Kindness Is The Cure

In today’s world, it often seems kindness is in short supply. But there are as many random acts of kindness as there are acts of cruelty. Or, perhaps, more.

We only need to open our eyes to all the kindness around us. There is more of it than you would ever imagine. Although you might not think so if you follow the mainstream news.

Kindness is the cure to a world gone crazy.


We have often talked about the power of kindness each of you humans possess.Read more

Your Body

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 2

One of our favorite quotes from A Course In Miracles  is in Lesson 204: I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.

Do you believe those words are literally true? Or are they just a “figure of speech?”


Your bodies are what you might call a “mixed blessing.” The importance you, as humans, place on your bodies is often inappropriate, to put it mildly.

Why do we say this?Read more

Who Are God’s Children?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 2

My first job out of college was as a New York State probation officer in the United States.

Though I loved the work, I was young and had never seen much of life’s dark side. One of my first assignments was supervising a convicted murderer. It was not an assignment I would have willingly chosen.

Over the months, Bill (not his real name) and I got to know each other well. Despite his awful crime, he was a gentle caring man.Read more

Death and Life

One of the most discussed (and most dreaded) topics, especially in today’s world, is death. Berna and I actually enjoy talking about it. If we understand what death really is, there’s nothing to fear.


As Johnny and Berna said, death is nothing to fear. Most humans do not see that. The conventional view is, first, there is life. And then second, inevitably, there is death.

We’ve said this many times over many years. But we’ll say it again: There is no death.Read more

What Did You Give Up For Lent?

Berna and I grew up in religious traditions where “giving up” something for Lent was expected. Many of you probably did too. The idea of sacrifice was “built in” to religious practices.

According to Wikipedia,The purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer for Easter through prayer, mortifying the flesh, repentance of sins, almsgiving, simple living and self-denial.”


One of Johnny’s and Berna’s favorite spiritual teachings is A Course in Miracles, as some of you know.Read more

Where Is God?

In troubled times, have you ever wondered where God is? Often, it seems, He/She is nowhere to be seen. We feel lost and lonely.

Sound familiar?

I love these words of Sir Anthony Hopkins:

“The only reason we don’t see God is because we’re always looking for him.” (Usually in the wrong places.)


In all our years of working with Johnny (and now Berna also), one of the saddest complaints we’ve heard is “How can there be a God who created this world of woe and pain?”Read more

Lessons I Learned From A Bar of Soap

Well, here we go again with another of our weird titles.

Many years ago, my fourth grade teacher had us do a brief experiment for her science class.

Two students stood facing each other. One closed her eyes. The other held a strong-smelling bar of soap under the nose of the student with the closed eyes.

The teacher instructed the student with the closed eyes to let the class know when the other student had removed the bar of soap.

After a minute or so, she said it had been removed.Read more

The Breathtaking Power Within

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Norman Vincent Peale

Some time ago, I watched an interview with a man who was obviously on a conscious path of spiritual growth. I don’t recall his name. But I’ve never forgotten his words.

He told about the time he was sitting in a cafeteria by himself. Suddenly, a stranger walked up to him, and stared at him for a moment.Read more

Secret Courage: A True Story

posted in: Blog, channeling, compassion | 8

People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest.

                                                      ~ Herman Hesse, German poet and novelist ~


We’ve told this story before, many years ago. But it’s worth revisiting, especially in the context of today’s world, where courage, secret or not, seems so rare.

When we were kids, my brother, cousins, and I loved to roam through the forests and fields, hills and valleys of our rural home area.

Back in those long-ago days, it was perfectly safe.Read more

The Angel by Hans Brockhuis

AlonsoMdeTovar5Image by Alonso Miguel de Tovar

Today I would like to talk about a happy vacation in the snow of the French Alps, several years ago, together with our eldest daughter, her husband and children, and a friend of the family.

Do I have to tell you in that respect about the caring of our then two little grandchildren, which was awesome in itself? No I do not. We became aware once more how lucky my wife and I are to be the grandparents of these grand little people who find themselves at the beginning of their paths on this Earth of the beloved Mother.… Read more

Golden Gate in the Heavens by Hans Brockhuis


Just moments ago it was raining heavily. The heavens still looked a bit grey, were full of ozone though, and smelled fresh, elated and loaded with expectation.

Askew above me an oval shining golden spot in the veil of clouds attracted my eye. To my surprise and with an elegant swing I unexpectedly rose up from the earth and seemed to travel in the direction of the golden gate in the heavens.

An unseen force took me and I wondered what to expect.Read more

Spirit Speaks Revisited by John Cali

(NOTE: We wrote this many years ago, but never published the full article on our website.)

This past year has been a most fascinating and challenging one for me. As I look back on it from the perspective of hindsight, I realize how much I’ve grown — or, I should say, how much I’ve remembered. I’d like to briefly share with you part of my journey this past year. Perhaps something in my sharing will touch a chord deep within you — and help you, if only in some small way, along your path of remembering.… Read more

Pets: Our Teachers and Healers by John Cali

I just came across an article we wrote years ago, but never published on our website. I thought it appropriate this week since we’ve been talking about animals lately.


Your domestic pets, especially dogs and cats, are one of the greatest gifts humanity has ever received. We realize you sometimes take these delightful creatures for granted — just as you sometimes do your fellow humans.

Pets are not in your lives solely for your entertainment, though they certainly do entertain you.… Read more