The Man In Black by John Cali

This is a ghost story — a true ghost story.

I grew up on the southern shore of the USA’s Lake Erie, one of the country’s five Great Lakes.

The Great Lakes are famous (or infamous) for their fierce storms. In fact, Lake Erie has seen more shipwrecks than the Bermuda Triangle. A while back I wrote a blog post, The Power of One, about one of Lake Erie’s more notorious and destructive storms.

Today’s story is about another wild Lake Erie night.… Read more

The Power of One

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This is a true story. It happened November 25, 1854 on the shores of Lake Erie, one of the five Great Lakes on the US-Canadian border.

The Lake Erie Quadrangle is a 2,500-square-mile area in the central part of the lake. The Quadrangle has seen over 400 shipwrecks. Compare that to the infamous Bermuda Triangle with 14,000 square miles and about 110 shipwrecks.

The Lake Erie Quadrangle is a dark, dangerous place where brutal storms can rear up in the blink of an eye.Read more