Solitude is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it.~ Deepak Chopra
One of people’s greatest fears is being alone. How about you? Do you fear growing old alone? Or do you fear any situation where you are totally on your own?
Few ever consider the benefits of being alone, or the power of solitude.
We have often said you are never alone. So why are we talking about solitude, or being alone, today?
While, as we said, you are never alone, you do not always feel the truth, or the comfort, of knowing that.
Each of you is an aspect of God, the divine energy that created and supports the universe. In fact, you are more than an aspect of God. You are God.
If that’s true (and it is) why then do so many fear being alone? The answer is simple: They do not know who they are.
So the power of solitude is that it holds some valuable lessons for all of you—as your wise teacher Deepak Chopra has said.
One of those lessons—the most important one—is to remind you (for you often forget) who you are. If you remember you are God, then you will know you are never alone.
That is the most valuable lesson you can learn from solitude.
So when you are physically alone, embrace the solitude. It is a powerful teacher and will show you that you are never truly alone. That is its power.
Copyright © 2021 by John Cali and Berna Copray
Edited by Berna Copray
This video discusses the many benefits of solitude.
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Jean Horn
Age is a number, I am not a number. I have a world within my mind, how can I be lonely.
love and hugs