Instant Healing

posted in: channeling, healing | 5


One day I came home in the afternoon and it turned out that Johnny had lost his voice due to the heavy pollen in the air. He could barely talk.

I said “Let’s have a glass of champagne together. That will soothe your throat.”

So, we did. Johnny was telling me all kinds of things. I said: have you noticed you have been talking like normal and you only have taken two sips of the champagne?”

We both joked and laughed about it.… Read more

The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

Our title today is an 1839 quotation from 19th-centruy English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton.

As you’ve probably heard, the legendary writer Salman Rushdie was brutally attacked recently as he was giving a speech.

This dreadful event happened at the famous Chautauqua Institution in Chautauqua, New York. That happens to be a short distance from my old hometown of Westfield in rural western New York State.


As our friend Seth says, “There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred.Read more

Churches At War

posted in: Blog, channeling, Global oneness | 2

We realize that might be a crazy-sounding title. Churches don’t go to war. Or do they?


When Berna and Johnny were growing up in the Roman Catholic Church, the church defined what it called a “just war.” In other words, war (and all its brutality) was justified under conditions the Church defined.

Many years ago, our friend Seth said “There is never any justification for violence, for hatred, for murder.”

What’s the answer? Is there any single answer?

We will side with Seth.Read more

Did You Miss the End of Time on September 23?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 17

…all endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time. ~ Mitch Albom, author of The Five People You Meet in Heaven


In case you missed it, the world was supposed to end last month on Saturday, September 23. That was the theory promoted by David Meade who calls himself a “specialist in research and investigations.” Oddly enough, Meade said he didn’t really expect it to happen. Obviously, it did not—at least not for you, if you’re reading this.Read more

How To Predict the Future

posted in: Blog, body mind spirit, channeling | 4

The best way to predict the future is to invent it. ~ Alan Kay


It doesn’t take a psychologist to see why so many people are totally stressed out today. Our world is experiencing more chaos and confusion than it has in recent memory, or perhaps ever. The stress can take many forms: illness, broken relationships, anger, fear, depression. And the litany goes on.

People are frantic in their search for peace of mind. One place they search is the future.Read more

Is Death by Suicide a Tragedy?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 20

And now, in keeping with Channel 40’s policy of always bringing you the latest in blood and guts, in living color, you’re about to see another first–an attempted suicide. ~ Christine Chubbock, television news reporter who shot and killed herself during a broadcast


According to WHO (World Health Organization), worldwide suicide rates have been increasing for the past 45 years. All age groups are affected. The primary cause is depression. Increasingly greater numbers of people are struggling with depression.Read more

Dreams Come True, So Dream the Good Ones

posted in: Blog, channeling, manifesting | 7

Refuse to be a part of fearful dreams, whatever form they take, for you will lose identity in them. ~ A Course in Miracles



Our world is filled with fearful dreams. We need look no farther than the news headlines to get a glimpse of all the visions of horror, all the fearful dreams being dumped on humanity.

But we do not have to buy into those dreams, into that darkness. We do not have to make ourselves victims of whatever real or imaginary villains are out there.Read more

Assisted Suicide: Dying with Dignity

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 7

Now, as I turn 85…with my life closer to its end than its beginning, I wish to help give people dignity in dying….Dying people should have the right to choose how and when they leave Mother Earth. ~ Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace laureate and Archbishop Emeritus of Capetown, South Africa




When my son was growing up, one of his and my favorite pastimes was visiting graveyards, especially those where people among our family and friends were buried. It still is, even now that he has his own family.Read more

Seeing Through the Eyes of Grace by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 4

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. This is not philosophy. This is physics. ~ Albert Einstein

 albert einsteinAlbert Einstein

One late afternoon a while back I was looking out my living room window at the valley below, and the mountains beyond. The scenery is gorgeous. It’s one of my favorite views in this beautiful place where’s there’s an abundance of spectacular scenery.Read more

How Do You Uncreate Something You Do Not Want? by John Cali and Spirit

I have told you that you create your dreams, in actuality, not in theory alone. You create an actuality, a dream universe, as real as the physical universe. It simply cannot be directly perceived within the physical universe. ~ Seth, as channelled by Jane Roberts

Pillars of CreationPillars of Creation
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

One of our readers, in response to our recent post, Being Happy Is Simple and Easy, wrote us last week. He was asking about something Spirit said in that post:

Anything other than what is real is just a passing illusion.Read more

Are We Multidimensional? by John Cali and Spirit

You are a multidimensional personality, and within you lies all the knowledge about yourself, your challenges and problems, that you will ever need to know. ~ Seth, as channelled by Jane Roberts

normal_Bierstadt-Albert-The-Golden-GateThe Golden Gate by Albert Bierstadt

Last Friday morning I awoke early, about 3:30 a.m. I felt strange — not in a bad way — just different from any feeling I’ve ever had in this lifetime.

A bit later I went to Frank’s Barber Shop for a haircut. (I’ve written about Frank before, here and here.)Read more

If God Is All-Powerful Why Does S/he Allow Suffering, Like Ebola? by John Cali and Spirit

Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. ~ Helen Keller, 1880-1968

Helen_Keller1Helen Keller
Image by US Library of Congress

A couple days ago I read an interesting article about the Ebola crisis in Africa. The author was questioning how such suffering could exist if God is all-powerful.

Good question.


The “bottom line” here is God is NOT all-powerful. Does that shock you? It’s true.

God does not will humans to suffer, either deliberately or by neglect.… Read more

Dying Is the Easiest Thing You Will Ever Do by John Cali and Spirit

Dying is a spiritual and psychological necessity, for after a while the exuberant, ever-renewed energies of the spirit can no longer be translated into flesh….The self outgrows the flesh. ~ Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts After Death
Copyright © 2009 by Jonathan Kington

Our title is taken from a discussion on death in the movie, Tuning In. A few years ago I would have thought those words were absolute nonsense. But not any longer.

Yesterday I was reading Adventures of the Soul, a new book by James Van Praagh, the famous psychic medium.… Read more

What I Learned from Seth and Jane Roberts by John Cali and Spirit

Events are not things that happen to you. They are materialized experiences formed by you, according to your expectations and beliefs. ~ Seth

Seth MaterialThe Seth Material
Copyright © 1970 by Jane Roberts

Yesterday was the 30th anniversary of the death of Jane Roberts, the channel for Seth. I remember the day clearly, as my family and I were visiting my mother in New York State. Mom lived just a few miles from where Jane and her husband, Rob Butts, lived.

I was introduced to Seth by Tom, a good friend and a psychotherapist.… Read more

Nadine by Hans Brockhuis

Each mental act opens up a new dimension of actuality. In a manner of speaking, your slightest thought gives birth to worlds. Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

Alaska_Railroad_train_led_by_SD70MAC_4324Image Copyright © 2007 Brandon Wood

The journey by train is long. Looking outside, I see a green landscape, animals and water. I also see people, minding their own business.

In the compartment diagonally across from me there is a young lady. I know for sure that I have never seen her before. But what is never?Read more

Seth and Jane Roberts by John Cali and Spirit

seth-jane-roberts-channelingSeth and Jane Roberts
© Seth Learning Center

I’ve been a fan of Jane Roberts, her husband Rob Butts, their Seth books—and Seth himself—over half my life. I count Jane and Seth among my most important spiritual teachers.

Some of you probably know who Tam Mossman is. Tam and I became friends many years ago. That was around the time he was the Prentice-Hall Publishing Company’s editor for Jane Roberts’ Seth books. He continued in that role many years.

The other day I received the following email from Tam.Read more

How Do We Reconcile Reincarnation and Simultaneous Time? by John Cali

Image by Paul McIlroy

Many spiritual teachers and spirit guides, including my own guides, talk about reincarnation—one lifetime after another, often spanning many centuries. They also talk about simultaneous time—where past, present, and future all exist in the present moment.

How do we reconcile these two seemingly contradictory concepts?


Linear time does not exist in the realms of spirit—there is only eternal time.

Being fully in each moment will make you, as you say, “lose track of time.” Time as you know it literally expands (or contracts).Read more

Cold-Blooded Murder by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 66

There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder. ~ Seth, channeled by Jane Roberts

Boot Hill Tombstone Arizona

Graves of men killed in gunfight at OK Corral
Boot Hill, Tombstone, Arizona, October 26, 1881
Copyright © 2005 by Grombo

I realize that’s a strange title for a spiritual blog and website. Let me explain.

In our small town, a week ago today, two teenage boys shot and killed three people for no reason other than to steal their car.Read more

Is Peace on Earth An Impossible Dream? Followup John Cali

We received a variety of insightful comments in response to our newsletter article earlier this week, Is Peace on Earth an Impossible Dream?

So, as a followup, I’d like to share with you a few additional thoughts. (This post is longer than our usual short ones, which I know you and I prefer. But I think the subject merits it today.)

First, here’s a brief message I received from my spirit guides:

There will never be the peace on earth many of you envision.Read more

Is It Possible the World Really Will End on December 21? by John Cali

Today is December 1. Just 20 days from now, on December 21, we and our world will be destroyed. Or so the doomsayers, including Hollywood, say.

As “coincidence” would have it, December 21 is also the beginning of winter in the northern hemisphere—the darkest day of the year.

There are folks who believe the end is at hand because they believe the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012.

Even if that was to happen, it would not necessarily happen to everyone on the planet.Read more

What Are Parallel Realities? by John Cali

Many years ago when I first moved to Wyoming, I became good friends with Jim, my next-door neighbor. After a couple years I moved out of the neighborhood and we lost track of each other.

I ran into Jim again at a party about four years ago. We were having a friendly chat when I mentioned the time we were next-door neighbors. A blank look came over his face. He said he’d never lived in that house. In fact, he said, he didn’t even know me back then.Read more

Is Violence Ever Justified? by John Cali

Interesting question, and one that has been asked forever it seems.

One of my favorite spirit guides is Seth, channelled by Jane Roberts. Seth once said this: “There is never any justification for violence. There is no justification for hatred. There is no justification for murder.”

And he said this:

“No one dies who has not made the decision to do so. Your existence before and after death is as normal as your present life.”

Most of our world today condemns violence, hatred, and killing.… Read more

The Myth of Jesus by John Cali

Our friend, Melody Fletcher, publishes a great blog, Deliberate Receiving, all about Law of Attraction. She recently wrote a blog post, If We Create Our Own Reality, How Did Jesus Get Crucified?

An obviously thought-provoking title, especially if you grew up Christian, as I did.
Here are some thoughts on the subject — from me, my spirit guides, and Seth (the spirit guide channelled by Jane Roberts).


I abandoned the traditional Christian view of Jesus many years ago. As a result, my family is still wondering if he’s going to “save” me, or if I will burn in hell.… Read more

2012: The End of the World? by John Cali

posted in: Articles, Blog | 18

Last week my spirit guides told me “Your world could end in 2012.” Not the most uplifting news to hear.

As you probably know, for years the doomsayers have been predicting the end of our world when the Mayan calendar supposedly ends in December 2012. Hollywood even made a horror movie based on that scenario.

I’m sure there are some folks whose world really will end in 2012. Let me explain.… Read more

Your Power by John Cali

In this blog we’ve recently talked about several of the Seth concepts, including life is supposed to be fun and creating our own realities. Today we’re going to talk about yet another of those concepts I first heard from Seth.

I spent many of my younger years living in the past or the future, but rarely in the present moment. I was forever wishing the present could be as good as I remembered the past. Or that it could be as good as I imagined the future.… Read more