Albert Einstein once said “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
A few weeks ago I was house-sitting for my brother and sister-in-law while they were traveling. I was busily working at my computer one day when I got a sudden urge to go to the front door.
I opened the door and my nephew was standing there – he hadn’t even had a chance to ring the doorbell. He asked, jokingly, “Are you psychic?” I said, “Yes, something like that.”
Perhaps that was a trivial event. But it clearly demonstrated to me I need to always listen to my intuition. I do most of the time, but when I don’t I usually regret it.
On another not-so-trivial occasion many years ago, I was very glad I listened to my intuition. I was stopped at a red light while driving in a busy Washington, DC suburb. Just as the light turned green, a car on the intersecting road raced through what was a red light on his side.
Naturally, I stopped and looked around carefully. I saw no other cars coming and was partway into the intersection when a clear voice, seemingly out of nowhere, said “Stop! The next guy is going to do the same thing.”
Sure enough, another car ran the red light. If I’d been just a few feet farther he would have hit my car broadside, with who knows what consequences.
That was long ago, but I learned a lesson I’ve never forgotten. As my spirit guides often say, always trust your inner guidance, no matter how trivial the matter at hand may seem. You will never be led astray.
How about you – do you listen to your intuition, your inner guidance? Please share your thoughts with us below.
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I sometimes question my intuition but in the end I always follow it because I have found out the hard way that if I don’t, I wish I did.
John Cali
Thank you, Deborah.
Hi John,
As I have grown older I have learnt to listen to my inner self or intuition, and I agree it is always right, the times that I didn’t, I regret. It is amazing how it works with your life and how wonderful it feels when you do listen.
I hope you have a beautiful weekend…
Love and hugs,
John Cali
Hi Micki,
I agree — it is amazing how well it works. It’s equally amazing to me I didn’t see this when I was younger. 🙂
You have a great weekend too!
Love & hugs,
Hi John,
That was a beautiful piece. I feel Einstein’s quote is spot on. We are conditioned to live from the mind first, and then, sort of as an after thought, we might “consult” with the heart or intuitive Self. And that’s if we even remember to do that. But as a dear teacher once said, “the mind was designed to be the servant of the heart”. So, as Einstein is pointing to in his quote, it would seem that society has it the wrong way around, or the cart before the horse.
It often takes courage to follow your intuition, but as you said in your article, it’s always worth it in the end. You will never be lead astray.
Blessings to you all,
John Cali
Thanks very much, Eoin. As you said, it does take courage sometimes.
Hello John and Spirit,
I trust intuition because it allows me to know things at such a deep level without using words. I feel if we are able to use intuition, it indicates that we are connected to Spirit and the windows of heaven are open to us.
It can also be fun!! I’ve told people I have never met, their birthday, their spouse’s age difference, what’s going on in someone’s life, etc. As long as I stay out of drama, I get all kinds of energy readings around me and I just love to use it to bring a smile to someone face… sometimes you get a hug, too!!
Love and hugs,
John Cali
Hi Jerry,
Thanks very much for your comments. Sounds like you ought to get into this “psychic” business. 🙂 I know how much courage it takes sometimes to simply get out of your own way, and give people whatever your intuition is telling you.
Love & hugs,