Think of yourself as an incandescent power, illuminated and perhaps forever talked to by God and his messengers. ~ Brenda Ueland, American journalist and writer
Our dear friend George Ball, of Alexandria, Virginia, suggested recently that we come up with some inspirational thoughts to remind us that we and Spirit are eternally connected. I think George’s idea is a great way to start this new year of 2018—and set the tone for the whole year, and beyond.
The following list consists of Spirit’s random thoughts, in no particular order.
- Accept and cherish the differences among your sisters and brothers, while wanting the highest good for all. This is how you will ensure a connected and peaceful world. But it must begin with you.
- All any healer can do for your body is to remind it of what it knows perfectly well how to do—heal and return to wholeness. There is no illness beyond the reach of healing—none.
- You know all those questions you have? Quit looking for answers outside yourself. They don’t exist out there. All answers are within you—ALL.
- Most of you do not fully understand how powerful you are. It’s time to claim your power—and to know all you do, say or think affects your entire planet, and beyond. Use your power wisely and lovingly.
- Time is an illusion, albeit it a useful one to help you navigate your physical world. But see it for the illusion it is, and realize all your power is in the present moment. Nothing derives from your “past” or your “future.”
- There are only two emotions—love and fear. All negative emotions are fear disguised in various forms. Negative emotion means you are seeing life differently from God or Spirit. Loving emotions mean you are seeing through the eyes of God.
- Being fully present in each moment is the most powerful gift you can give yourself and others. Offer it wisely and kindly.
- Remember there is no separation, no veil between you and us. We are with you always. We ARE you. Call upon us in your hour of need. You are never alone.
P.S. This is one of the 9 most uplifting posts from 2018 you cannot ignore.
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Copyright © 2018 by John Cali
This short video with the beautiful actress Cicely Tyson really says it all—each one of us is divinely guided, whether we believe it or not.
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Dear John,
Wishing you & Spirit all the best in 2018.
I always cherish all the emails I receive & I do thank you as they bring me so much balance & connection within myself.
Spirit’s thoughts will be an everyday reminder of “who I am”.
Love & light,
John Cali
Thank you very much, Maria! We appreciate your kind words, and wish you all the best in 2018 and beyond.
Love, John
Happy New Year first of all…
Thanks for being such a great conduit and for sharing these thoughts from spirit.
Their words almost always resonate with me – most of the time reminding and reaffirming what I believe but can easily slip away from as is the human condition…
I was most struck by the comment “There are only two emotions—love and fear. All negative emotions are fear disguised in various forms. Negative emotion means you are seeing life differently from God or Spirit. Loving emotions mean you are seeing through the eyes of God.”
This one is fascinating because I both see the truth in it and also feel that either something is missing in this comment or maybe missing in my understanding.
I don’t believe that any emotions are inherently bad or good – however, I do think that certain thoughts and negativity block our ability to be loving. I recently reacted in anger to something a friend said to me – it all resolved well but it troubled me that someone could get to me like that … I felt it had to be a learning moment for me to recognize something that I was not comfortable with in myself – and therefore felt this friend had been incredibly valuable to me and therefore even more powerful than I had ever
thought. But of course, we each are incredibly powerful sovereign beings and respecting and reveling in our diversity is also an important reminder.
I guess I don’t think love and anger or love and sadness are necessarily at odds but I would venture to say – most of the time they are – because often (and maybe always) it is a cover for fear.
I am curious what you think or if spirit can elaborate a little more on this. All these emotions are really quite beautiful in terms of experiencing life and feeling empathy and compassion – I don’t want to limit my human experience but I definitely to not want to contribute to the wounding of our world … life and love can really be incredible and I would love to see more love and acceptance in the world – which I understand starts with me.
Being mad at myself for getting angry would obviously be even worse – but choosing to not act the same way to the same kind of stimulus in the future is valuable I think.
Any thoughts?
John Cali
Hi Dan,
Good to hear from you again! Thanks very much for your thoughtful comments.
I think, given the length of your comments, it would be more appropriate to reply to them in a blog post, rather than here. So we’ll read them and add the to our upcoming blog post files.
Thanks again, Happy New Year!
Sounds good to me … verbosity is one of my strong suits 🙂
John Cali
Thanks, Dan. 🙂
Gretchen Morin
All the best to you and yours in 2018. I have recently understood the corelation between the function of free will and Divine aid. We have to ASK for help, otherwise the barrier of free will does not get breached – ask and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened refers to this truth. We have to INVITE the Divine, welcome the angelics and guides – cultivate the relationship for the ones healing through us. I always asked, but I never connected with dots with the free will function inherent in us as creators.
John Cali
Thank you, Gretchen.
I agree with you — we have to ask for help from spirit. As you said, we have free will— and, therefore, we can choose to ask, or not ask. It’s totally up to us. I think this truth escapes many of us — it certainly did me for many years.
Ron B.
Although we are connected to Spirit we are here in this reality with these conditions in order to do a job and it is a very important one, that of expanding the Universe. Time as we know it may be illusory but it still exists. Without time expansion could not exist and evolution could not exist in this reality or any other. That does not mean that time cannot be manipulated. We come close to this process with computer technology.
When we are being counter-productive Spirit can and do see to it that our actions are re-directed. However that is not always done because our errors are just as important when it comes to coming up with innovations and that is what we are better at than even Spirit. That is why we are here on this planet in this reality. We were never promised a rose garden, we knew it and we accepted it out of Love much like a mother accepts suffering in order to give birth to a child. Hugs
John Cali
Thanks very much, Ron.
Jean Horn
This is a lovely reminder and a timely one. We forget our connection to the Infinite because we let the world emotions shadow us. We are so connected that one loving, wonder-filled thought can lift up so many who so need that thought.
love and hugs
John Cali
Thank you, Jeannie — well said!
Love & hugs,