How Much Would You Pay To Live Forever?

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You may have heard about the American billionaires searching for eternal life. Not the eternal life religion teaches, but eternal life in a physical body. They’re sinking many millions of dollars into what may be the biggest waste of money ever dreamed up by humans.


We’ve talked about this subject before. You humans seem to be insanely driven by this (in our opinion, wasteful) search for eternal life.

Here are just a few (out of many) of our thoughts about living forever:

  • Achieving eternal life is an impossible dream.

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Immortality: Hoax or Victory over Death?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 4

Immortality lies not in the things you leave behind, but in the people your life has touched. ~ Anonymous

The quest for immortality is as old as humanity itself. The methods humans have explored to see if they can live forever are countless.

What’s the meaning of it all? Would you want to live forever? Would you want to live forever in a physical body, or some variation of one?

An article I read recently in The Guardian talked about some Silicon Valley folks, obviously with a lot of money, searching for the magic key to immortality.Read more

Conquer Your Fear of Death and Know You are Immortal

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 8

Millions long for immortality who don’t know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon. ~ Susan Ertz, British author


Would you want to live forever? The quest for physical immortality seems to be consuming more and more people today. Our planet appears to be plunged into deep confusion and chaos. Why, then, would anyone want to live in that for endless years?


We’ve spoken before about the chaos engulfing the planet and all living beings on it.Read more

Defying Death

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 10

Death makes me very angry. Premature death makes me angrier still….Death has never made any sense to me. How can a person be there and then just vanish, just not be there? ~ Larry Ellison, Oracle founder

peaceful graveyard at sunrise

I found Larry Ellison’s words (above) intriguing, to say the least. But when you think about it, isn’t he just echoing what so many other people say? I know most of you reading this most likely have a different perspective on death. But many side with Ellison.Read more

How Do You Face Your Own Mortality? by John Cali


That’s a tough question for many of us.

Two weeks ago a member of our family died. Two days ago another one died.

The deaths got me to thinking about, well, life and death. None of us are going to get out of this life alive. At least not physically.

How do we face our own mortality? I’ve given lots of thought to that question the past two weeks.

Once again, I’m away from home for a while. So this newsletter will be brief.Read more