How Do You Face Your Own Mortality? by John Cali


That’s a tough question for many of us.

Two weeks ago a member of our family died. Two days ago another one died.

The deaths got me to thinking about, well, life and death. None of us are going to get out of this life alive. At least not physically.

How do we face our own mortality? I’ve given lots of thought to that question the past two weeks.

Once again, I’m away from home for a while. So this newsletter will be brief.

Here are a few of Spirit’s thoughts on life and death:

  • The dread of death is rooted in a misunderstanding of what death is.
  • Death is not the end of you, only the end of your physical body. You go on forever.
  • Your physical body is sacred and should always be honored. But it is only a temporary vessel, albeit a holy one.
  • Dying is the easiest thing you will ever do. After all, you’ve done it many times.
  • Death is simply another step on the eternal journey of your spirit.
  • Rejoice in your body, your death, your spirit. You are not your body, your death. You are your spirit.
  • All is well, in “life” and “death.”
  • All that remains, after all is said and done, is you—and love.


Here is a fascinating video on death from the perspective of little children:

5 Responses

  1. Ken

    Conceptually, I am okay with death .. I understand that it is just a process of life, and we are eternally “safe”. I think my problem with it is not wanting to let go of “this” .. I mean it is all I have ever known. I take a few minutes each day and ponder the things I will miss when I am no longer “here” .. The sun on my face, the smell of spring (and coffee), the music that touches me deeply and my wonderful kids. My appreciation of life has grown recently .. Especially after having some health issues last summer. I wish I could be granted a quick peek behind the veil .. Something that would help me on a more physical level.

    Thanks for sharing this newsletter .. I have learned a lot from it.

    • John Cali

      Thank you very much, Ken.

      I’m reading a book right now, “Dying To Be Me,” by Anita Moorjani. She will give you that “peek behind the veil” you want.

    • Shih-Min

      Dear Ken:

      Rather than “take a few minutes each day and ponder the things you will MISS when you are no longer ‘HERE’”, we would like to suggest that you have it another way–take a few minutes each day to purely FEEL and THANK for the things you like and love.
      Please make an effort to replace that “missing” feeling with gratitude and appreciation.
      Being completely present at NOW and HERE means you feel the sun on your face, the smell of spring (and coffee), the music that touches you deeply and your wonderful kids with True Enjoyment and Appreciation, untainted by fear of missing.
      Then, you will be very okay with death, not only conceptually.

      With Love,

  2. Conshana

    On December 7, 1941, The Reverend Peter Marshall gave a Sermon at the Naval Academy. He spoke on death, and dying that day. ( According to the movie, “A Man Called Peter” )
    Paraphrased, and briefed, it is like going to sleep, and waking up in a new place, in a place familiar to you as your own bed.
    Those of us who have faced death rarely have a fear of it. As I have said on this site before,
    The Universe is the Safest Place in the World. And the Kingdom of God is Within Us.
    Blessings, John, and Thank You for all you do

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Conshana. I remember that movie.

      I agree with you — the universe is the safest place, and God is always and eternally within us. So nothing can harm us. Not even death.

      Thanks so much for your kind words, Conshana. You’ve been a great supporter and dear friend to us for so many years. I’m deeply grateful to you!

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