Alternate Realities

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing, inspiration | 2

Recently, Berna and I were having one of our daily chats about spirituality.

She told me she was planning to visit a close friend of hers. I asked her about this friend’s neighborhood, as I remembered it from our recent visit—the red brick buildings with many big trees, large grassy expanses, and other details. Berna knew the area well.

Then she said she and I had never been there together. I was, to put it mildly, surprised! I asked her if my description of the neighborhood was accurate.Read more

Teach Only Selfishness

Today we’re revisiting a post we wrote years ago.


How often have you heard it said “Think only of others.” – “Love others unconditionally.” – “Put others before yourself.” – “Be of service to others.” – etc. etc.?

Those are noble-sounding sentiments. But they will guarantee you a life of misery and joylessness.

Many times, you’ve heard us, and others, say you cannot serve another unless you first serve yourself, you cannot love another if you do not first love yourself.Read more

Sickness and Healing: Follow-Up

Several people questioned our statement in the Sickness and Healing post a couple weeks ago. The statement:

“…as spirit embodied physically, you live in the illusion of linear time…. healing can appear to take time. But rest assured, the moment you ask, in that moment, you are permanently healed.

Those ideas did not originate with us. You will find them, and related ideas, at least several times in A Course In Miracles. Here are a few examples.Read more

Sickness and Healing

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 14

A Course in Miracles, in The Manual for Teachers, says this:

“The acceptance of sickness as a decision of the mind, for a purpose for which it would use the body, is the basis of healing….Who is the physician? Only the mind of the patient….What is the single requisite for this shift in perception?….the recognition that sickness is of the mind, and has nothing to do with the body.”

Those are pretty radical statements, don’t you think? But in them is the key to all healing, no matter the disease or disorder.Read more


A prominent stereotype today is homeless people.

In several recent conversations I’ve had with folks about homeless people, the common attitude was, “If they had any ambition, they wouldn’t be homeless. They’re simply irresponsible.”

In other words, it’s their own fault. But is it?

The Canadian organization, New Leaf Project, recently did a research project on homelessness. They gave 115 homeless people $7,500 each. One year later, most of the 115 people had $1,000 in savings, and were able to feed themselves and their families.Read more

The Dark Side of God

posted in: Blog, channeling, spiritual power | 2

I’m sure our title caught your attention. Does God really have a dark side?

We’ve talked before about the legendary Brazilian spiritual healer, John of God. What you may not know is John is now serving a prison sentence of almost 20 years. At his age, that’s effectively a life sentence.

Although his healing work is being carried on now by others, John is no longer part of the work, for obvious reasons.

So how did such a talented, genuine healer come to such an end?Read more

The Power of Touch

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 8


As I’m sure you’re all aware, “social distancing” has restricted our physical actions around other people. From what we’ve been seeing, one of the most difficult challenges is to avoid touching others, even those we love. No hugging, kissing, or any other physical contact.

It’s a not-so-gentle reminder of the power of touch, and how we miss it.


The power of touch is a fascinating subject, especially for those of us in spirit. Humans, in their physical bodies, are keenly aware, especially in this challenging time on your planet, of the power of physical touch.Read more

The Amazing Power of Your Mind

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 0


amazing power of your mind

You have power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and  you will find strength. ~ Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor, 161-180 A.D.

It’s story time again.

A few weeks ago, I was in my office intending to write a list of what I wanted to do the next day. I picked up my old-fashioned fountain pen, which I love writing with. The ink was low, as I hadn’t used it in a while.

The bottle of fountain pen ink in my desk drawer was almost empty.Read more

You and God Have An Eternal Connection

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 12

Think of yourself as an incandescent power, illuminated and perhaps forever talked to by God and his messengers. ~ Brenda Ueland, American journalist and writer


Our dear friend George Ball, of Alexandria, Virginia, suggested recently that we come up with some inspirational thoughts to remind us that we and Spirit are eternally connected. I think George’s idea is a great way to start this new year of 2018—and set the tone for the whole year, and beyond.

The following list consists of Spirit’s random thoughts, in no particular order.Read more

The Healing Power of Mother Nature

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 10

People say to me so often, “Jane, how can you be so peaceful when everywhere around you people want books signed, people are asking these questions and yet you seem peaceful?” And I will always answer that it is the peace of the forest that I carry inside.” Jane Goodall, British anthropologist.


Redwood Forest

I grew up in rural New York State. My favorite pastime was wandering through the woods and hills, even when most kids my age were dating, going to parties, playing sports, etc.Read more

It’s Time For Healing

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 8

Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing. Peace is the measure. ~ George Melton

heart love healing a broken world


Lately I’ve had a “dry spell” in my channelling work, and have taken a bit of time away from it. But we’ll be back to what passes for normal next week.

Unless you’re living in a cave somewhere, you’ve probably noticed all the hostility and negativity around the United States presidential election. It’s been a traumatic time for many, a jubilant time for others, depending on which of the two candidates they were rooting for.Read more

Feathers and Healing by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, healing | 0

Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing — peace is the measure. ~ George Melton

buddist-healing-mandalaBuddhist Healing Mandala

In our last post, Signs from Spirit, we talked about feathers and how Spirit often uses them to send us messages. There are many ways Spirit can communicate with us. Some are obvious, others more subtle.

Our dear friend Diotima Markis sent me an email after we published that last post. Diotima is a wonderfully spiritual lady, and a spiritual teacher as well.Read more

Dogs and Life’s Other Mysteries

Do not ask Spirit to heal the body. Ask rather that Spirit teach you the right perception of the body. ~ A Course in Miracles



Two days ago I was out for a walk in the beautiful fall weather we’ve been having. Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a snarling dog hurled himself at me, taking a chunk out of my leg. As I defended myself, he bit me on the wrist. Finally I managed to chase him off. With my leg and wrist bleeding, I painfully limped back home.… Read more

There Is No Such Thing As An Incurable Illness by John Cali and Spirit

Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. ~ Hippocrates

Image Copyright © 2008 by

We recently received a letter from a good friend who’s been dealing with chronic pain and illness for years. I know there are people reading this who’ve had the same challenge.

So I offered to publish my friend’s letter in our blog with the hope those of you in similar situations will share with her your experiences, and how you’ve coped with it all.Read more

The Healing Power of Animals: Sequel by John Cali and Spirit

“The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.” ~ Johnny Depp

02_Molly_Caught_that_Kong!Image Copyright © 2009 by Greg Holland

In our last post, “The Healing Power of Animals,” we talked about animals helping humans to heal.

An article I came across yesterday ago talks about the way a boxer named Romeo helped people heal while he was in the final stages of a fatal illness. His mistress, Riina Cooke, did her best to make his final days as easy and as much fun as possible.Read more

The Healing Power of Animals by John Cali and Spirit

Cat_and_dogImage Copyright © 2002 by Arantz

My good friend, Ann Miller publishes The Star Beacon, a popular bimonthly newsletter about UFOs and other related information. In her April issue Ann published an article, “The Deeper Spiritual Purpose of Pets” by Robert Schwartz. Robert is the author of the popular books, Your Soul’s Plan and Your Soul’s Gift.

In his article Robert talks about the healing power of animals. Most of us who’ve lived with a dog or cat, or any pet, have probably had some experience with this.Read more

Listen: How To Help Others Heal by John Cali

Image by Alpha

A few days ago I was chatting with an old friend. We have a good relationship, but she’s very talkative, and not always a good listener. That sometimes creates tension between us.

This particular day I decided to just listen to her, and keep my words to a minimum. She’s been having some daunting challenges in her work and personal life. She talked a long time, and I mostly listened.

After she was done, and we were about to say goodbye, she paused and looked me directly in the eye.Read more

All Differences Are Illusion, Only Oneness Is Real by John Cali

Image by Kundhan karunakar

In David Thomas’ film, Tuning In, one of the underlying themes was the oneness of all creation. My spirit guides often say God is all that is. That includes all humans, all animals, all plants, the land, the sea—all life, animate and inanimate, on earth and beyond. There is nothing in all of creation that is not God.

If we accept God is in all that exists—is all that exists, then (obviously) we as human beings are all God.Read more

Can You Heal Your Body Without Doctors? by John Cali

Witch Doctor Healing by Malcolm Lidbury

A recent article in The Independent, a British news site, reported Pentecostal church pastors in Britain were telling their church members with the AIDS virus to rely on God for healing—and to ignore medical doctors.

At first I thought the pastors were being foolhardy and irresponsible. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made.

As one of the pastors in the article said, “…we believe that the first healing comes from inside, it’s a spiritual healing.Read more

Heal Your Relationship with Money by John Cali

One of the most common topics we talk about with folks in personal readings is money. How do I get it? How do I keep it? How do I get more of it?

In my experience of working with Spirit over the years, I’ve seen money as one of the most daunting challenges so many people face.

Barbara Clark has just released a powerful money program that is so simple and yet so effective. I think anyone wanting more money, or a healthier relationship with money, will love what Barbara is offering.Read more

How Are Healing Miracles Possible? by John Cali

A good friend, Elsa Santos, emailed us to ask how healing miracles are possible. Elsa was responding to one of our posts, How Can We Help Others Heal?

Following are her questions. (We’ve abbreviated her email to keep this post reasonably short. We may address her other questions another time.)

Here’s Elsa’s email:

Dear John,

Thank you so much, first of all, for all the beautiful work you do with Spirit!

I´m both a healer and a translator, and I’ve had the honor and absolute privilege of translating and subtitling Tuning In in Portuguese.… Read more

Do You Know How To Heal Yourself? by John Cali

As you can probably guess, healing is a subject that comes up often in my and my spirit guides’ conversations with folks.

I almost never get sick, but the past week or so I’ve had what I guess was a severe cold. I was pretty miserable most of that time, and I’m still recovering.

The experience got me to thinking about the many times my spirit guides have talked about healing—and how our bodies know how to heal themselves (if we stay out of their way).Read more

How Can We Help Others Heal? by John Cali

One of our readers recently asked us this question:

When a group meditates and sends love/light/positive energy to a place or people or situation, can this help with healing?”

He also asked several related questions. These included:

  • The ideal size of the group.
  • Specific meditations or techniques.
  • Whether a small group could positively affect our entire society.
  • The number of repetitions needed.
  • And, in general, how to improve a group’s healing effectiveness.

Here are Spirit’s thoughts:

The best way you can help others heal is to heal yourself first.Read more

Are You Burying Your Head in the Sand? by Barbara Clark

Image is under Creative Commons License

My spirit guides and I often tell folks to focus on what they want, not on what they do not want. So is it wrong to ignore what you don’t want, even if it’s right there in your face? Is that burying your head in the sand?

Barbara Clark shares her perspective and wisdom with us today.

Spirit often tells people that their bodies can heal themselves if they get themselves out of their bodies’ way.… Read more

The Heart of the Matter by John Cali

Medical research shows most heart attacks happen between 6:00 a.m. and noon, with Monday mornings being the most common time.

You don’t have to be a cardiologist to understand the research. As with so many other dis-eases, heart problems are often caused by stress. The first part of the day is the most stressful for many, as they contemplate all they have to do that day.

But why Monday mornings? Well, you could make a logical argument that since Mondays are the first day of most people’s work week, that’s the time of highest stress — especially if you hate your job.… Read more