Are We Making War or Making Peace? by John Cali

Copyright © 2013 John Cali

I realize that image is a strange one for a spiritual newsletter. The gun, a replica of an 1873 Colt Firearms revolver, was called The Peacemaker. Ironic name for something intended to kill and destroy.

We’re all aware of the devastating conflicts going on right now in the Middle East, plus other places around the globe. James Twyman, aptly called the Peace Troubadour, was on a peace mission this past week to Syria and Egypt.

James gathered together tens of thousands of people around the world to send their healing prayers of peace to all those individuals and countries being ravaged by war. He was asking people to invoke the Prayer of Saint Francis. Although I’m not religious, that prayer is one of my favorites, and I have it on my living room wall.

This type of gathering, where many people are focused on love and peace, sends powerful effects rippling across the entire planet, and beyond. As human consciousness is soaring, more and more people are understanding the power of our collective humanity. And our power to create true peace on earth.

So it is good that we gather together in our groups. But we must first start with ourselves, each of us individually. We all know we can do more to create greater peace among our families, friends, and communities. But, most of all, in our own hearts.

Even though it may not always seem so, there is less violence and war now than ever before. There’s plenty of evidence for that, although you usually won’t see it in the mainstream media headlines.

I personally believe those like James Twyman, and all of us on a conscious path of peace and spiritual growth, are making a huge difference. A difference we sometimes do not give ourselves credit for, or even notice.

Here are some of Spirit’s thoughts:

  • You will never make peace with weapons of war.
  • If you carry any hatred, anger, resentment, or bitterness in your heart, you are making war, not peace.
  • True peace begins within the heart of all humans.
  • When you awaken each morning let your first thoughts be of peace, peace for yourself and all those you will be with that day.
  • As you drift off to sleep each night let your last thoughts be of peace, peace for the whole world.
  • Let all your words, spoken or unspoken, be filled with peace.
  • When you meet others face-to-face look them in the eye and send them thoughts of peace and love.
  • You can also silently say “Namaste” to each person you meet. This is very powerful, and people will feel it.
  • Spend a little time each day in a quiet meditative place, and send your love to all living things, including your beautiful planet.
  • Carry only love and peace in your heart, and you will increase their flow throughout the planet.
  • Be peaceful. Be peace.


This video carries a touching message for all of us who would be peacemakers. If we, as individuals and nations, can come together to work out our conflicts, share our stories and our love, we can create peace.

Related links:
Peace on Earth

An End to War


What are you willing and able to do, by yourself and in your groups, to bring more peace into your own heart, and into the hearts of humanity? Please share your thoughts and comments with us below.

What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.


About John Cali
John Cali is a writer, blogger, and channel for a group of spirit guides. His next book is Real Answers to Life’s Pesky Questions: Conversations With Spirit, Book 1. John lives in northwestern Wyoming. Sign up for his newsletter here.

10 Responses

  1. Susan

    Someone just sent me a Swami Beyondananda video for Global Oneness Day. You might enjoy it and even join in it…

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Susan. I’ve known Steve Bhaerman many years, and I just love his work.

  2. Susan

    Thank you, John and all for this beautiful offering. Until each one of us chooses peace and does the deep inner work to release the old programming, we continue with the old ways. Not always an easy thing to catch ourselves all the time! Ultimately, it’s well worth the work…even if I don’t know what the finished bigger picture will look like. I only know what deep peace feels like to me, and I can trust in that feeling and work from there in my own life.

    Love and blessings,

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, Susan. I agree — it is not always easy to catch ourselves when we fall into the old programming. But, in my work and other relationships, I see many folks getting better and better at it all the time.


  3. Pat

    Thank you, John, for posting this. The video couldn’t have come at a better time, synchronistically, to remind me of connection and once again touch that place in my heart. I’m happy to see the concept is still alive and well and engaging.

    Early part of 2000, I piloted a talking-stick group in the corporate world to connect those that worked there, as one human to another, not just management and workers. It went on for about a year and lost steam when the company relocated back to headquarters.

    I often wonder what that was about and why I was in the center of it. Maybe, it wasn’t the right time and place or maybe there’s much more I had to learn.

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, Pat!

      Thank you for sharing. I’m sure your corporate work touched exactly those souls who needed touching at that time.

      My spirit guides often remind folks (including me) to just do the good works they’re guided to do. And, the spirits say, they may never know the results, or how many lives they’ve affected. But they can be sure they’ve made a positive difference in those lives.

      And I’m sure you made a positive difference in the lives of those folks in your corporate work.

  4. Darlene McKinney

    I was so delighted to receive this article!

    “I AM an invoker of the Violet Consuming Flame of pure divine love that transcends all human concepts and pours out through me all the Ascended Master victory and perfection from within its heart.”

    This is but one of the decrees I use every day to help me clean up any and all discordant words, thoughts, and actions that I AM personally responsible for. It’s a start. It is exciting to learn that many, many, more are also realizing that they too must clean up any mess that they are solely responsible for placing in the universe.

    We will do this…one spirit at a time for all mankind.

    Beloved John, thank you so much for sending this.

    “The light of God never fails, the light of God never fails, the light of God never fails.”

    “And The Beloved Mighty IAM Presence is that light!”

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Darlene! I’m always delighted to know folks like you who do so much “behind the scenes” for all of us and our beloved world.

  5. Mikala

    When James first called us to be part of the 100,000 to pray for Peace while he was planting the Peace Pole, I had to think on that awhile. I knew I could not allow myself to see Syria and Egypt as their actions are being broadcast. The “they need our prayers” was not what I could see in my mind if I was to join the prayers. You asked, “Are we making war or Peace?” If I saw war in my vision, my prayers would then be “fighting” or “resisting” what I envisioned. So, I knew that in order to be part of joining for true Peace, Divine Peace, I had to be able to envision a beautiful, peaceful, light filled, land with all the people as one and all equally loved, sheltered, fed, and blissful. When I reached the point where I could do that truthfully, and in my own bliss state, then, and only then, would I join the group in prayer.

    John, this question is so very pertinent at this point in time. We cannot “fight” for Peace, or we make more war, even if you are using prayer. This is a razor’s edge concept.

    The truth of our power individually, and multiplied as we group together in Peace, is what we will use to bring about the new Earth. Keep the vision alive: we are ONE, we are Divine, we are Love, we are Light – each one of us no matter what we were doing or thinking one second ago. We will “get there” together, and our creation of the new Earth will be beyond the awe we can imagine.

    We can only make Peace if we are Peace within. I love that goal.

    Love unconditional to all,

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Mikala! I agree — we cannot “fight” for peace, no matter how we are “fighting” — whether with prayer or anything else.

      I too love that concept of being able to make peace only when we have peace within ourselves. It’s not only a concept or goal, but THE ONLY way that works.


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