
posted in: Blog, body mind spirit | 4

As you perhaps know, we sometimes have question-and-answer sessions with Spirit.

We decided to use the following question for today’s post.


Can you tell us more about the concept of intention?

Answer by Spirit

It is a powerful concept, a powerful tool in your spiritual toolbox. Your intention is everything, because with your intention you can literally change the path of your life.

So, nothing can be achieved without intention, a clear and powerful intention. Anytime you form an intention, for example, if you want to heal something, first you form the intention that it will be healed.… Read more

The Hidden Power of Inner Peace

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 8

“Acquire inner peace and a multitude will find their salvation near you.” ~ Catherine de Hueck Doherty, founder of Madonna House



One day a while ago, I was walking through the Rochester, New York airport on my way to catch a flight. Nearly everyone around me was rushing about, stressed out and none too happy. A typical airport scene in today’s hurried and harried world.

I happen to love flying, and find airports fun—and, strange as it sounds, peaceful—places.

Making my way through the crowd, I spied a tall grey-haired man walking toward me.Read more