The Power of the Present Moment

As we look deeply within, we understand our perfect balance. There is no fear of the cycle of birth, life and death. For when you stand in the present moment, you are timeless. ~ Rodney Yee, American yoga teacher

Barbara Maslow

Copyright © 2016 by Barbara Clark


A while back one of our readers sent us this letter:

Hi John,

I understand that I create my reality and that my thoughts and vibration matter. A few days ago I was shopping with my daughter and a friend visiting a fun shop in Sedona. I was feeling good and enjoying the day.

The dressing room was taken, so the clerk invited me to use a storage room. While in the room a ladder fell and hit me in the forehead, making me quite dizzy and somewhat disoriented.

Can you possibly write a blog about how negative things come into our experience when we are feeling good?

Does it have to do with passing thoughts earlier in the day or other people’s energy? It’s about the little things and not the big issues that might have to do with sacred contracts or balancing of energies.

I would love to read your thoughts on this topic.

Name withheld

Here are some of our thoughts about this:

I’m sure most of us can relate to the “bad” day our friend had in Sedona.

Some days nothing seems to go right. Often, we resign ourselves to the situation and mutter, “Well, it was meant to be.” I know, because I’ve done it myself.

But that’s just a “cop-out,” a convenient excuse for giving up our power to “fate.”

Either we believe all these spiritual principles most of us have been learning—and teaching—for many years, or we do not. There is no middle ground.

We truly do create our own realities. We do it either deliberately, consciously. Or we do it by default, by refusing to acknowledge we are in control of our lives. Maybe we cannot always control external circumstances, but we can always control our reactions to those circumstances.

Spirit often tells us we should not beat up on ourselves when tough times arise. We should have compassion for anyone experiencing challenges, including ourselves.

All challenges are merely tools for learning. Learning what? Learning that we have simply forgotten all the power and wisdom we carry within ourselves. We are, after all, one with God—or whatever you prefer to call that all-powerful, all-wise, all-knowing universal energy.

To repeat our reader’s question:
“Does it (a “bad” day) have to do with passing thoughts earlier in the day or other people’s energy?”

Often, yes, it does have to do with our thoughts and other people’s energy. Of course, we’re not always totally aware of what’s happening at the time.

This is where it’s important to remember where all our power is. It’s in the present moment—always and only in the present moment. It can be nowhere else.

And yet many of our present moments are filled with regrets over our past, and fears for our future. In those moments we are neither fully aware, nor fully awake.

Only by being fully present in the moment will we empower ourselves and be fully alive.

All that exists is the present moment—the Now. We have nothing else. When we use our present moments wisely, we will be living in eternity, where time does not exist. We will be living with God.

Have you ever had experiences like those our reader had? Or perhaps you’re having them right now. How do you re-balance your energy when you have these experiences?

Please share your thoughts with us below.


Copyright © 2016 by John Cali

If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.


the book of joy




If you would like to receive our free newsletter and a free copy of The Book of Joy: How To Live Every Day of Your Life Happily Ever After, please visit here.







Here’s the wonderful spiritual teacher, Lee Harris, telling us how to stay grounded in the dramatic energy shifts and transformation our planet is experiencing right now.


Related links:

The Present Moment Is Your Key To Happiness
Find Beauty In the Present Moment
Your Powerful Now
Past, Present, or Future?


What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.

13 Responses

  1. Pat Ruppel

    Thank you so much for this, John. Definitely can relate. A lot showing up in my life these days and Lee Harris on the video explains it perfectly as to what’s happening for me.

      • Pat Ruppel

        Definitely, John. He sure is and it explains a lot. Happy Memorial Day and God Bless. Thank You!

        • John Cali

          Happy Memorial Day to you too, Pat! May God bless you always. Thank you very much for being a part of this special community!

  2. Toni Desrocher

    So, John, forgive me if I’m being obtuse, but are you saying that if the writer was present in the moment, she would have known that the ladder would fall on her? Could she have prevented the ladder from falling on her if she had been present in the moment? If she was present in the moment, would she have known the ladder was going to fall on her?


    • John Cali

      You’re not being obtuse, Toni. That’s a good question.

      Neither I nor Spirit were saying the writer should have known the ladder would fall on her. There is no blame here. She might have been able to prevent the ladder from falling on her — or she may not have been able to. Only she knows. It’s not up to us to judge or criticize. Most of us are experts at judging and criticizing ourselves, and we don’t need it from others.

      We were simply using her question to point out that if we are fully present in each moment, “bad” experiences most likely will not happen. But if they do, our higher selves can always create useful lessons for us from those “bad” experiences.

      Of course, there are no truly bad experiences. All experiences are simply part of our paths to remembering who we are and why we’re here.

      I hope that helps.


    • Ron B.

      Yes Toni, that is a good question. Too often we address those questions with a black or white attitude. There are usually many possibilities. If it was as cut and dry as some would have us believe then we could tell in exactly which moment the ladder would far and where it would hit. Now the answer is way more complex than that ans as a matter of fact the subject could be extended way beyond the scope of the article, way way beyond.
      That is why some have spoken in the past about the law of accident. Cause and effect is one thing but taken to extremes it totally falls apart. We could also take the whole subject in another direction. It could just as easily be said that the ladder fell and hit this person on the head to prevent the person from heading out on the road in the precise moment that a drunken driver was going by and would have caused a much more serious accident.
      Personally I take the position that we live in a probabilistic world where humans are invisibly connected in the same way that the cells in our body are connected.
      Much of our lives are synchronious or coincidental. We simply are not aware of it, normally, and when we do pay more attention to events we are often gobsmacked or surprised and then just drop the idea because it does not fit in with our model of the world. So we do make our world but we dont do it alone and every difference makes a difference.

  3. Patricia

    Thanks so much for this wisdom! You’re right—we should always be present in the moment.

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome, Patricia! Thank you very much for taking the time to comment.

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