God is all that is. ~ Spirit
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by our modern world with all its problems and challenges. Many are despairing and giving up hope of things ever getting better.
In all the chaos and confusion, they wonder, “Where is God?” (If they even believe in God or some universal divine power.)
This is perhaps one of Spirit’s shortest answers to a deeply profound question.
We once defined God as all that is. Everything that exists is God. That includes what you call “inanimate” objects—rocks, hills, mountains, and so on. Nothing is excluded.
The answer to the question our title asks is “God is everywhere.” Just open your eyes and see the world around you.
Then look in the mirror.
You are God. Your purpose in life is to remember that. That, and that alone, is why you are here. It is the answer to every question, every doubt, every challenge you have or will ever have in life.
In this beautifully-filmed video, Canadian singer-songwriter Brian Doerksen has another great answer to the question our title asks. Our gratitude goes to Berna Copray for finding this video.
Copyright © 2019 by John Cali
Where/what do you think God is?
Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below.
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John Cali
Thanks again, Ron. Those were certainly different times. The Church (of which I’m a former member) had far too much influence over people’s lives back in those days. Of course, now the Church itself has been on the defensive, and is losing power and influence. Which, in my opinion, is a good thing.
Ronald H. Card
Thanks John, Guess I’m a bit preaching to the choir here but I just had to weigh in. As you know, Seth had an already prepared “Christ Book” for Jane ready to dictate any time she wanted, however, due to her early Catholic indoctrination and influence of the Church, she was uncomfortable with going ahead with it. The then public backlash could have put Jane and Rob in danger, and also a publisher that may not have wanted to handle a “hot potato” expose book that may not have sold well. Telling the world in the 70s that Christ was NOT crucified, was one thing, but revealing that Simon of Cyrene was the man nailed to the cross, was something else. Info is available from WE ARE SETH in Seth University, Dream Campus, my term…ron
Ronald H. Card
What you call God, is, in simple terms, the incomprehensible and inconceivable, all-pervading electro-magnetic energy force that sustains all existence in perfect balance, symmetry and order. The God energy exists in pulsating, wave form.
Sorry, there is no objectified, personified, “sky” God with a penis hanging off the edge of a cloud dishing out punishment or reward and even death.
In a dim and ancient sense, God is electricity, but not the rudimentary kind you use to power your devices.
God is the creative energy force–source from which all existence springs. God is ALL THAT IS.
John Cali
Thank you, Ron. My spirit guides have always defined “God” as “All That Is.”
Pat Ruppel
Indeed. It sure is John. Glad you enjoyed the video.
John Cali
Thanks, Pat.
Pat Ruppel
So beautiful, John, and tender reminder of God’s love and beauty all around us. Thank you for sharing.
Also, wanted to share another video I’ve always loved that goes along with this and makes me feel grateful. Here it is. Hope you enjoy.
John Cali
Thanks so much, Pat! Indeed, God’s love and beauty are all around us.
Your video is beautiful — Louie Schwartzberg is an amazing artist and filmmaker.
What are we at now, 8 billion? Something must be going according to plan,
When people stop breathing in and out, they die. When a child is born, its life begins. In other words expansion begins and begins. Free will, wherever it comes from, causes expansion and diversity and we call that life. Imho and as briefly put down as possible, that is our reason for existing, like it or not. In such growth, another factor is produced and it is called the law of accident. Since this system of existence is extremely complicated, accidents occur. Ask any computer programmer why this is so. Do not use this latter law to deny the law of attraction because the law of accident is lesser and also necessary.
John Cali
Thank you, Ron. 8 billion folks on this planet makes life a fascinating adventure!