Holiday Candles by Rennett Stowe
With the holidays upon us again, our thoughts turn to celebrations. And celebrations sometimes lead to overindulgence. Overindulgence, in turn, leads to thoughts of how we can create healthier bodies.
Here are a few tips from Spirit.
- Love your body unconditionally—exactly as it is right here and right now. It is part of you, your spirit. You chose it—now cherish it for the gift it is.
- Your body needs quiet time—meditate regularly. It doesn’t have to be a long time. Regularity is more important than length.
- Pay attention to your breathing. Your breath is your most powerful connection to your spirit. That’s why conscious breathing and meditation go well together.
- Treat your body as you would a beloved child or pet. Pay attention to what you put into your body. Eat food as close as possible to its natural state. Drink lots of pure water. Avoid toxic substances.
- Although it is up to you to cherish and care for your body, know it has its own consciousness and intelligence—just as you do.
- Your body will thrive if you always look for the joy, the positive in all your experiences—even the challenging ones.
- Your body will thrive if you live in a state of deep appreciation and gratitude.. Learn to appreciate and be grateful for everything, “good” and “bad.” Really, it’s all good.
- Just as your body needs quiet time, it also needs active time. It needs to move—through exercising regularly, taking walks in nature, stretching, etc. Move your body. It was not built to stand still.
- Your body also needs rest, sleep. Get whatever amount feels right for you—your body knows and will let you know. Trust it.
- Sleep allows your spirit to fly free, unencumbered by your daily physical concerns and constraints.
- Never, ever do anything you do not believe is good for you—or for your body.
- Lastly, have fun. Your spirit and your body thrive mightily when you laugh and play. Just have fun with your life. Laugh more. Play more. You and your body will reap rich rewards.
Adapted from Spirit Oracle Cards
Here are Esther Hicks and Abraham talking about doing what’s best for our bodies.
Related links:
How To Create Your Perfect Body
Is Fear of Food Ruling Your Life?
Is Your Body Your Buddy?
Do you generally take good care of your body—or are you careless about it? What can you do to take even better care of your body every day? Please share your thoughts and comments with us.
What other subjects would you like us to talk about in these posts? Please email me.
About John Cali
John Cali is a writer, blogger, and channel for a group of spirit guides. His next book is Real Answers to Life’s Pesky Questions: Conversations With Spirit, Book 1. John lives in northwestern Wyoming. Sign up for his newsletter here.
Sarah Drury
Thanks for this timely reminder John and spirit. I found this post inspirational and it really made me think about exactly what I put into my body. So much so that during today’s shop I ditched the cake and biscuits and filled my trolley with fresh fruit and healthy food. So thanks again.
John Cali
You’re most welcome, Sarah.
Hi John,
I agree with Mikala, our bodies do a marvelous job of looking after us. Especially if we get ourselves out of the way.
I think it is like everything else in life, if you are at peace in your relationship with yourself, your body and the substance or situation involved you will have no problem with it.
If any of your readers would like a bit of help with releasing negative food associations and replacing them with gratitude and appreciation before the festive season this transcript from my Heal Your Relationship With Food Programme should help.
With love,
With every breath I take, I am sending, love and gratitude to every single cell in my body…
Yes, yes, yes, yes……….
Every part of me is getting the optimum benefit from this exercise! Yes, yes, yes…
With every breath I take, I am sending, love, gratitude and healing to my relationship with food! Yes, yes, yes…
I release any guilt I have about my relationship with food! Yes, yes, yes…
I release any blame I feel about my relationship with food!
I release any anger I feel in my relationship with food!
I release any fear I have in my relationship with food!
I release any conflict I have in my relationship with food!
I release any cravings I have in my relationship with food!
I release any grief I have in my relationship with food!
I release any shame I feel in my relationship with food!
I release any feelings of powerlessness I feel in my relationship with food!
I release any anxiety I have in my relationship with food!
I release any longings I have in my relationship with food!
I release the belief that some foods are sinful!
I release the belief that there are right foods and wrong foods!
I release ALL the fear based beliefs I hold about food!
I release the belief that I am a victim of my metabolism!
I release the belief that I am a victim of my genes!
I release the belief that I am at the mercy of my fat cells!
I release the belief that I wouldn’t feel safe being slim!
I release the belief that I am weak willed!
I release any feelings of rejection I have in my relationship with food!
I release any fear about harmful ingredients that may be in my food!
I clear any and all ways that I hate my body!
I clear all the conflicting emotions I have about food!
I release and completely let go of all the fear based messages about food and health that I am inundated with every day!
I release the habit of using food as a substitute for affection!
I release the way I try to stuff my feelings and fill that painful place with food!
I clear all the ways I mistake food for love!
I release the belief that my excess weight keeps me safe!
I release the love/hate aspects of my relationship with food!
I release the guilt I feel when I eat something experts tell me is bad for me!
I release all self loathing I feel!
I clear all the ways I worry about my health and weight!
I release all the ways I dislike my body!
I clear all the ways I don’t believe I chose my body!
I clear all the ways I do not believe my body is perfect exactly as it is!
I clear all the ways I believe, I can’t help it!
I release and completely let go, of the belief, that I am a victim of my body!
I release and completely let go, of the belief, that I don’t have the power to create the perfect body!
I release the belief that I am a victim of the fast food outlets!
I release the belief that I don’t have time to eat healthily!
I release the belief that I don’t have time to sit down and savour a delicious meal and focus on the benefits and nourishment the food is giving me!
I release and completely let go of the belief that I have a bad relationship with food. I now realise that I am not a victim, I was doing the best I could whilst holding on to those erroneous, old beliefs!
Why do I feel so peaceful now?
Why do I feel so forgiving now?
Why do I feel so reassured?
Why do I feel so appreciative now?
Why do I feel so comforted?
Why do I feel safe now?
Why do I feel supported and secure?
Why am I accepting?
Why am I worthy?
Why is it easy for me to focus on love and gratitude for my food?
Why is it so easy for me to digest nourishment with ease?
Why is it easy to savour food now?
Why do I feel re-charged and re-energised by the gift of food?
Why do I feel my body getting the maximum possible nutritional and heath benefits from my food?
Why do I no longer carry those old, corrosive beliefs and attitudes about food?
Why am I completely free to change my outlook and my body?
I am not at the mercy of my genes or metabolism!
Why am I so peaceful, joyful and centred?
I am content, peaceful and full-filled!
I give my body only the food I believe is best for it!
I now know, no food is sinful!
I see my food as the gift it truly is!
I open myself to be at peace with my body!
I savour every delicious mouthfull!
I chose my body. My body is my spirit physically expressing itself in this now moment!
I create and re-create my body with my thoughts and emotions. So I choose positive, conscious creation!
I no longer try to swallow down indigestible emotions!
It was easy and safe to stop holding on and to let go of everything that no longer serves me!
I lovingly allow, love, joy and good health to flow through my mind and body!
My body is restored to its natural state, perfect health!
Food is fun!
My relationship with food is positive and healthy!
I enjoy and celebrate my food!
I chose and enjoy those foods that resonate with me!
My body benefits from the food that resonates with me!
I love and appreciate my body!
Meal times are sacred time when I honour and nourish my body!
I am loved and loving!
Affection and love flow easily in to my life!
I love and appreciate my body!
I love and appreciate my food!
I am patient and loving with my body as it learns new habits!
I give thanks with reverence and honour for my food!
I take my time and savour my food!
My body gets the maximum possible benefits from the food I eat!
I am grateful!
I appreciate!
The energy of my relationship with food is healthy, loving and flowing.
I am healthy, loving and grateful!
It is safe to embrace change!
I relax and let go of the pressure!
I am peaceful, joyful and centred!
I allow the energy of my soul to flow through my body!
All good things, all my wildest dreams, flow to me, easily and effortlessly!
I have a good body! Actually, I have a great body and a great relationship with food. Thank you, body and food, for everything you do for me!
I am Peace.
I am Love.
John Cali
Thanks very much, Barbara, for sharing your program — it’s very powerful.
You are very welcome, John. I hope it is helpful.
Actually, my body takes care of me. I just do what it tells me, when it tells me. That is the truth! Together we are very healthy.
Love to all,
John Cali
Great answer, Mikala!
Thank you, John.
This is good.
I would add to that the 1/3 formula I was recently reminded of at a Sufi gathering:
For physical harmony let your stomach be:
1/3 food
1/3 water
1/3 air
In other words. don’t stuff yourself!
I have a tendency to eat too much, too late in the evening which is also not a great formula.
Because when we eat. heavy meal late at night and then go to bed, we create a conflict in the stomach because we are asking our body to work and rest at the same time. I have also used food for comfort, to ease emotional upset and stress or know – trying to fill the empty hole where Love should be. Living and breathing God is a much better diet for me!
And I agree it’s important to FEEL GOOD about what we put in our bodies.
For me, gentleness and appreciation, being present in the moment, blessing my food…and really enjoying everything I eat is the best diet of all..
And I DO really need to get my juicer going again!
Because when I juice I feel ALIVE” and that feels GOOD!
John Cali
Thanks very much for sharing, Martha. I know folks (I used to be among them) who use food for comfort. Nothing wrong with that — unless we’re using food to cover up problems we need to face head-on.