In troubled times, have you ever wondered where God is? Often, it seems, He/She is nowhere to be seen. We feel lost and lonely.
Sound familiar?
I love these words of Sir Anthony Hopkins:
“The only reason we don’t see God is because we’re always looking for him.” (Usually in the wrong places.)
In all our years of working with Johnny (and now Berna also), one of the saddest complaints we’ve heard is “How can there be a God who created this world of woe and pain?”
Well, folks, you cannot blame God or Goddess for the state your world is in. You have only to look inward to find the reason.
One of the starkest observations we have made over many years is how powerless humans have imagined themselves to be.
Whatever state (“good” or “bad”) you find your world (or yourselves) in, there is only one place you will ever find the cause: within.
For centuries humanity has been laboring under the delusion that, as one of Johnny’s friends is fond of saying, “Life’s a bitch, and then you die.”
There is only one reason any one of you could ever possibly hold that depressing view of your world or yourselves: You have failed to look within and to recognize the power you all possess, to recognize the God or Goddess you all are.
Once you see that clearly, you will know beyond any sliver of doubt, you have created your life, your world. Every bit of it.
Once you know that, you will never again ask, in despair and sorrow, “Where is God?”
She is within, always there for you and with you. You have no reason to ever despair, to give up, to feel lost.
You are God, you are Goddess. You are in control. You have at your fingertips all the power in the universe.
Whatever you see “out there” in your world is “within here,” in you. Therefore, you control your world, your life. You are that powerful. You are God. You are Goddess.
You need look no farther than within.
Copyright © 2021 by John Cali and Berna Copray
Edited by Berna Copray
In this short video, British philosopher Alan Watts talks about who we really are.
Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
It’s hard for humanity to understand that all out there is within us. Spirit is so right. It takes one person to change the world and it is each of us. My world though shared with all of you is personally my experience, my choice, my creation. Like I said we share it. We are God within physical reality yet we are so powerful, so safe, so loved that we are afraid to trust ourselves. Life is as wonderful as we want or need it to be. We are creators and we are loved by our own creator 🙂
Thanks John and Spirit
love and hugs
John Cali
Thanks very much, Jeannie, for your wise and perceptive comments.
It’s amazing to me, the longer I’m on this spiritual path, how humans fail to see (and use) the inner wisdom and power we all have. After all, as Spirit often says, we are God/Goddess.
Love and hugs,