Are You Doomed By Your Genes? by John Cali


I often hear folks saying “It runs in the family.” Usually “it” means a particular disease or illness. These folks typically believe they are doomed by their genes.

I had a graphic example of this in my own family many years ago.

One of my uncles died at the age of 55 from a heart attack. His son, a favorite older cousin of mine, was convinced he too would die at 55 of a heart attack. He had a happy life, a large wonderful family, and much to look forward to in the years ahead.

I visited with him one July, and we had our usual great time, laughing and partying, as we usually did when we got together. He had just retired from a job he’d held over 30 years. In apparently good health, he was looking forward to retirement. Except for that dark family shadow hanging over his head — at least that’s how he saw it.

True to his expectations, he died of a heart attack just after turning 55.

Here’s what Spirit said about this sad family event:

Friends, you are not doomed to experience (fill in here whatever disaster you like). You are not doomed to repeat whatever experiences your family, or any others, have had.

Your “genetics” — your bodies — do not condemn you to poverty, to illness, to death. Or whatever.

The only thing that “condemns” you is your own thoughts. And those thoughts, which you are totally free to choose, determine the way you flow energy through your bodies, through your relationships, through your lives.

P.S. My cousin’s two sons, now past their 55th birthdays, obviously didn’t buy into the family “curse.”

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5 Responses

  1. Carin

    It can work the other way around too. In our family people tend to live very long. So when someone dies at an age of about 65-70, they are said to have died young.
    Everyone expects to live until at least 80 or 90 – although high blood pressure and stroke “runs in the family”. 🙂

    • John Cali

      Thank you, Carin, for your comments. I hadn’t thought of that perspective, but I agree with it. We have exactly the same situation in my family. In fact, our oldest family member died recently — at the “young” age of 101. 🙂 And she was relatively healthy and mentally as sharp as ever.

  2. Micki

    Hi John, it is amazing how the mind works, I also believe we are the masters of our own creation.

    Live, love and laugh has been my family’s motto for as long as I can remember, my parents and their parents were into life and I have passed that onto my children and it works. Life is what you make it…and its great 🙂

    Huge hugs to you John.

  3. Barbara

    Oh this is SO true. It is my passionate wish that more people knew the truth about this. But then you know that! Brilliant blog post, Sweetheart! x

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