Manifesting Magic

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Copyright © 2019 by Berna Copray

“When you know positively that GOD…does exist and that it is ALL POWER, you can use it to accomplish ALL THINGS. With it you can transport yourself from place to place.” ~ Baird T. Spalding

I realize that photograph and quotation above may look a bit strange. Let us explain.

On a recent cool sunny day, at a nearby park, my dear friend Berna Copray and I were discussing a book we’d recently read. The book, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East  by Baird T.Read more

Is It a Rope or a Snake?

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 18

Illusions mistaken for truth are the pavement under our feet. They are what we call civilization. ~ Barbara Kingsolver, American writer


In his book, The Master Speaks, Joel Goldsmith, a leading 20th-century spiritual teacher, tells an interesting story from Hindu scripture.

A man walks into his bathroom and is horrified when he sees a snake. When his eyes had accustomed to the near-darkness, he takes a closer look and sees the “snake” is simply a coiled rope.

Joel then goes on to say:
“Loose anything, loose any condition, and let it go….AndRead more