Find Freedom Through Forgiveness

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 3

Over the years, Spirit has talked a lot about forgiveness. In today’s chaotic, often callous, world the subject of forgiveness has never been more timely. Here are a few of Spirit’s thoughts.


  • There is no dis-ease today that is not caused by you. Most times, the true cause is your unwillingness to forgive.
  • If you are suffering from any disease, discomfort, or dread in your lives, it is for one reason only: UNFORGIVENESS.
  • When you discover the hidden power of forgiveness, you will find the key to total healing—physical, emotional, spiritual.

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The Hidden Power of Forgiveness

In today’s partisan, chaotic world, we rush to judgment and are slow to forgive.

In Tina Spalding’s book, Jesus: My Autobiography, Jesus says “Judgment is the biggest crime that can be committed against yourself and against others.”

How often do we even notice when we are judging? In our opinion, not often.


One of the human traits we in spirit find fascinating is your reluctance to forgive.

When you perceive, in your limited vision, another has harmed you, you often focus on the “harm” and not on your part in creating that harm.Read more

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

Angry God

Forgiveness is God’s command. ~ Martin Luther

I grew up in an oppressive religious environment, as I know many of you did. I can think of stronger words. But “oppressive” will do for now.

One of my church’s most prominent teachings painted an image of God as a fierce and vengeful old white man. If you didn’t do as he said (really, what the church said he said), you were headed for hell and eternal damnation.

Sound familiar?



You have undoubtedly heard much about forgiveness, especially if you travel in spiritual circles.Read more

Forgiveness and Love

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

Tenzin Gyatso 14th Dalai Lama

Learning to forgive is much more useful than merely picking up a stone and throwing it at the object of one’s anger, the more so when the provocation is extreme. For it is under the greatest adversity that there exists the greatest potential for doing good, both for oneself and others. ~ Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

You’ve probably heard about Amber Guyger, the Dallas, Texas police officer who shot and killed Botham Jean, an unarmed black man. The officer is white.Read more

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

“Forgive your worst enemies.”~ Eva Kor, Auschwitz survivor


Nazi Death Camp at Auschwitz, Poland

Who Is Eva Kor?

I don’t pay much attention to the mainstream news media. There’s too much focus on “bad” news and negativity for my tastes. But there was one recent story that caught my attention.

It was about the death of Eva Kor. Eva was a survivor of the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz. It was probably no “coincidence” that she died during what turned out to be her final trip to the Holocaust site in Poland.Read more

The Tremendous Power of Forgiveness

posted in: Blog, channeling, peace on earth | 8

I can have peace of mind only when I forgive rather than judge. ~ Gerald Jampolsky, MD

I recently received some news about someone I knew well long ago. I’d lost touch with her over the years. The news, which did not surprise me, was about her deteriorating health. She was literally at death’s doorway. I’ll call her Joan (not her real name).

Joan had been carrying a bitter grudge against a family member for most of her life. She refused to have anything to do with this relative.Read more

How To Overcome Your Fear of Death by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 20

Forgiveness is the means by which the fear of death is overcome….Forgiveness lets the body be perceived as what it is—a simple teaching tool to be laid by when learning is complete, hardly changing him who learns at all. A Course in Miracles

God is all that is. We are all God.God Is All That Is

Last week someone I’ve known many years killed himself. The details are not important. But our perception of those details, and of the death itself, requires some soul-searching.

Our society assumes it is natural for us to fear death—no matter how, when, where, why it occurs.Read more

Life Is Beautiful, Love Is Beautiful by John Cali and Spirit

Crematorium_Terezin_cemeteryCrematorium and graveyard at Terezin concentration camp

Last Sunday one of my all-time favorite people died. Alice Herz-Sommer was 110 years old.

Alice survived the horrors of the Nazi concentration camp at Terezin. Even though her husband and many family and friends died there, she came away physically and emotionally unharmed. It’s pretty hard to believe, but Alice bore no hatred or resentment toward Nazi Germany.

She loved music and it’s part of the reason she walked away from Terezin virtually unscathed.Read more

Why Do We Need Forgiveness? by John Cali

Michelangelo’s The Last Judgement (Sistine Chapel)

When I was growing up in the Catholic Church, we were constantly reminded we needed forgiveness for all our sins, great and small. There was no way we were going to make it to heaven unless we constantly begged God to forgive us.

There was even a part of the Sunday Mass service where we were required to say “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you. Only say the word and I shall be healed.”Read more

Forgetfulness by John Cali

Dr. Bernie Siegel tells a wonderful story about his marriage. Years ago he fell off his roof, hitting his head on the pavement. He developed amnesia from the injury. He said the amnesia dramatically improved his marriage with his wife Bobbie. But when his memory returned, he sought marriage counseling.

Fascinating story! After I thought about it, I realized what Bernie’s underlying message was. If we simply forget (or, in this case, cannot remember) all our past baggage, our relationships automatically improve.… Read more