Who, What, and Where Is God?


Richard Wagamese was a revered and prolific Canadian indigenous writer. Here’s his definition of God/Creator:

Remember that Creator is the wind on my face, the rain in my hair, the sun that warms me. Creator is the trees, rocks, grasses, the majesty of the sky and the intense mystery of the universe. Creator is the infant who giggles at me…the beggar who reminds me how rich I really am….


In your upside-down world today, many humans are confused and lost.Read more

Kindness and Caring

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 2

In today’s world it’s often tempting to believe humanity has gone to hell in a big way. But there is much kindness and caring out there that never makes it into the mainstream news.


We realize it can be challenging for humans to believe there is much kindness and caring in your modern world.

One glance at your mainstream news media will convince you, as Johnny says, your world has gone to hell. And each morning you can see more “evidence” of that.Read more

Hurricanes, Angels and Geese

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 4

I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship. ~ Louisa May Alcott, American novelist and poet


I realize the title for this post sounds crazy, but bear with me.

Every year around this time we get large flocks of Canadian geese coming down from Canada to spend the winter. Our winters in Wyoming can be brutally cold. But I guess the geese think the winters in the Canadian West are even worse.

I’ve always been intrigued by geese and their behavior.Read more