The Power of Badass Animals and Women

posted in: Blog, channeling, inspiration | 8

An animal’s eyes have the power to speak a great language. ~ Martin Buber, Jewish Philosopher


About sunrise this morning, I was out for my daily exercise run. At the edge of our small town, I spotted 3 does (female deer) just ahead of me. As I approached them (they’re not afraid of humans, since they’re legally protected from hunters), a big buck (male deer) from seemingly out of nowhere, aggressively charged the does.

The biggest doe turned abruptly and stared at the buck, then charged him!Read more

Messages from the Animals by John Cali

One recent evening after supper I happened to look out into my backyard. Standing there were five small deer, grazing on the sparse foliage of that late winter day.

Deer are such beautiful, gentle creatures. I love watching them. We’re blessed to have so many of them where I live.

As the deer grazed contentedly I stood there admiring their grace and beauty. I sent them loving energy, and they immediately looked me directly in the eye. We held that gaze for several long moments.… Read more