This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. ~ Dalai Lama
Temple of Kom Ombo, Egypt
Copyright © 2005 by Steve F-E-Cameron
Two friendly young women with two cute little kids knocked on my front door a few days ago.
One of the women handed me a Jehovah’s Witnesses brochure. From past experience, I figured I was in for a long lecture right there at my front door. I knew Jehovah’s Witnesses were strong evangelists for their religious beliefs and values.
But instead, this young woman just briefly summarized what was in the brochure, and said if I had any questions to go to their website.
That was it. No preaching. Just a few friendly words. Then, with a wave and a smile, all of them were gone.
I thought to myself “What a great role model for us all!”
How many of us (I include myself here) can simply and truthfully state our beliefs and values without “preaching?” Why do we need to convert everyone to our way of thinking and living?
Religious folks aren’t the only ones who preach. I’ve met people on non-religious spiritual paths who could also be pretty obnoxious about saying their way was the way. I’ve done it myself.
Isn’t that kind of narrow, opinionated approach and intolerance toward others a big part of our world’s problems today?
P.S. If you go to Jehovah’s Witnesses website, you’ll see they’re pretty direct in their conviction that not all religions or spiritual paths are good. But there was none of that from those two young women.
This video features the Indian novelist and poet, Vikram Seth. He offers several wise insights, one of which is “intolerance is violence.”
Related posts:
We’re All God’s Children
We’re Right and They’re Wrong
We’re Right and They’re Wrong: Sequel
Can You Accept Your Life Exactly As It Is Right Now?
Are there any ways you are intolerant toward others (or yourself)? Be honest! Please share your thoughts and comments with us below.
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About John Cali
John Cali is a writer, blogger, and channel for a group of spirit guides. His next book is Conversations with Spirit: Real Answers To Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1. John lives in northwestern Wyoming, in the USA’s northern Rocky Mountains. Sign up for his free newsletter here. You’ll receive a free copy of The Book of Joy: How To Live Every Day of Your Life Happily Ever After.
Personal Readings with John and Spirit
Sarah d
Hi John,
The Jehovah’s Witnesses have certainly changed their approach and joined the computer age. How refreshing to be directed to a website! Very now 🙂 it’s come a long way since the days I used to go out ‘on the doors’. Back then our opener was “would you like to live forever in a paradise on Earth?” !
Nowadays I tend to keep my beliefs to myself. I find it the best way for me. I was brought up in a climate of intolerance for other religions yet strongly believe everyone has the right to their own beliefs. So I just go on my merry way, minding my own business and believing what I will. Where I live is a bit of a spiritual desert really. I would never want to preach, had enough of that in my youth!!
John Cali
Hi Sarah,
They sure have changed and come a long way. They still more or less say their way is the only way. But they’re nicer now. Similar to today’s Roman Catholic Church 🙂
I used to keep my beliefs to myself, simply because, in a Catholic family, it wasn’t acceptable to talk about my spiritual experiences outside the church. They were right and the rest of the world was wrong. “The rest of the world” included me, I finally realized.
The difference now is I hold my beliefs as strongly as ever, but never preach to others — also, unlike in my earlier years, if someone asks me what I believe, I tell them — no holds barred! It’s so much more fun, and freeing!
As I see it I am wanting to travel towards Love. Simple. How I get this is really immaterial. Also how anyone else gets there is none of my business.
One way to not get trapped in negative judgement is to not get into the habit of judging on the positive side either.
Anything other than seeking to be in a loving state is heading for entropy, the delete button. It is a matter of understanding this and reversing the momentum.
John Cali
Thanks very much for your comments.
As you said so well, love is the key — it’s the life force underlying all we do, all we are.
Pat K
I had the same very pleasant experience with two young Black male Jehovah’s Witnesses.Indeed, an excellent way to present themselves!
Pat in Georgia
John Cali
Thanks, Pat. They’ve obviously changed their tactics over the years — a great move on their part!
My dad told us that the temple of God is within us. When I turned 13 my dad left it up to me whether or not I wanted to attend church. Every Sunday up till then I was in church, my mother insisted. But at 13 I didn’t have to go. He said that I was old enough to choose my self. I no longer went to church. My dad was a very spiritual man not a religious one. He never insisted that any one has to follow his beliefs. Many a Sunday a minister would come by and quote verses to my dad and he would refute everyone with another quote from the same bible. Those ministers gave up coming around.
Everyone has their own innate system of beliefs and that is what makes life so interesting.
PS: My Ruby is coming along beautifully. She is fun and loving and so curious. I think she spots my Melony for Ruby stands and stares at nothing I can see. Life is grand!
love and hugs to all
John Cali
Thanks very much, Jeannie.
I can identify with your experiences as a youngster. My dad wasn’t a church-goer. But my mother insisted we go to church every Sunday. So we did.
I’m delighted to hear Ruby is doing so well — and that Melony is still there with you. I’m sure that’s comforting.
Love, John
I work each day to remain in a state of non-judgment. This is not an easy task in today’s world. I have to constantly be aware of my thoughts. Because of this focus, I often (unfortunately very often) forget the intolerance toward myself. Slowly I am remembering to be self supportive and include myself in the “non-judgment” category. After all, all of creation is One.
We Are One, and We Are Love.
John Cali
Thank you, Mikala.
I know what you mean. It’s an ongoing challenge for me also to remain in non-judgment, especially when I glance at the mainstream media headlines. Or when I receive judgmental email which, thankfully, is not often.
As you put it so well, we must also include ourselves in our non-judgment.
I love the message and the video. Thank you so very much.
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Joyce. Thank you for reading and watching.
Beth Reinfjord
love 🙂
Beth Reinfjord
thank you very much for the work that you do, i so appreciate , and every week its something thats replay so thank you again by the way i am Shaumbra and you where there once very Nice
Love Beth
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Beth. And thank you for your kind words.
I didn’t realize you’re part of The Crimson Circle. Wonderful folks, and I love them all!
Love, John