I have too much respect for the idea of God to make it responsible for such an absurd world. ~ Georges Duhamel
The Heart of God
This past year or so I’ve become a serious student of A Course in Miracles. It’s had a profoundly powerful, positive effect on my life and work.
As some of you know, I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church, but drifted away from it as an adult. I wanted nothing more to do with traditional religion.
While that’s still somewhat true, my attitude toward religion has softened. Now I believe everyone has a right to follow whatever spiritual path they choose—or no path at all. I no longer judge or criticize those on a path different from mine.
I’ve been aware of A Course in Miracles since about 1981. But I never seriously thought about it, as I figured it was just another flavor of traditional religion. Was I ever wrong!
A Course in Miracles, despite it being channelled by Jesus (yes, that one!) through Dr. Helen Schucman, resembles nothing in the traditional religions I’m familiar with.
In a recent lesson I’ve been studying it says, “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” Everything in the course is profound. But that particular quotation is, for me, one of the most profound.
We realize it can be difficult for you to believe you are not your body. After all, nearly everything in your modern world is pushing you to believe your body is all you are. When you leave your body in what you call “death,” you believe you are no more. You no longer exist.
Holding that belief cripples you far more than you might think. At death you seek to leave behind something to remind others you were here once—you were alive. You sometimes call that your legacy.
Your legacy is far more than whatever reminders you leave behind when you leave your body. Your legacy, friends, is YOU—who you were, who you are, who you will always be.
You are eternal because you are God. It’s time to start living your life, regardless of how “old” or “young” you are, as if you are God. Because you are. It’s time to acknowledge and own your power, your true identity.
Knowing all that will empower you, and help you realize your full potential in your physical world. Live as if you make a powerful difference to other people, to all life, to your planet. You transform others by your very presence, by simply being who you are. You don’t have to do anything.
The world you see “out there” is an illusion—an illusion you create when you cannot see through the eyes of God.
You matter. Your life matters. You can, and do, touch others with your love, your kindness, your compassion. Every word, deed, and thought you hold has the power to uplift all life, all beings.
You can and are making a difference. See yourself as we see you—we are all the same. See yourself as God. See the world and all that is through the eyes of God. See yourself as God created you, good and powerful.
Copyright © 2015 by John Cali
If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.
All of you reading this are spiritual seekers. You are lightworkers. You know you are just as God made you. You know you are God. But if you’re like me, you need occasional reminders.
This powerful video, A Spiritual Conspiracy, will give you a greater appreciation for the difference you are making in this world.
Thank you, Susan, for sending me the video!
Related posts:
You Are God
When Was the Last Time You Saw God?
Living in the Maze of Today’s World Is Easier If You Know You Are God
How Do You Express the Light of God?
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About John Cali
Writer and publisher John Cali, author of 10 books, talks to ghosts and dead people. He writes about these adventures at his blog and website, and in his upcoming book, Conversations with Spirit: Real Answers To Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1.
Subscribe to his newsletter and receive a free copy of The Book of Joy: How To Live Every Day of Your Life Happily Ever After.
Ron B.
So we are eternal because we were created by God who we all know (believe or assume) is eternal. How do you know that the God who created us is eternal? Did the Course In Miracles teach you that? Or did religion teach you that?
God would have to have existed for one heck of a long time but eternal?
How could we even know that the God who created us was not created by a Super-God
previously, so to speak?
Great article full of useful information in spite of that and worth repeating many times.
Love, Ron
John Cali
Thank you, Ron, for your kind comments
If in the world of Spirit linear time does not exist (as many spiritual teachers say), then what is there other than eternity?
Namaste, John —
Thanks, as always, for all that you are doing in helping to bring the Truth to light. We are all so blessed that there are so many teachers who have shown up to move us beyond the beliefs of this world of limitations!
Love and blessings to all and from all,
John Cali
Hi Susan,
Thanks so much for your always-kind comments — and for your many contributions to this website. As you say, we are all richly blessed today with so many great teachers helping us to move into higher consciousness, and beyond this world of limitations.
Love and blessings to you, Susan,