Image © Barbara Clark, 2012
When I was much younger the only place I considered home was the little farm town on the shores of Lake Erie where I grew up. When I was away from there I was always homesick.
Way back when I started this work with my spirit guides I began to get a different sense of what home really is—not just for myself, but for all of us.
Here’s Spirit.
You miss so much joy and peace by always looking for your happiness, your “home” in every place except where you are right now. Yet you will never find home, or the life of your dreams, anywhere except where you are now.
Home—happiness—are not places anyway. Home and happiness are not your relationships, your jobs, your money, your friends or family. Home and happiness are not anything or anyone outside you. They live within you.
It is only when you truly, deeply, and unconditionally love yourselves, love where you are now, that you will find happiness. Then you are empowered to live your life joyfully and fearlessly.
God speaks to you through your own voice, always and in all ways. God is always speaking and acting through you. When you trust and know you are God, you will have come back home again.
Then, wherever you go, you will be home.
Adapted from the forthcoming book, Real Answers to Life's Pesky Questions:
Conversations With Spirit, Book 1
This video, called simply Going Home, is from Runrig, one of my favorite Scottish bands, led by Donnie Munro.
Related links:
All Paths Lead Home
All Roads Lead Home
What is “home” to you? Is it a person, a place, a way of being. Where do you feel most at home? Please share your thoughts and comments with us below.
What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.
Sarah D
I’ve always had itchy feet and been restless, having lived in many places during my life. I realised that never have I been truly satisfied or happy with my physical environment, but looking back the problem was within. There was nothing wrong with the homes I lived in, it was I who was not settled or peaceful within. I’ve just moved house again and after a long recovery from a period of ill health I am starting to feel settled and happy. I am happiest inside and out when the walls are resounding with the laughter and pure joy of the frolics between my son and I! I know that the joy is mutual and laughter is the best medicine, its true.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Sarah. I agree — laughter is the best medicine.
Home is where the heart is. You are always home. Even when I traveled to England I found it felt like home……..why. Because I was there, enjoying my time and just being me.
love and hugs
John Cali
Thanks very much, Jeannie. We are, indeed, always home.
Love & hugs,
Ann Ulrich Miller
I love this piece. Even though I am supposedly in transition as far as where I am to live, there is a peaceful feeling right where I’m at. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a big house (like the one I just sold) or this small cabin that I share with my partner, or my imaginary dream of what I’d like in the future, or what was in my past… I realize, as you’ve said in your blog, that home really isn’t a physical place, it is where our heart is. And that is HERE and that is NOW! Thank you!
John Cali
Thank you very much, Ann. I agree completely — our home is HERE, and it’s NOW, in this present moment.
Mikala St. Germain
I haven’t thought of this question in a very long time, and I was surprised that my immediate reaction was, “The Earth, for now.”
I have always loved being outside, have always felt home for me was outside, not within the walls of a house. I now live in Montana, Big Sky Country, and I love it. Nature speaks to me.I have always felt the life within nature: grass, trees, flowers, creatures, and felt the connection of “all is one.”
Thanks for the reminder.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Mikala, for your thoughts. I share your love for nature and Montana — and, of course, Wyoming where I live, just a bit south of you.
Thanks for the wonderful video, John. As I was watching it, I could feel a sense of what ‘home’ is, at least for me. I was born and raised in a small fishing town in Newfoundland, moved to the States at 11 years old, joined the Air Force and moved to Asia and Europe. For me and my family, we used to say to our kids, home is where our suitcases are.
As I have aged in years, just a little bit, I felt being at home could only be found within myself. If I was to physically return to where I came from, it would all be different so it would no longer feel like my home. Seeing the world with eyes and not the heart causes a longing for home that is not real. It is only within our hearts.
As Spirit says, we are God expressing and so knowing we are God, we are always home.
Thanks, John, I truly appreciate all you do in poking and prodding us to remember!
John Cali
You’re very welcome, Jerry. I understand what you mean about returning to where you came from. I actually did that a little over 20 years ago. You’re absolutely right — it no longer felt like home. Since then I’ve come to understand what you said here — home is only within our hearts. So wherever we go, we’re home.
Love, John
Home use to be a physical location. As my awareness grew it became a projection of a memeory of anywhere I experienced joy. Presently it is everywhere yet no where for everywhere has the potential of being a joy filled place if I choose to play with it in that way.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Joseph. I love the way you describe “home” as the experience of joy.