Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring—it was peace. ~ Milan Kundera
Image Copyright © 2006 by Noël Zia Lee
Our good friend of many years, Dan Beck, sent us the following letter a few days ago. He’s given me permission to publish it here.
Hi John,
Just had a sudden death of one of our pets. I am not writing for sympathy—well maybe I am—since I am seeking some understanding beyond what I already have.
Do animals choose their time of death the way humans do? I can’t imagine Blackie being ready to move on—maybe at the point he had a choice there was no choice. Somehow he got poisoned—not sure by what—wild mushrooms or moldy walnut—seemed plausible to us and the vet, but didn’t explain his not pulling through. A scramble to an emergency vet—to spend $800 to not feel guilty we didn’t try everything—is how it feels in retrospect—I sensed he was going to die when he first started shaking, but neither my wife nor I could have acted differently. Not sure why I even mention the money, because it isn’t important….
I know that there are just things in life we can never quite understand. A sudden death of a family pet—or worse I should think another family member or close friend. We each choose our reality and yet there are times in life they don’t seem of our choosing.
I am grateful to have had Blackie in our lives—he was (is) one of the most passionate dogs I have ever known—exuberant about life—from wild chasing barker to lovable cuddler—he had the full range. Needless to say, at less than three years old, we weren’t ready to have him move on. And naturally we are both sad and incapable at this point of seeing any blessing in it beyond the support of each other and friends.
Anyway, I appreciate your listening and your friendship. If you or spirit have any thoughts to share, I would appreciate it as well. I know in time it will feel less muddy, but in the mean time it feels beyond my understanding—and that is nothing new either I suppose.
Bought a really good bottle of scotch to toast him when we bury him tonight. Even short, his was a life worth celebrating.
Dan Beck
Outhouse Studios
Animals do not live in time, in the sense they are aware of it. They live only in the moment. Obviously, they live in linear time, as you do. But it’s not something they care about.
Since they are always aligned with their spirit, they live freely and joyfully. They know they are Spirit, they are God.
They also know, in death, they are returning to Spirit. In fact, they have never left, even when in a physical body. That is why, unlike most adult humans, they live so freely and uninhibited.
So, to answer Dan’s question, they do not choose their time of death. They just know when it’s time to go, and by whatever means are available. Age doesn’t matter to them—again, that is only a human concern.
Animals certainly feel physical pain. But they do not feel the mental and emotional anguish humans do. They know, even in the midst of physical pain, they are safe, they are loved. They know who they are—which is God. They are always connected. They know all is well.
When they arrive “on the other side,” they continue their joyful, exuberant, and happy lives, romping and playing with abandon.
And, by the way, they never leave you.
They often return to visit you. As do your human loved ones. But most of you are not open to that happening for you. It’s all a matter of vibration. If you believe, you vibrate in a positive way. And then you open the “doorway” to those beings who, on “the other side,” are vibrating at that same high level.
You never lose those you love. If you remain open to them, “alive” or “dead,” you will always be comforted by them. You will feel their presence, their energy.
None of your loved ones, animal or human, ever leave you.
Here’s Cesar Millan, the legendary dog trainer, talking about the death of his own dog.
Related links:
The Far Side of the Rainbow Bridge
What Is the Purpose of Animal Suffering and Death?
How do you handle the death of a beloved pet? Have they ever come back to you from “beyond the veil?” Please share your thoughts and comments with us below.
If you love dogs and dog stories, check out our book, Dogs: Heart-Warming, Soul-Stirring Stories of Our Canine Companions.
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About John Cali
John Cali is a writer, blogger, and channel for a group of spirit guides. His next book is Conversations With Spirit: Real Answers to Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1. John lives in northwestern Wyoming.Sign up for his newsletter here.
Personal readings with John and Spirit
Thank you, Barbara, John, and Spirit (and Laura & Beanie) – a few days makes a world of difference. I appreciate the explanation of the constant connection dogs feel and lack of attachment to linear time – it does make a bit more sense. I had a realization about sudden death with people as well – as much as it hurts and shocks – it is never about us. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt but we are not being abandoned even when if feels that way. (And I know, Spirit has been saying this all along.) Grief is a very real and amazing emotion and is remarkably timeless during its experience. Even our other dogs seem to feel it – and yet they are connected in this way that Spirit describes. The experience of loss is quite real. Pip, our dog who gave birth to Blackie, actually jumped into the grave whimpering – it felt like she knew there was no life there but still wanted to revive him. Sudden death just doesn’t feel real.
Having said that, I also, do feel the presence of friends, loved ones, and pets often – but they are without the substance of the day to day 3D world. I can feel their love often stronger than when they were alive – but I do like a good hug. I know our dog, Blackie (Hoppo) is still around – I feel his presence, I feel his love – but nevertheless, I still am not quite ready for his physical absence – but it does feel less strange as each day passes.
Thanks again for all your well wishes.
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Dan.
I know we miss our loved ones’ physical presence. But when we can continue to feel their real (spiritual) presence, then the missing of the physical fades. All that remains is the love.
Bless you, my dear friend.
What a nice way of putting it – Thanks
As my precious Little Bit (standard white poodle) lay dying, I kept telling him to go find the two older dogs he was raised with. I had already talked to the older two to be ready to greet him. He was already blind, but he put his paw on my arm and then laid his head there. He was telling me he understood. About 20 minutes later in this very dark and wet day as I was thinking of this, a huge dark cloud opened up in the center, and great rays of bright sunlight shined through, just for a couple of minutes, then it closed again, and I knew they had found one another again.
Yes, I do connect with my pets who are on the other side. They even make me laugh at times. I often feel my “Huggers”, a collie shepherd mix, at night snuggle up to my back and throw her paw around me as she did when alive here, especially if I have had a difficult day.
But I fully understand and agree with Dan, it’s difficult not to touch them.
John Cali
Thank you, Mikala, for sharing this beautifully touching story of Little Bit’s passing.
We do miss the physical presence of our loved ones.
Hi Dan,
I am so sorry for your shock and feelings of loss. I know them only too well, I had two dogs die within a day of each other and neither of them had been ill. The shock is ghastly. I think those of us who share similar belief systems are lucky though, we know our beloveds go on and never really leave us.
I completely agree with Spirit’s message, “When they arrive “on the other side,” they continue their joyful, exuberant, and happy lives, romping and playing with abandon”. Because that was exactly what my Rosie did. You can read her – well, our story here on John’s site, it’s “The Far Side of the Rainbow Bridge”.
Love, understanding and hugs,
I love this.
I love this so much.
I have always been in Love with dogs.
They tell me true.
They Love me do.
They always know just what to do.
(If Truth be told they BE, not do)
Dogs are joy
Dogs are Love
Dogs are angels from above
Dogs make life better
My favorite person is always a dog.
Dogs make life better
They love you the way you is
and give you a kiss…
What time is it always for a dog??
I love dogs
I love them so much
When I see a dog
I am deeply touched
Humans are okay
but dogs know how to play!!!
Hooray for dogs!!!!
John Cali
Thanks very much, Martha.
It is interesting that this was today’s topic in your blog. May 9th is the birthday of my beloved dog, Beanie, who passed away two years ago. He would have been 14 years old today. I have been talking to him throughout the day and miss him very much. Thank you! Of course, this is not a coincidence!
John Cali
Thanks for letting us know about Beanie, Laura. I’m happy to hear you and he are communicating. As you said, this no coincidence.