A Funny Ghost Story by John Cali and Spirit

The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Copyright  © 2013 by John Cali

I’m getting ready to return home from this past Thanksgiving week. So this is a short post, perhaps the shortest we’ve ever done.

You may remember a post we did last year, Farewell To Caesar, about the death of Caesar, a cat in my family.

Since he died Caesar has come to me quite a few times.… Read more

Boo! What Scares You? by Pat Ruppel

Zucca2It’s October and today we celebrate Halloween, where we see scary costumes, cornfield mazes and spooky ghost houses. It’s a fun time for kids and adults to let go and pretend.

It’s also the season when we’re more acceptable of the world of the paranormal. Perhaps we’re even open to tune in and listen for something beyond what we normally hear and see.

Our bodies feel the subtle energy shifts, as Nature begins to slumber. The trees drop their leaves and the plants die with the cold temperatures.… Read more

The Dog Who Wasn’t There by John Cali

Photo licensed under Creative Commons Attribution generic license

In our last newsletter article, Materializing, Dematerializing, and Other Illusions, we talked about how physical objects can seemingly appear and disappear with no logical explanation. Today we’re continuing that topic, but with a strange, eerie twist.

One cold late February night 20 years ago, my mother-in-law died at home. My wife, her sister, and our dog Schnapsi, were with her the moment she died. I was at home a short distance away, and when my wife called I immediately went over.… Read more

Materializing, Dematerializing, and Other Illusions by John Cali

I’ve always been fascinated by this subject. But I didn’t really believe it was possible. That is, until I saw it happen right before my eyes.

One day many years ago I was leaving my office to go home. I went to my car, reached in my pocket for my car key. It wasn’t there. I looked in the driver’s side window, and there was my key, still in the ignition. Since I locked all the doors, I had a problem.… Read more

The Man In Black by John Cali

This is a ghost story — a true ghost story.

I grew up on the southern shore of the USA’s Lake Erie, one of the country’s five Great Lakes.

The Great Lakes are famous (or infamous) for their fierce storms. In fact, Lake Erie has seen more shipwrecks than the Bermuda Triangle. A while back I wrote a blog post, The Power of One, about one of Lake Erie’s more notorious and destructive storms.

Today’s story is about another wild Lake Erie night.… Read more