Is Death by Suicide a Tragedy?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 20

And now, in keeping with Channel 40’s policy of always bringing you the latest in blood and guts, in living color, you’re about to see another first–an attempted suicide. ~ Christine Chubbock, television news reporter who shot and killed herself during a broadcast


According to WHO (World Health Organization), worldwide suicide rates have been increasing for the past 45 years. All age groups are affected. The primary cause is depression. Increasingly greater numbers of people are struggling with depression.

A few days ago, my brother and I were discussing the state of our world today, with all its chaos and turmoil. We got to talking about suicide, a familiar topic for us, as a number of our friends and family had killed themselves over the years.

Our discussion reminded my brother of someone we both knew many years ago, who had recently committed suicide.

In the way the ego and our society define success, Amy (not her real name) had it all–a good marriage, lots of money and beautiful homes, even a private jet. You name it and she had it.

About six months ago, Amy went to visit some friends she hadn’t seen in a while. She spent the evening with them and, apparently, a good time was had by all.

Then Amy went home, popped a few pills and was quickly dead. Family and friends were shocked and saddened. No one had any clue of what she was about to do. You may know someone like Amy.

What drives people to kill themselves? Is suicide wrong? Is our world headed for total destruction? Is there any hope for the human race?

Some random thoughts about suicide and death

  • Almost all humans have lived many lives and died many deaths. Dying is actually the easiest thing you will ever do.
  • Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts said “Dying is a spiritual and psychological necessity, for after a while the exuberant, ever-renewed energies of the spirit can no longer be translated into flesh….The self outgrows the flesh.”
  • Archbishop Desmond Tutu: “…in refusing dying people the right to die with dignity, we fail to demonstrate the compassion that lies at the heart of Christian values.”
  • All humans choose the time and manner of their death, whether by “accident,” by illness or by their own hand. So, in a real sense, all humans commit suicide.
  • If you see death or suicide in that light, there can be no right or wrong. It may be appropriate or inappropriate, depending on the person’s circumstances. But no matter what you label death, it is neither right nor wrong.
  • All came to this lifetime for a definite purpose. When that purpose has been accomplished, it’s time to leave. It is never appropriate to judge another’s life or death.
  • “There is no death because what God created shares His life. There is no death because an opposite to God does not exist.” A Course in Miracles
  • There is never any reason to give up hope.


Related posts:

Suicide: A Solution?
Is the World Driving You Crazy?
Assisted Suicide: Dying with Dignity


Copyright © 2017 by John Cali

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If the you’re feeling overwhelmed by all that’s happening in our world today, you’re not alone. But there is hope. This short, comforting video will uplift you. I found it inspiring, and I hope you do too.


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20 Responses

  1. L

    This is perfect sincronicity. From July 10th-15th, the Heart Project is taking place- raising awarenes for mental health and all mental illnesses – all of them, from PTSD to depression and eating disorders. Everyone can take part, either as a supporter or as a sufferer.
    My daughter was working in London last week and the cast of The Stranger On The Bridge ( the beautiful and true story of a man’s search to find the stranger who had prevented him from taking his life on Waterloo Bridge) came to their office and gave a very moving presentation on the movie and mental health awareness. Their message was mental health is just as important as physical health.

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Leigh. I hadn’t heard of The Stranger on the Bridge. But, as you said, it must be a beautiful story. I’ll have to see if I can find it. I agree that mental health is just as important as physical health. Balance is the key here.

  2. Ron B.

    Much can be said on this subject. One point only here; when I have learned and integrated all possible I hope that by then I will understand that helping others to move toward unconditional love is the next challenge or duty. In other words, focus on Other, the will and the decisions to do so are effective remedies which heal all feelings of powerlessness and depression.

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Ron. You say it beautifully.

      “Coincidentally,” I just this minute finished Jimmy Twyman’s lesson for today in The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking.

      Here is part of what it said: “When you extend love to another, it is like building a bridge from one world to the next.”

  3. George

    Yes, well said: “They now feel nothing but joy over being back home again.” At the same time, if I were to contemplate suicide, I would be concerned about the distress I would cause my family, friends, and close acquaintances.

    Of course, in that case, you, John, and I could communicate better.

    Love, George

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, George. I agree with you — anyone contemplating suicide should think of the distress he/she will cause those left behind. I know that, from being one of “those left behind” in this lifetime. But, on the other hand, they may well be too depressed to even consider that.

      I think we communicate very well right now, George! 🙂

      Love, John

      • George

        Yes, Johnny, I guess we already have a knowing of what each of us thinks or knows and as far as I can tell, it’s the same. Love, George

  4. Mikala

    Knowing what I am like,John, please forgive the humor. (true but humorous.)

    The Source Creator and I have a pact. When I think I am passing, S/he will make the decision and I have to deal with it in gratitude, either way. If S/he thinks I have completed my work, I get to decide whether I think I’m ready or not, and S/he will honor my decision.

    In this way, there is only a fun game concerning “dying” that won’t happen. IE: we only let our bodies leave, and even that isn’t necessary, unless you are 120 years old and the body doesn’t appeal any more, in your opinion.

    I watched a woman driver head straight at me in my car. I tried to avoid a crash, but that just wasn’t happening. Head on. And as I fully realized the crash was going to occur whether I continued trying or not, I said, “Oh,_____,
    she is going to hit me.” I was not fearful about it even as I watched.

    There are many reasons for suicide. Pain that is just impossible to deal with, not being able to love yourself or anyone else creates terrible loneliness and a desire to get away from Earth. None of those left behind here have any idea what the real reason for someone’s suicide is. It could be a pact with the Creator, like mine.

    We will all know when it is our turn. Early or late in life, there is a reason.

    Love you all,

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Mikala, for sharing. I love your perspective on life/death. I totally agree — we cannot judge another’s reason for what he/she does — not even suicide. As you said. there’s a reason for it all.

  5. Karen Lee Samson

    The virtue of the four candles of light was a beautiful video. As we choose hope, and live our life with emotional balance, and treat others the same way we ourselves desire to be treated, living by the Golden rule….we bring light into dark places. We teach by example, there are actions and reactions to every frequency put out….thus consequences for things like destroying another’s property one goes to jail, for robbing and killing one goes to trial and jail, for helping others by being a positive role model…people are attracted to you like a beacon of light and further hope….the ebb and tide of choices and universal actions,reactions flows and like the universal language of music plays out…. may your newsletter continue to shine light and share the joy that resides in beautiful spirits that are experiencing This journey on Earth …in remembering who we are…each spirit is a part of the other.”all beings of light flickering at differing frequencies …climbing the waves of ever increasing vibrations to our ultimate Love source…our creator…God. With our uplifting actions and example we keep the light and hope brightly revealed.

    • John Cali

      Thank you very much, Karen. Yes, indeed, we all have the power to uplift the world, to raise it up from its self-created hell. The more peace we carry within ourselves, the more peaceful the world becomes.

  6. Ilona

    I used to be a Catholic. The Church teaches that suicide is a grave sin. I do not agree with this though. Killing off the body as Seth says, isn’t the end of the world. Our spirit returns to where it came from. No one should condemn another person’s choice to go home. Yes, it makes us sad that he or she is no longer with us, but that’s more about us than the other soul.

    • John Cali

      Hi Ilona,

      Like you, I’m a former Catholic. I clearly remember the Church’s teaching about suicide. Two of my dearest boyhood friends killed themselves when we were barely teenagers. I agonized over their deaths for years.

      I love what you say about the sadness we feel over a loved ones death — it has more to do with us than them. They now feel nothing but joy over being back home again.

      • Karen Lee Samson

        I think we as humans are sad to see those we love and know that have committed suicide. I lost friends in my tender years to hearing one teen friend had shot herself in the woods, and another young adult man hung himself after hours at work. To reach out and attempt to help another see there are other options is why I was devastated as well as being selfish and desiring to enjoy their existence on earth. I do not judge suicide, yet I attempt to get a person help if at all possible to find a better alternative to that deep depression. I grew up going to churches that stated it was a sin, yet that judgement does not help anyone it only creates guilt to the family and friends left behind. God our creator will judge us all, we need only to reach out to people in pain,fear,and dire situations to extend love,hope,light,and positive resources. Suicide is sad, yet many have felt hopeless and have taken that avenue to escape what they are feeling.

        • John Cali

          I agree — it is not our job to judge. It’s not even a church’s job. Since depression is the major cause of people killing themselves, it certainly is the kindest thing we can do to get them help.

  7. Tom

    “Dying is a spiritual and psychological necessity”. “The self outgrows the flesh.”

    What we have outgrown is channelings from an old, much denser and darker period..
    We are entering into 5D (as classified by many), where we can decide how long to stay in a body, and how the body looks and performs.. And when we’re tired of playing, we consciously ascend into light, or transfer our identity elsewhere.. With nothing like “dying” involved.

      • Karen Lee Samson

        Dying is a process just like birth, we never die just change in energy form,the cycle of life is for infinity as we continue to merge up the spiritual hierarchy with the aspect of our soul, ever advancing and growing spiritually.

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