You Can Create Your Own Happiness by John Cali and Spirit

Man is the artificer of his own happiness. ~ Henry David Thoreau

jumping for joyJumping for Joy

As you can see from the list of “Related posts” below, we’ve talked about happiness a lot in this blog. It’s a subject many folks never get tired of talking about — especially the lack of happiness in their lives.

Here’s Spirit.


Most humans believe they need a reason to be happy. And that reason — whatever it is — money, relationships, health, etc. — will never provide lasting happiness. Because nothing ever remains the same. Everything is constantly changing. So why not be happy for no reason? It’s totally up to you.

The only “reason” you need to be happy is to know all is well, now and forever. It has never been otherwise. It will never be otherwise. Despite appearances. Despite what your human and your physical senses “see.” Anything other than well-being is an illusion.

And so you might ask, “What then is really real?”

Love is real. Appreciation is real. Joy is real. Passion is real. Happiness is real. Health is real. Well-being is real. And anything other than what is real is just a passing illusion. Sickness, poverty, “bad” relationships, death, war, all disharmony and dis-ease. These are all illusions, albeit illusions you created.

Your natural state is that of well-being. Happiness is natural. Joy is natural. Good health is natural. Abundance is natural. All the good things you’ve ever wanted in your lives — these are all natural. They are your birthright as a human being, as a child of the universe, as a child of God.

Happiness is your natural state of being. When you choose to remember that, you will be happy. Happiness is up to you. You create your own happiness, whether you believe it or not.

When you can accept all that, you’ll know you do not need a reason to be happy. You’re free to just be happy. No reason needed.


Copyright © 2015 by John Cali

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Here’s a delightful short video, appropriately titled The Happiest Man Alive, about a wonderful man who has every logical reason to be unhappy. Yet he is at least one of the happiest people on our planet. He knows how to create his own happiness. We can all learn a lot from him.




Related posts:

The Present Moment Is Your Key To Happiness
Chasing Happiness
Life, Depression, and Happiness
15 Sure-Fire Keys To Happiness
Sure-Fire Keys To Happiness


Are you mostly happy with yourself and your life? Whether you are or not, why?

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About John Cali

Writer and publisher John Cali, author of 10 books, talks to ghosts and dead people. He writes about these adventures at his blog and website, and in his upcoming book, Conversations with Spirit: Real Answers To Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1.

Subscribe to his newsletter and receive a free copy of The Book of Joy: How To Live Every Day of Your Life Happily Ever After.


6 Responses

  1. Beth Reinfjord

    Thankyou very much for that wonderful reminder of joy!!!


  2. L

    Thanks John. That little clip was very moving. He’s amazing. And living proof of that saying “Happiness is an inside job”.

    • John Cali

      You’re most welcome! Glad you liked it. I totally agree — that beautiful guy is living proof of that saying, “Happiness is an inside job.” It certainly does not depend on all the illusions we think it does.

  3. Conshana

    Charles Schultz may have had the right of it: “Happiness is a warm puppy”.
    And if we would internalize the fact that “The Kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN you!”, we could sure put a lot of psychotherapists out of work~!

    Happiness is strictly a choice, and oftimes we fear happiness because we fear we’ll lose it, and be worse off than before. Throw out fear, and happiness is an innate, inborn trait.


    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Conshana. I love Charles Schulz. His Peanuts cartoon is one of my all-time favorites. I still read it every day. I love that quote “Happiness is a warm puppy.” So simple and yet so profound.

      Fear is the biggest block to human happiness. As you say, “Throw out fear, and happiness is an innate,inborn trait.”


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