When You Need Help Always Go Directly To the Top

posted in: Blog, channeling, manifesting | 20

do not be afraid to ask for help

Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it

I’ve been a customer of Amazon’s many years, and have always been pleased with their customer service. But the past couple of months I’ve had a frustrating, ongoing problem with them. Without going into the boring details, they were refusing payments from my bank account. This is an account I’ve had for 25 years, and I’ve been using it with Amazon over 15 years.

I talked to everyone I could think of—Amazon’s customer service people (several times), my bank (several times), my family and friends who are Amazon customers, etc.Read more

Are You Alive? by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life purpose | 13

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~ Rev. Dr. Howard Thurman

planet earth

Planet Earth

You all knew exactly what you were doing when you chose to incarnate on your Mother Earth at this particular time in human history.

You did not come here to “play small”—to minimize or ignore your real reason and purpose for being here.Read more