Who, What, and Where Is God?


Richard Wagamese was a revered and prolific Canadian indigenous writer. Here’s his definition of God/Creator:

Remember that Creator is the wind on my face, the rain in my hair, the sun that warms me. Creator is the trees, rocks, grasses, the majesty of the sky and the intense mystery of the universe. Creator is the infant who giggles at me…the beggar who reminds me how rich I really am….


In your upside-down world today, many humans are confused and lost.Read more

About Prana and Food, Follow-Up

What is the most effective way to take in prana (God energy)?


Prana is all around you. You can’t avoid it. It is God energy. You enhance the intake of it when you pay conscious attention to it—when you deliberately seek to enhance it to energize your physical and mental well-being. You can even heal, yourself and others, instantly.

The most effective way to take in prana varies with the individual. You have to discover this for yourself. Focusing on your breathing is one way.Read more