Life, Death, and Beyond

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 0

Most humans believe that you come into these bodies and you live for a little while, and you get it right or you don’t, and then you leave—when what is really happening is you are eternal. You never really leave. ~ Abraham with Esther Hicks


Most humans fear death. That’s a “fact of life,” as you say.

We say there is never any reason to fear death—if you remember who you are.

And who are you?

Most humans would answer that question with their name, or nationality, or some other limited way of identifying themselves.Read more

What Happens When You Die?

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 4

Arguably, one of humanity’s greatest questions—and greatest fears—is What happens when you die? Does anyone really know? Is there anything to fear?


Those are great questions. Are there any good answers? Definitely, yes!

As Johnny said, our title is arguably the most-asked question among humans. So the first thing we want to address today is the myth of death. For there is no death. Most humans move through their lives fearing something that does not even exist!

We realize what you call “death” seems to be a real experience.Read more

Death and Life

One of the most discussed (and most dreaded) topics, especially in today’s world, is death. Berna and I actually enjoy talking about it. If we understand what death really is, there’s nothing to fear.


As Johnny and Berna said, death is nothing to fear. Most humans do not see that. The conventional view is, first, there is life. And then second, inevitably, there is death.

We’ve said this many times over many years. But we’ll say it again: There is no death.Read more

The Magic of Meditation

In my personal life, I’ve found meditation a most powerful tool. I’ve meditated every day over 40 years, cannot imagine life without it. It can work magic in your life.


The benefits of meditation are many. It will help and heal you in all areas of your life—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.

There are many ways to meditate. Our purpose here today is not to teach you meditation methods. There is plenty of good information on that available today.

What is important is that you choose a method that appeals to you personally.Read more

The Power of Solitude

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 1

Solitude is the great teacher, and to learn its lessons you must pay attention to it.~ Deepak Chopra

One of people’s greatest fears is being alone. How about you? Do you fear growing old alone? Or do you fear any situation where you are totally on your own?

Few ever consider the benefits of being alone, or the power of solitude.


We have often said you are never alone. So why are we talking about solitude, or being alone, today?Read more

You Did Not Come Here To Fail

Have you ever wondered what happens to a person who commits suicide?



Your society generally condemns suicide. It looks down on those who attempt it, especially if they succeed.

Is that condemnation justified? In our opinion, no!

Many of you reading this have been affected by the suicide, or attempted suicide, of someone close to you.

Why You Came to Earth

First of all, you must remember no one on your planet today came here without a good reason.Read more

Mind Power Revisited

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

One of our favorite book series is Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding.

Among the many, miraculous deeds of the Masters are their abilities to live hundreds of years without aging, transport their physical bodies to any location they wish (teleportation), instantly heal others and themselves as Jesus did (and still does), and so on.

In this skeptical, close-minded era we’re in now, all this seems like nonsense to many. Yet it’s closer to the truth of who we are than most imagine.Read more

Sex and Spirituality

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 2

A while ago, a reader asked us to talk about the spirituality of sex.

If you were raised as we were, in the Roman Catholic Church, you’ll undoubtedly remember sex was something you didn’t talk about. You got the idea it was evil. So how could it possibly be spiritual?

Among the Church’s rules was sex, and even thoughts about it, were evil. Except, of course, within the narrow and strictly controlled confines of marriage. Any violation was sure to send you to Hell for all eternity.Read more

Coronavirus Follow-up


This week, Spirit has a few more words about last week’s coronavirus post.


When the coronavirus is over, you will enter into that golden age you have long dreamt of. It will be a time when you cherish and love one another more deeply than ever before. And  you will cherish and love yourselves more deeply than ever before.

There is nothing to fear

Your bond and love with the God within grants you immunity like nothing else can.Read more

Manifesting Magic

posted in: Blog, channeling, manifesting | 0


Copyright © 2019 by Berna Copray

“When you know positively that GOD…does exist and that it is ALL POWER, you can use it to accomplish ALL THINGS. With it you can transport yourself from place to place.” ~ Baird T. Spalding

I realize that photograph and quotation above may look a bit strange. Let us explain.

On a recent cool sunny day, at a nearby park, my dear friend Berna Copray and I were discussing a book we’d recently read. The book, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East  by Baird T.Read more

The Unforgettable Street Sweeper

posted in: Blog, channeling, kindness | 5

Your angels often come to you well-disguised. ~ John Cali & Spirit


In my younger days, one of our family’s neighbors was a street sweeper—a pretty humble vocation. Like my family and most of our neighbors, Giuseppe and his family were Italian immigrants.

We lived in a small farm town, where almost everyone was friendly. With one exception.

The “Americans,” as they called themselves, harshly discriminated against the Italians. Even in our little Roman Catholic parish, the pastor required segregated seating.Read more

What Planet Are You From?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 12

The only thing that scares me more than space aliens is the idea that there aren’t any space aliens. We can’t be the best that creation has to offer. I pray we’re not all that is. If so, we’re in big trouble. ~ Ellen DeGeneres

This week we’re featuring an article by my dear friend, Ted Murray. Ted’s an accomplished writer and spiritual teacher. He’s also a great tennis coach.

In Ted’s message today he raises a powerful and timely question, one that should concern every one of us.Read more

Is the Afterlife (Life After Death) Impossible?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 7

The afterlife is the belief that an essential part of an individual’s identity, or the stream of consciousness, continues to manifest after the death of the physical body. ~ Wikipedia

So what do you believe? Do we simply cease to exist after our physical bodies die? Or does some part of us live forever? Is there such a thing as the afterlife?

One scientist, Dr. Sean Carroll, physics professor at California Institute of Technology, has this to say:

“Claims that some form of consciousness persists after our bodies die and decay into their constituent atoms face one huge, insuperable obstacle…within (the laws of physics)…there’s no way…for the information stored in our brains to persist after we die….Read more

The Power of Oneness

“That the message We Are All One, interrelated, interconnected and interdependent, with God/Life/One-another, is the one spiritual message that the world has been waiting for to bring about loving and sustainable answers to humanity’s challenges.” ~ Global Oneness Day 2017 


As I’m sure many of you know, last Tuesday was the 8th yearly celebration of Global Oneness Day, sponsored by Humanity’s Team, founded by Neale Donald Walsch.

What follows is a bizarre true story of oneness, told to me many years ago by a dear friend who was there.Read more

Are You Ready for Huge Changes?

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 13

Turbulence is life force. Let’s love turbulence and use it for change. ~ Ramsay Clark


People often tell me their hearts are breaking when they see all the huge, seemingly destructive changes on our planet today. It’s tough time to be human, especially for those without a spiritual foundation—and challenging even for those with a spiritual support system.

My dear friend and brother Ted Murray publishes Messages from the Heart, a free daily service. I’ve been following Ted a long time now, and thoroughly enjoy his inspiring, uplifting writing.Read more

Oneness Is an Impossible Dream

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 8

Vasu deva kutum bakam. ~ Sanskrit mantra (The whole world is my family. From expanded awareness, I feel my connection to everyone.)



In this time of dramatic change all around the planet, it’s easy to lose sight of some basic facts of life:

  • We’re all in this together. We always have been.
  • There is no us versus them. There is only oneness. “Them” is “us.”
  • There are no boundaries except those we’ve created while laboring under the grand illusion we’re all separate.

Read more

Wayne Dyer 1940–2015: Followup by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 20

Almost everything—all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure—these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.
Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart. ~ Steve Jobs 1955–2011


Life, Death, and Beyond

I want to thank all of you who read and commented on our last post about Wayne’s passing.Read more

Seeing Through the Eyes of Grace by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy. This is physics. ~ Albert Einstein

 albert einsteinAlbert Einstein

One late afternoon a while back I was looking out my living room window at the valley below, and the mountains beyond. The scenery is gorgeous. It’s one of my favorite views in this beautiful place where’s there’s an abundance of spectacular scenery.Read more

The 21-Day Challenge by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 12

Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity. Don’t fight them. Just find a different way to stand. ~ Oprah Winfrey

mountain climbing challengeMountain Climbing Challenge

A couple days ago I finished a “21-day meditation challenge”—the name Deepak Chopra has given his periodic free meditation courses. He presents each of the series with Oprah Winfrey. Their latest, Manifesting Grace through Gratitude, ran the 21 days from July 13 through August 2.

As always, it was a pretty powerful experience for me.Read more

Transforming Soul Distress: A Profound Meditation by Hans Brockhuis

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 0

There are many ways to create a gap in the incessant stream of thought. This is what meditation is all about. ~ Eckhart Tolle

meditation body mind spirit

This meditation is about transforming your soul pain. Perhaps you do not want this at all, as old pain hurts violently. But on the other hand, it may be possible in one way or another to somehow allow that old pain which blocks access to your true self or soul. You do not know exactly how, but for you, through fear and/or resistance, it is very difficult to get access and everything stays where it is.Read more

How To Tell If You Are a Wise Old Soul–16 Ways by John Cali and Spirit

Wisdom doesn’t automatically come with old age. Nothing does–except wrinkles. It’s true, some wines improve with age. But only if the grapes were good in the first place. ~ Abigail Van Buren

Tissot_The_Wisdom_of_SolomonThe Wisdom of Solomon by James Tissot

Ever since I started on this spiritual path, many years ago, I’ve heard terms like “enlightenment,” “ascension,” “wise old soul,” and other similar ones. I’m sure you have too.

I cannot honestly say I ever fully understood what those words meant–they seem to mean different things to different people.… Read more

Is Life ALWAYS Worth Living? by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 21

My work is done. Why wait? ~ Eastman Kodak founder George Eastman, in his suicide note written after long enduring intense pain from his degenerating spine.

George Eastman, 1854-1932George Eastman 1854-1932

You’ve probably heard about Brittany Maynard, the young woman with terminal brain cancer who decided to commit suicide earlier this week.

As I started writing this post my sister told me an elderly cousin, closing in on 100 years, had just died. She lived a good, long, and happy life.

Brittany, at the other end of the spectrum of life, was only 29.Read more

You Can Die When and How You Choose by John Cali and Spirit

I believe there are two sides to the phenomenon known as death, this side where we live, and the other side where we shall continue to live. Eternity does not start with death. We are in eternity now. ~ Norman Vincent Peale

Norman_Vincent_Peale_NYWTSNorman Vincent Peale
By Roger Higgins, World Telegram staff photographer

In an interview some years ago Dr. Deepak Chopra talked about his father’s death. The elder Chopra, also a doctor, was 82 when he died. He was active till the night of his death.… Read more

Did You Know Yoga Is Evil and Endangers Your Soul? by John Cali and Spirit

If men were born free, they would, so long as they remained free, form no conception of good and evil. ~ Baruch Spinoza

yogaImage copyright © 2010 by Mark Donoher

I read an article yesterday which took me totally by surprise. An Irish Catholic priest was cautioning his parishioners against yoga because, he said, it endangers their souls. Same goes for tai chi or Reiki, according to the reverend. These activities he deemed “unsavoury.”

I had to read the article a couple times before it sunk in.Read more

Am I Doing It Right? by John Cali and Spirit

If I had to live my life again, I’d make the same mistakes, only sooner. ~ Tallulah Bankhead

Mistakes-Precious_Life_LessonsCopyright © 2012 by Jd5466

This week’s post, for a couple personal reasons, is short.


Have you ever wondered if you were doing something right, perhaps in a moment of self-doubt? Maybe you’re afraid to do anything for fear of making mistakes.

And so you do nothing. But isn’t that also is a mistake?

My spirit guides often say none of us has ever made a mistake.Read more