“Forgive your worst enemies.”~ Eva Kor, Auschwitz survivor
Nazi Death Camp at Auschwitz, Poland
Who Is Eva Kor?
I don’t pay much attention to the mainstream news media. There’s too much focus on “bad” news and negativity for my tastes. But there was one recent story that caught my attention.
It was about the death of Eva Kor. Eva was a survivor of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz. It was probably no “coincidence” that she died during what turned out to be her final trip to the Holocaust site in Poland.
In this lifetime, most of us will never have to suffer through what Eva did at Auschwitz. At the age of 10, she and her twin sister, Miriam, were subjected to the tortures of the infamous Nazi medical doctor, Josef Mengele.
Eva and Miriam were among the relatively few people to survive Auschwitz and the torture inflicted by Todesengel (German for Angel of Death, as Mengele was known).
In her last visit to the Auschwitz Museum, Eva said, “Forgive your worst enemies….The moment I forgave the Nazis, I felt free from Auschwitz, and from all the tragedy that had occurred to me.”
Viktor Frankl
Another survivor of Auschwitz was Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. Dr Frankl was able to find forgiveness, compassion, and even joy in the most horrendous circumstances humanity has ever known.
Forgiveness is not condoning or excusing the cruelty of others.
You have a saying:
Hatred is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die. That’s about how much sense hatred makes. You are harming no one but yourself.
Forgiveness is a choice you can easily make to free yourself from the past and its pain. Then you can move into the present moment, and find the joy and peace that live only there.
Forgiveness should not be something you do occasionally. It should be a way of life.
Forgiveness frees you to be who you really are, and to do what you came to do.
In this powerfully moving short video, CBS News’s Ben Tracy interviews a Holocaust survivor and his unlikely roommate.
Copyright © 2019 by John Cali
Is there someone in your life, past or present, you need to forgive—or be forgiven by?
Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
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About Eva Kor I heard for the first time last year, or it may have been already the year before that, because of what was believed to be the last trial of a war criminal, a man who had been a guard in Auschwitz. He was already in his nineties. The trial was held in Lüneburg in Niedersachsen, a small town in the north of Germany which has restored many of its ancient buildings and therefore has a beautiful centre. I know it well because my husband and I have been there many times during our holidays. It was during this trial, that received much attention on TV, that Eva was one of the witnesses and openly declared that she forgave this man, and in him all of the war criminals. The man himself was much moved and hugged her but of course the trial did not stop because of this. That seems to be a misunderstanding about forgiveness somehow! There was also an interview with Eva herself who told about everything what had happened. Her sister was not subjected to all these terrible experiments though. By keeping her safe and healthy Dr. Mengele could determine better what exactly were the results of the experiments he did on Eva. She also told about the years that she was chasing Nazi war criminals and a picture of these days showed her as an angry woman. Her forgiving all these war criminals changed her into a woman who was happy and free, in spite of everything that had happened.
John Cali
Thank you, Anny.