Wayne Dyer 1940–2015 by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, life and death | 34

To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure. ~ J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone


As I’m sure most of you know, Dr. Wayne Dyer made his transition Saturday, two days ago. I did not use the word “died,” because none of us ever die. We just change form.

I don’t have a hard time with people dying, even those close to me. And I have little or no fear of my own death. But, for some reason, the news of Wayne’s passing shook me.Read more

Are You Having a Crisis of Enlightenment? by John Cali and Spirit

posted in: Blog, channeling, mind body soul | 6

Those who seek the light are merely covering their eyes. The light is in them now. Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all. ~ A Course in Miracles

Buddhist monkBuddhist Monk

One of our friends recently sent us this note:

“I’m interested in learning more about picking up on, or taking in, other people’s energy. How does that work? How can we learn to separate heavy energy from other people versus our own heavy energy?”

Great question, and one we’ve been asked a lot since 2012.Read more

Stuart Wilde: 1946—2013 by John Cali

One of my all-time favorite spiritual teachers is Stuart Wilde. Stuart died May 1, three weeks ago yesterday. He became a legend in his own lifetime.

So I wanted to publish this short post as a tribute to a man who gave so much of himself and his wisdom to the world. He will not be soon forgotten.

This first video is Stuart talking about silent power.



This next video is a tribute to Stuart called Stuart Wilde: A Remarkable Life.Read more