Who, What, and Where Is God?


Richard Wagamese was a revered and prolific Canadian indigenous writer. Here’s his definition of God/Creator:

Remember that Creator is the wind on my face, the rain in my hair, the sun that warms me. Creator is the trees, rocks, grasses, the majesty of the sky and the intense mystery of the universe. Creator is the infant who giggles at me…the beggar who reminds me how rich I really am….


In your upside-down world today, many humans are confused and lost.Read more

Are You Living In the Shadows or In the Real World?

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 6

A shadow can only convince you of its reality for so long before you see it for what it really is. When it no longer moves according to the laws you know…then you will look to what is casting that shadow, and when you see this source you will release it altogether by turning on the light. ~ The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking by James F. Twyman



We’ve all experienced the shadows, the darkness of life on our planet. For many people, that has become a near-constant way of life.Read more