One of my all-time favorite movies is “A Christmas Carol,” based on Charles Dickens’ novel of the same name.
As you probably recall, in the book and movie Scrooge showed his disgust for Christmas with the words “Bah, humbug!” He believed Christmas was just an excuse to spend money you didn’t have and to waste precious time in revelry and fun. Certainly a cynical view of what is for many is a joyful celebration, and a time for putting aside our differences and being just a bit kinder to our fellow humans—and to all creatures.
A few years ago I was returning home on Christmas Eve and saw one of my neighbors walking by. So I wished her a Merry Christmas. I don’t remember her exact words, but they were the equivalent of “Bah, humbug.” Since then she’s never spoken to me again, and she goes out of her way to avoid me.
I realize Christmas is a Christian celebration. I’m not Christian, but I celebrate Christmas. And I honor other traditions—Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, Winter Solstice, Chinese New Year, etc. In fact, I do my best to celebrate something every day.
I know the world is filled with daunting problems and unhappy people. But if each of us individually can find something, even something small and insignificant, to celebrate every day, we help uplift and heal the world with our positive, happy thoughts and vibrations.
It’s easy to believe our small efforts don’t matter, but they do matter. As my spirit guides have said, one hateful thought contributes to the wounding of the world—and one loving thought contributes to the healing of the world.
Each one of us, standing alone, has that much power. So I say let’s use that power wisely, especially at this joyful, beautiful time of year.
At the risk of being criticized, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, regardless of what tradition you follow or even if you follow none. May you find all the joy, peace, abundance, and love you seek, during this season, throughout the new year and beyond.
You have all been an inspiration and gift to me and my spirit guides over many years. I’m grateful to you for being a part of this work that I love. Thank you!
Related posts:
Merry Christmas
Wind in the Willows
The Spirit of Christmas
Do you celebrate this time of year? Is it a joyful time for you or not? Please share your thoughts and comments with us below.
We welcome your comments and thoughtful opinions, whether you agree or disagree with us. Please keep your comments polite and relevant to the topic of this post. If needed, we’ll edit for clarity. Also, we’ll delete anything we consider inappropriate.
John, on your home page is stated ‘This website could change your spiritual journey forever’ and that is so true. Your site has been a true inspiration and a powerful influence on my own spiritual journey. I never get bored of reading your uplifting posts. I am eternally grateful for your work with spirit and for your wonderful teachings.
I celebrate Christmas but not from a Christian perspective. My young son loves the fesitivities and I encourage him to explore different cultures and traditions. There’s always something to be grateful for and something to celebrate, as you say in your post. My joy of the day was the sheer bliss on my young son’s face as he opened his star present … a toy Dyson hoover!!
So thanks, John, you are a shining light and thanks to Spirit too.
Happy Christmas to everyone and joy to the world!
Merry Christmas to you, John Cali 🙂 Thank yo so much for this newsletter. It really does uplift me! x
John Cali
Thank you, Sarah.
Great stuff
John you are a true gent in an age of high tech rudeness, craziness and carelessness you always respond with kindness to every response , there needs to be more like you
Merry christmass to all of y’all !
And I’ve already downloaded the spirit guidance cards on my ipad
They’re great and anyone I showed them to thought so too
You are doing great work here and it’s nice to have this meaningful interaction online
May it prosper and help more and more people and help suffering an lost souls find their way
I must tell u my journey into channeled matierial started with an irish man named paddy macmahon ( just google his name for his site ) and his grand design series an overview of the ‘grand design ‘ of life ,simply put ,concise and very helpful in many ways, he also has a newer book out, a sort of introduction to it all called there are no goodbyes or touched by angels
Very good work
Also I must mention other great matierial , sanaya roman and the earth life series, living with joy etc accessible on
The Emmanuel books one two and three, called a balm by many for the wounded world of ours
Actually the author past away recently, I actually found out on Facebook !
And of course the seth books and Abraham hicks
Their are also a few spiritual magazines worth checking out
Kindred spirit magazine ,now available on ipad
Positive ( irish)
Network magazine Ireland
And Watkins mind body spirit magazine which is also great an has a free ipad etc app with free acess to a lot of stuff , magazines, books,spiritual map of the world ,and also can buy their ebooks on it ,it’s actually based from an old English bookstore in London
So merry Christmas and hope ye enjoy it
It’s been great to be involved in this exploration and spiritual adventure
Nollaig Shona Diobh go leir
( Gaelic for merry christmass to ye all)
I’m also available on Facebook if anyone wants to connect, I share a lot of my online Odyseys spiritual and otherwise there
Oh and I’m looking forward on receiving the tuning in book and another famous renowned channeled book ,bringers of the dawn soon too
Good luck!
May the force be with you and have a happy new year!
John Cali
Thanks very much, Joseph — I really appreciate your kind words.
I’m familiar with some of the folks and resources you mentioned. My channelling journey started many years ago when I read Sanaya Roman’s and Duane Packer’s “Opening to Channel” book. Some years before that I’d become familiar with Seth and Jane Roberts, Emmanuel and Pat Rodegast, and then later, Abraham and Esther & Jerry Hicks. They’ve all been magnificent teachers and inspirations to me.
Thanks again, Joseph. Merry Christmas!
Sarah Drury
Hi Jerry, I enjoyed your reply. Thanks for all the recommendations. I enjoy the channeled material too. I’ve just ordered the emmanuel books and am currently reading living with joy by Sanaya Roman. I think you’ll enjoy tuning in and bringers of the dawn. I have not read the latter but have heard sections of the book read aloud by barbara marcinek (spelling?).
Sarah Drury
Sorry I meant joseph not jerry!!!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, John!
Thank you for being such a beautiful gift to all of us always and in all ways. Your compassion, kindness, respect, and wisdom light our path with love and grace on a daily basis. Thank you for being who you are in all of our lives, and for adding your gorgeous thread to our life tapestries.
Love you, John!
John Cali
Thank you so much, Jenelle, for your kindness.
Much love to you, my dear!
Ann Ulrich Miller
Thanks for expressing the holiday spirit in such a delightful way, John. Merry Christmas to you and many, many blessings in the coming New Year.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Ann. Many blessings to you and yours in this beautiful season and beyond.
Love, John
Merry Christmas, John. I love the idea of celebrating something everyday. Thanks to you and your guides for all that you do. Looking forward to reading your blogs in the new year!
John Cali
Thank you very much, Chad.
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and all that goes with it, John. I am grateful to have you with me in this life among others.
John Cali
Thanks so much, George. I’m grateful to have you in my life. I especially treasure our remarkable friendship, spanning many years now.
Love, John
I have 3 versions of A Christmas Carol on DVD and watch them each year. I also celebrate Christmas in my own way. More along the lines of what is in the movies, a spirit of giving and sharing.
So much wisdom in what Dickens wrote, especially about Ignorance and Want.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Patience.
Connee Chandler
Beautiful message, John. Merry Christmas and Happy 2013 right back atcha!
Love and cyberhugs,
John Cali
Thanks so much, Connee. Merry Christmas and many blessings for 2013.
Lots of love and hugs,
Merry Christmas John and thankyou for all your wise words from spirit they have helped me many a time. Your love always shines through : )
John Cali
Thanks so much, Eunice. Merry Christmas!
Peace, LOVE and JOY to you on Christmas Day … and EVERY day …
Thank you for all you share …
Thank you for being you …
You are greatly appreciated …
John Cali
Thanks very much, Stephanie. May your Christmas Day also be filled with peace, love, and joy!
I deeply appreciate your love and support.
Like they say, we only have the fun we make ourselves. Nothing could be more true, really.
Merry Christmas to you too, John, and a happy new year! 🙂
John Cali
Thanks so much, Rado. It’s great to hear from you again!
I agree — we have only the fun we choose to make for ourselves.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, dear friend! May your life be filled with fun!
Happy Christmas John. And Happy christmas to the one great shining soul of love that is us all
John Cali
Thank you, Steve. Happy Christmas to you too!
I love celebration, any excuse to have a good time! Thank’s to you, John and Spirit, for allowing us to share with each other.
May we all see ourselves for what we truly are!
John Cali
Thanks very much, Jerry. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you John and thank you as always for your uplifting messages. May the joy be with you!
John Cali
Thanks very much, Michael. May you be blessed with a joyous Christmas tomorrow, and always.