Why There Is No Peace on Earth and What You Can Do About It: Snoopy and The Red Baron by John Cali and Spirit

Wisdom born of experience should tell us that war is obsolete. There may have been a time when war served as a negative good by preventing the spread and growth of an evil force….if we assume that life is worth living, if we assume that mankind has the right to survive, then we must find an alternative to war. ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.
           Martin Luther King Jr.

Back in the days when I was a young pilot, Charles Schulz’s Peanuts comic strips were at the peak of their popularity. One of Schulz’s main characters was Snoopy, “the funny looking dog with the big black nose.” Snoopy was, and still is, one of my all-time favorite cartoon characters.

As many of you know, he was a beagle who loved to pretend he was a World War One flying ace. He and the Red Baron were sworn enemies.

Snoopy, of course, is a fictional cartoon character. The Red Baron, however, was real. His actual name was Manfred von Richthofen.

The Red Baron was an incredibly talented German fighter pilot during World War One. With 80 “kills” to his credit, he died in a 1918 air battle at the age of 25.

Back in the late 1960s, the Royal Guardsmen were a short-lived singing group. One of their most popular songs was Snoopy’s Christmas.

At the end of the song, Snoopy is caught from behind by the Red Baron on Christmas Eve. Meanwhile, on the ground, the allied forces and the Germans were negotiating a Christmas truce. The Red Baron didn’t shoot Snoopy down, but instead forced him to land behind the German lines.

To Snoopy’s great surprise, the Red Baron jumped out of his fighter plane, popped open a bottle of champagne, and offered Snoopy a holiday toast, “Merry Christmas, mein friend!”

Then they both flew off into the darkening skies of Christmas Eve, knowing they would meet again another day.

Here’s Spirit.


Don’t you think Christmas truces are a rather strange, and contradictory, idea? Where’s the sense there?

We are not against declaring peace among your fellow humans. And, strangely enough, we are not against declaring war. War is, to many of you, a game. A rather silly game, it seems to us, since almost all of you say you want peace. But you want it on your terms.

You cannot create peace on earth by “fighting for” peace. You cannot create peace on earth by “fighting against” war. You cannot create anything you want — peace on earth, or anything else — when you are coming from a place of resistance. And when you are fighting — for or against — you are resisting the natural flow of well-being that is yours, individually and en masse.

Peace on earth begins with you, each of you individually. You cannot march out there to protest or fight when you are in a place of peace within yourselves. They are opposite vibrations.

When you have found peace in the only place you will ever find it — within your own hearts — then, and only then, will you be in a place of power. A place from which you are empowered to begin creating peace on earth.

One person, centered in her/his own still, quiet place within, is a million times more powerful than all the armies who ever marched across the centuries.

That is how powerful each of you is.

And so if you want to create peace on earth, know you absolutely must create it within yourselves first.

When you reach the point in your growth, as a human race, where your government leaders are truly peaceful — peaceful warriors, you might say — only then will you stand a chance of realizing this seemingly elusive goal of peace among all people on the planet.

Of course, when you reach that point, you won’t need government leaders. You won’t even need governments. And you won’t need boundaries and borders to separate yourselves from each other.

Then you will find true peace on earth.

An impossible dream? You may see it that way. We don’t.

Centuries upon centuries of war across your planet have not brought you peace. There must be a better way. And there is — YOU are the way.

Copyright © 2014 by John Cali

If you know someone who could benefit from this post, please forward it to them with a personal note.


Those of you in the UK will recognize the Sainsbury’s company name. Here is a commercial video they produced which, oddly enough, is about the real-life World War One Christmas truce. It’s got to be one of the best, most moving commercials I’ve ever seen.



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About John Cali

John Cali is a writer, blogger, and channel for a group of spirit guides. His next book is Conversations with Spirit: Real Answers To Life’s Pesky Questions, Book 1. John lives in northwestern Wyoming, in the USA’s northern Rocky Mountains. Sign up for his free newsletter here. You’ll receive a free copy of The Book of Joy: How To Live Every Day of Your Life Happily Ever After.

Personal Readings with John and Spirit

14 Responses

  1. Sarah

    A great reminder to cultivate peace within. Thank you. And thank you for all of your posts this year. I wish you a wonderful break and a beautiful new year John, and all of your readers <3

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Sarah. I think we all need at least occasional reminders to go within. I sure do!

      I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful holiday season, Sarah. And a bright and blessed 2015.

  2. Pat

    Beautiful reminder of what’s possible and what we’re capable of. Thank you, John, for sharing. Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Pat. It is indeed a great reminder of what’s possible if we care enough to make it happen.

      A Merry Christmas and a most Happy New Year also to you and your loved ones, Pat!

  3. Toni

    Merry Christmas, John. Merry Christmas, everyone!


  4. Sarah D

    Hi John,
    Interesting article. I loved the Snoopy story. The Sainsbury advert is very moving.
    I think that achieving peace applies to all aspects of our lives. How many of us experience difficult situations and relationships on a day to day basis? Mini wars so to speak. If we are to affect our world in a peaceful way then we first need to create peace in our own lives and relationships. Once we can stop seeing segregation around us and stop viewing others as our enemies, even if subconsciously, we can drop the resistance and allow peace to reign. A single shining candle can illuminate the darkness and light a million others!
    Love and blessings,
    Sarah D

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Sarah. The Snoopy story, although funny, carries a powerful message — as does the Sainsbury ad.

      I completely agree with you — these “mini wars,” as you describe them so well, must be won by each of us before we can have global peace. As you said, all it takes is one candle to dispel the darkness.

      Love and blessings to you too,

  5. Martha


    This is absolutely beautiful, opened my heart and brought tears to my eyes.

    Love is the most healing force in the Universe.
    May WE all find PEACE within ourselves NOW and create the LOVING world that will set us all FREE.

    Love feels so much better than anything else!

    Thank you so much for this exquisite Christmas message.

    God Bless Us Everyone.

    May this Season of Light continue FOREVER in each and every human heart.

    and to WANT to be THAT more than anything.
    More than the trap of needing to be right which only separates and causes pain.


    With Love and great appreciation for all you share in the Spirit of Love,

    Your Friend,


    • John Cali

      Thanks so much, Martha, for your beautiful, heartfelt message! As you said, love is the way, the only way.

      Merry Christmas to you too!

  6. Pat

    When I started to read your message (valuable as always) a t-shirt or poster from about 15 years ago popped up: “Bombing for peace is like (deleted) for virginity.” Even that’s a bit combative but succinct.

    Merry Christmas, Jon and all!

    • John Cali

      Thanks very much, Pat. I remember that quote from years ago. As you say, it’s combative, but it gets the point across loud and clear.

      Merry Christmas to you too!

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