The soul of man is immortal and imperishable. ~ Plato
You may have heard of an American woman named Norma Bauerschmidt. Norma’s been in the news a lot over the past couple years. At the age of 90, she was hit with a real double-whammy. First, her husband of 67 years died. Then Norma was diagnosed with uterine cancer.
Sitting in her doctor’s office, she listened to him go through the standard litany of her medical options: surgery, radiation, chemotherapy. Then he asked how she’d like to proceed. Norma looked the young doctor in the eye and said, “I’m 90 years old, I’m hitting the road.”
And that’s exactly what she did for the next year. Norma, her son Tim and daughter-in-law Ramie, spent the year in their motor home touring the United States.
In an interview with CBS News, Norma said she’d probably spend the rest of her life on the road. And she did. She told David Begnaud, the CBS interviewer, she never thought she’d have this much fun at the age of 90. Her final stop was San Juan Island, off the northwest coast of the United States. She died there. What a way to go!
Your life is supposed to be fun. If life is not fun, if you rarely laugh, if you cannot find humor in ordinary or even challenging circumstances, you’re not being your true Self. Nor are you being true to your Self.
We realize many of you, especially in your world of today, are facing daunting challenges. But when you remember who you are, when you’re acting as your true Self, you’ll find your challenges less daunting.
This lifetime is perfect for you, at the human and spiritual levels. Your life is a never-ending process of growing awareness.
So you might as well have some fun along the way. Do whatever it takes to make yourself feel good. If something feels good for you, then it is good for you.
Learn to be like little children again. Learn to laugh and play and have fun. It’s never too late to become a little child again.
We suggest you set aside some time every day just to laugh and have fun. Do whatever it takes. Watch a funny movie, read a funny book, hang out with people who laugh a lot. Do as Johnny does and read the cartoons to start off your day. You get the idea.
Do not wait to start having fun. Do it now. Find joy in all your experiences. It’s always there, but you have to look for it. Even if, like our dear friend Norma, you’re facing a life-threatening illness, have fun all along the way.
Laugh. Play. Life is too important to take it so seriously. It’s not serious. You don’t have to pretend all is well. All really is well. You really are going to live for eternity.
In this inspiring video, You Have an Eternal Life, David Hoffmeister talks about his work with dying hospice patients and with teachings from A Course in Miracles.
Copyright © 2017 by John Cali
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The sun is shining, the birds are singing and everything is turning green! It’s a lovely spring day, a day to enjoy, to be at peace and to have fun. I have found that when I let go of seeming problems everything turns out fine. The moment is precious to us for it is eternal when you learn to just enjoy and laugh. Humour is the best medicine along with hugs and laughter. Yes pretend you will live forever until you no longer need to pretend and remember you are eternal!
love and hugs
John Cali
Thanks very much, Jeannie. Beautifully said! My spirit guides often say “Now is all there is.”
Love & hugs,