood what those words meant–they seem to mean different things to different people.… Read more

If God Is All-Powerful Why Does S/he Allow Suffering, Like Ebola? by John Cali and Spirit

Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. ~ Helen Keller, 1880-1968

Helen_Keller1Helen Keller
Image by US Library of Congress

A couple days ago I read an interesting article about the Ebola crisis in Africa. The author was questioning how such suffering could exist if God is all-powerful.

Good question.


The “bottom line” here is God is NOT all-powerful. Does that shock you? It’s true.

God does not will humans to suffer, either deliberately or by neglect.… Read more