Religion And Fear

posted in: Blog, channeling, spirituality | 2

Berna and I grew up in the Roman Catholic Church. It’s changed some since those long-ago days. But for better or worse?

In hindsight, it’s obvious the church in the old days ruled largely by fear. The standard fear they promoted ran something like this: If you don’t do what we say, you’ll burn in hell forever.

And we believed that!

(In fairness to the modern Roman church under Pope Francis, we note they acknowledge they have work to do.)Read more

Darkness And Light

Some folks I know get depressed as our days grow darker in December with the approaching winter solstice. (In the northern hemisphere.) Ironically, this time of year is actually my favorite, which leads some to think there’s something wrong with me. 🙂

So many feel a sense of fear and dread as darkness descends. But the darkest days also herald the end of the darkness. Each day grows lighter as the darkness fades.

So why do so many suffer through this annual misery?Read more

You and God Have An Eternal Connection

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 12

Think of yourself as an incandescent power, illuminated and perhaps forever talked to by God and his messengers. ~ Brenda Ueland, American journalist and writer


Our dear friend George Ball, of Alexandria, Virginia, suggested recently that we come up with some inspirational thoughts to remind us that we and Spirit are eternally connected. I think George’s idea is a great way to start this new year of 2018—and set the tone for the whole year, and beyond.

The following list consists of Spirit’s random thoughts, in no particular order.Read more

How To Conquer Fear Forever by John Cali and Spirit

I’ve grown certain that the root of all fear is that we’ve been forced to deny who we are. ~ Frances Moore Lappe



I firmly believe, as the above quotation says, the root of our fear is always denying our true selves.

We are, after all, God in human form, albeit temporarily. Fear does not exist for God. Fear is only an illusion we’ve created because we have forgotten our divine heritage, our true identity.


Fear is one of the biggest bugaboos you humans have created for yourselves.Read more

Does Life Scare You to Death? by John Cali

Fear is one of the biggest challenges we humans deal with every day of our lives. But is there really anything to be afraid of — anything at all?

Does life scare you to death? If it does, a change in perspective is in order.

Neale Donald Walsch talks about the emotion of fear in this delightful video.

Since I’m travelling away from home this week, we’re resurrecting an old article we published on fear. Appropriately, it’s titled “Fear.”… Read more

Fear by John Cali

(This article was originally published October 21, 2008.)

This past week we’ve had a broad and intense discussion of fear at one of our new discussion forums. A timely subject, given the state of our world today.

I’m sure most of us know one of the greatest fears people have is fear of death. We talked at length about this particular fear in the movie Tuning In. Another closely related fear is that of growing old.

A couple days ago, I came across an interesting article on aging and dying.… Read more