You Are the Answer

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Man’s ultimate destiny is to become one with the Divine Power which governs and sustains the creation and its creatures. ~ Alfred A. Montapert


I love that quotation above. Do you believe our destiny is to become one with God, with Goddess — or whatever name you prefer for that divine power which created all that is?


You are the answer to every question, every dilemma you have ever had. You are divine, literally. But your ego and your world have done a great job of brainwashing you. They have convinced you that you are powerless. And that you are deluding yourself into thinking you are equal to God. The truth is you are equal to God.

You are the creator of everything you have ever experienced — everything. The problem is not that you are powerless, but that you a powerful beyond your wildest imaginings.

You are the answer, the answer to every question you have ever asked. Why? Not because your destiny is to become one with divine power. But because you are already one with divine power.

Copyright © 2018 by John Cali


Enjoy this beautiful song by Jimmy Twyman.


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