God’s Will by John Cali

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 6

A happy outcome to all things is sure. ~ A Course in Miracles

The heart and love of GodThe Heart and Love of God

How often have you heard someone say (usually when something “bad” happens), “Oh well, it’s God’s will.” I often cringe when I hear it. It’s almost as if people think God (or Goddess) wills only bad things for us. And that we have no choice in the matter. There was a mantra of sorts I was brought up with as a kid: “Lord, thy will, not mine, be done.”

Spirit and I have discussed this subject at least several times over the years. But I was reminded of it again the last time I was visiting my family and friends in New York.

One of my family, one of the few who know about my work and support it, told me he’d been discussing me with another family member. This other member neither understands nor supports what I do. In fact, she’s very critical, although not to my face. Despite that, we have a close relationship. However, I think I can fairly describe her as rigid and close-minded.

During their discussion, the critical one exclaimed to the other, “But what Johnny’s doing is against our church — it’s not God’s will.” (I don’t even belong to “our church!”)

When I heard about this conversation, I just chuckled. I’m far beyond caring what other people think of me.

But it did make me realize how distorted and divisive this whole idea of “God’s will” is.

Just what is God’s will anyway?

Here’s Spirit.


Let’s start this conversation off on the “right foot.” Friends, your will and God’s will are the same. That is, if you are following your heart.

As John said, this concept of God’s will is a distorted and divisive one. You humans have maimed and murdered each other more in the name of God than for any other “cause.”

So this truly is a distorted and divisive thing, and one your world would be far better off without.

We realize few of your religions or other spiritual belief systems would define God’s will in exactly the same way. And that’s the root of the difficulty right there.

Each defines the term in the narrow context of its own dogma and principles. And then they announce the whole world ought to live by their rules. (We are not picking on religions or other spiritual paths. Our words here today apply equally to other entities. For example, political and educational institutions, etc. etc.)

But it’s obvious the whole world is never going to follow the same path. And each of you individually is never going to follow exactly the same path as another. Even if you both belong to the same church, religion, political party, spiritual path, etc.

You are all unique. And you all have your own unique path and calling in this lifetime. When more humans can accept and allow that, you will have taken a giant step toward creating a world you will feel comfortable in. It won’t be a world where you are all exactly alike. But a world where you can recognize and love the divinity in all humans, all beings.

If you truly want to do God’s will, you will follow your heart — always! Not your head, your intellect. But your heart, your feelings.

Your higher self speaks most clearly to you in the language of the heart. Listen to your heart. And you will hear your higher self. You will hear God. Then you will always do God’s will.

For your will, coming from your heart, and God’s will are one and the same.


What do you think of Spirit’s statement?—“For your will, coming from your heart, and God’s will are one and the same.

Please share your thoughts with us below.


Copyright © 2015 by John Cali

If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.


Here’s James Twyman delightful musical version of A Course in Miracles, Lesson 292.


What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.


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About John Cali

Writer and publisher John Cali, author of 10 books, talks to ghosts and dead people. He writes about these adventures at his blog and website, and in his upcoming book, Conversations with Spirit: Real Answers To Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1.

Subscribe to his newsletter and receive a free copy of The Book of Joy: How To Live Every Day of Your Life Happily Ever After.

Website: http://www.GreatWesternPublishing.org

6 Responses

  1. Susan

    Thank you, John for this beautiful post. Doing the workbook lessons from ACIM with James Twyman this year (’cause I sure needed a refresher!)has been such a remarkable experience. Don’t know if adding this lesson to the above may be of service…


    Love and blessings to you and all your readers,

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Susan, for your kindness.

      I share your feelings about Jimmy Twyman’s ACIM course. It as a refresher for you, and a first-time experience for me. But it is obviously a deeply moving, transforming experience for both of us. Thank you for the link.


  2. Toni

    Believe it or not, John, I’m having a really hard time grasping this concept. I don’t know what’s in my heart.

    • John Cali

      Thank you, Toni. I understand. Many folks struggle to understand this. But know this — it will become crystal clear soon. Just don’t give up hope.

  3. Ron B.

    Volumes can and have been written on this subject and as spirit says many different words have been used to mean the same things and vice versa.
    When looking at the question of God´s will from an evolutionary perspective it is easy to see that all is well in the long run anyways. Add the idea of reincarnation within that of evolution and we have a recipe for expansion, for life, since stagnation goes nowhere fast. Okay, not so fast from our point of physical view, from the small picture perspective but that is understandable. Time has to be a part of the equation and contrast also has to exist for change to be created. Thus we are given free will and again without it we would eventually stagnate ourselves into non-existence and that is not productive for the main goal of expansion of the universe or whatever one wants to call it.

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